Qi Bolin thought to himself, since he has decided not to hide his obsession, can he also ask Beizhai to help her and the admiral draw some notebooks for collection, because he used to feel that it was too shameful to be known by others, so although he and the admiral I played a cosplay, but I didn't take a picture of it as a souvenir, because I was worried about being seen by others.

But it doesn't matter now, you can think about it.

There is a helpless and shy smile on Guanghui's face... Although she herself does not resist this strange atmosphere, it still makes her a little shy...

Shengli had a playful smile on her face. She wondered if she should bring in her sister and Kewei together and ask Tirpitz to draw a book about Guan Bao's acquaintance.

Kewei was thinking about how his brother used to feed these people...

Marblehead lowered her head, not daring to look at these people. It seemed to her that she was already being terrified to be seated.

Tashkent was fiddling with her own camera, planning to take some fun photos before Ling Bo came to prepare for the news agency in the future, and she also planned to show the admiral the photos she took before.

Hood looked at Dedechan and Bismarck, thinking that when he met the Bismarck in this world, he was either built by the admiral or salvaged by the admiral, how would he face each other?

Will it be a rivalry like this?

Xi Li is observing everyone, in order to be a qualified secretary ship, he must have a good relationship with everyone...

The perfect headmaid, Belfast, stood beside An Zhiyuan, in a corner where no one could see, raised the back of her skirt, blushed slightly, looked at everyone with blurred eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

Perhaps in the crowd, only the Tangyu didn't respond, and ate his dinner in silence, looking at Belfast who was behaving strangely from time to time.

Today's port area is also very warm.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As for Frederick, he had already finished his dinner early and returned to An Zhiyuan's room.

Taking out the medicine Bismarck gave her, she swallowed it without hesitation.

In fact, Frederick didn't know what kind of medicine it was, and when An Zhiyuan and Bismarck were whispering, he just asked, "Did you bring the medicine?"

Then Bismarck said he brought a box, so Frederick didn't know what kind of medicine it was.

However, she could feel that the child hoped that she could take the medicine, so even if she didn't know what the medicine was, what effect it had, what would happen after taking it, and the consequences, Frederick took it. .

For her own children, she can give everything, and she doesn't bother to ask. Since he wants to eat by himself, then let's eat.

Out of fear that some strange conditions would cause everyone to worry after taking the medicine, Frederick quickly finished his dinner, and smiled apologetically at the two protagonists tonight—Bismarck and Tirpitz, and came to Go to my child's room, and take medicine...

Of course, Frederick knew that the medicine would definitely not do her any harm. She trusted the child unconditionally because she believed that he would never hurt herself...

After taking the medicine, Frederick sat quietly beside An Zhiyuan's bed, feeling the changes in his body.

Since it is the medicine that the child wants her to take, it must be useful for the ship's mother...

Sure enough, not long after taking it, she felt the effect, and she felt her heart swell... A strange feeling exploded in her heart, it was hard for her to describe what kind of feeling it was... just It feels like...she seems to like that kid more than usual...she really wants to see him soon.

Frederick's face turned rosy, she looked down at her chest, she felt something, ah... So this medicine is for this purpose... No wonder that bad boy wants her to take this medicine...

Hehe, that's fine...if he wants to.

Frederick didn't relieve the uncomfortable feeling in his heart, but propped his chin with his hands, thinking of his own child's face, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, just like that, waiting for him to come back.

When Frederick was about to take medicine, Bismarck told An Zhiyuan, which made him look a little weird. He really wanted Frederick to take medicine, but not now, but later...

Is it because my performance today was taken as a hint?Hey, no, it was taken as a statement, right?

If it was Frederick who pampered himself so much, it is indeed possible that he would just take medicine like this...

But tonight, according to the usual rules, is to accompany Bismarck and Tirpitz...

After all, Bismarck is An Zhiyuan's ship's wife, even if she doesn't read her mind, she can probably understand what An Zhiyuan is thinking, she said softly: "It's okay, let's go find Emperor Frederick, since Beizhai and I are here, we won't let you go." Lack of time with you, don't rush this moment."

"But..." An Zhiyuan still hesitated.

Bismarck leaned over, put his cheek against An Zhiyuan's, and said, "Compared to those of us who have been with you for a long time and who have already been fully trained, are there any other girls who you haven't given rings to?" The ship girl who is full of affection needs company more than us, so go, admiral, you are not such a entangled person."

An Zhiyuan blinked, indeed he is not such a entangled person... So, he was thinking about whether to drag Bismarck and Bei Zhai to find Dadi Mama together.

But after thinking about it, let’s forget it... At first, the three glorious sisters had so many people because the three glorious sisters came on their own initiative. Dido and Sirius are also relatively unexpected types, but Frederick’s words... .Sure enough, let's be more honest...

But in the future, you can bring three people together.

In short, An Zhiyuan went to Frederick's room, but did not find Frederick.

Um?Where has she gone?

An Zhiyuan was a little confused, could it be that he went to his own room?

When An Zhiyuan returned to his room, he saw Frederick sitting on the edge of the bed, with his hands propped on his chin, his elbows on his thighs, and he looked like a young girl in full bloom. Did she also have such an expression?

It's so beautiful... The room didn't turn on the lights, and the bright moonlight shone in from the window, hitting Frederick's body, adding a layer of mystery to her, and she was already beautiful, and she was even more beautiful.

Frederick had already spotted An Zhiyuan when he pushed the door open. She put her hands down and put them in front of her belly, looked at An Zhiyuan and smiled slightly, "You're back? Good boy."

"Well... I'm back..." An Zhiyuan blinked, and then slowly walked to the window, reaching Frederick's side.

Frederick stretched out his hand, took An Zhiyuan's hand and interlocked his fingers, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Well...I know, I went to your room to look for you, but I couldn't find you..." An Zhiyuan nodded and said.

Feeling the pink and tender fingers between his fingers, An Zhiyuan didn't have any thoughts about that in his heart. Maybe Frederick was so beautiful, so beautiful that An Zhiyuan forgot that this beautiful woman was his wife.

"I took medicine..." Frederick said with a smile: "Bad boy, don't you really want me to take medicine? I took it."

An Zhiyuan's thoughts of being suppressed rebounded instantly, is she worthy of being the Madonna of Darkness, the beauty makes people reluctant to be tarnished, and the flattering makes people want to...

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