Is it...kiss?kiss?

Right now, you should close your eyes...

Gascogne closed his eyes, and then felt a warmth on the side of his face...

Hmm... isn't it the mouth?Gascogne opened her eyes, but she didn't feel any disappointment. Instead, she felt her heart beating faster and faster. She looked at An Zhiyuan, " heart beats so fast..."

"Normal reaction..." An Zhiyuan said, in fact, his heartbeat was also very fast, such Gascogne is really beautiful and attractive...

"Then...then can I kiss the master?" Gascogne asked again.

An Zhiyuan closed his eyes, "Of course, come on..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

An Zhiyuan originally thought that Gascogne would kiss the face like him, but he really didn't expect Gascogne to kiss the mouth directly.

Surprise... very surprise... Gascogne, you are very brave...

However, An Zhiyuan won't back down, and the admiral can't run away!

Although Gascogne spoke directly, it is obvious that her understanding of kisses is only at the level of mouth-to-mouth, because the book she read also contained such a completely inexperienced three-none girl, not Bei Zhaihua. It is based on the Duke of York, Missouri, Mutsu Nagato and other frightening ship girls... If it is based on them, just kiss, Beizhai will draw a very frightening, For example, entanglement, and changing saliva and the like.

Gascogne only knows how to touch mouth to mouth... In fact, it's not bad, at least not directly hitting teeth with force.

An Zhiyuan was not in a hurry, nor did he guide her... because he wanted to see how far this pure Gascogne, who was as pure as a piece of paper, could take the initiative...

Perhaps feeling that simply putting lips on lips was not enough, Gascogne tried to stick out his little tongue and knocked on a deeper door.

An Zhiyuan has always been like this, as long as you take the initiative, then our story must be that kind of sticky and hot, An Zhiyuan began to respond to Gascogne.

Although she is of the same legal system as Sister Li, it is obvious that Gascony does not have the romantic kissing skills of Sister Li, but then again, Sister Li's kissing skills are also practiced by herself, so I have to You can only practice Gascogne's kissing skills. You are a legal ship, and the wet kissing skills of legal ships are not good enough, so that won't work.

However, kissing back to kissing, An Zhiyuan has no plans to proceed to the next step. Although if he and the other ship girls have reached this step, it is basically equivalent to continuing to walk all the way to the end, and he can go through the railing and go in directly, but Gasco Nirvana is different, she may not know what her performance represents, so, An Zhiyuan is still very peaceful.

Gascogne's body became softer and softer, and he was already lying in An Zhiyuan's arms after kissing her.

It wasn't until the two separated that An Zhiyuan supported Gascogne to stand up again...

"Lord, master...why...this feeling is so good...the lips are numb, it's an addictive feeling..." Gascogne asked a little confused.

Um... How should I answer this question for you?

In fact, there is a better feeling than this... But answering like this will obviously spoil Gascogne. He wants to watch Gascogne become "bad" step by step, and he doesn't want to be able to guide her.

For the pursuit of love, let yourself be dyed black Gascogne, ah...

Well, don't men like this?Dye the white paper black, straighten the lily, make the saint fall, and make the empress bow her head...

It's always a rewarding feeling to accomplish something like this...

"Because I like the other party, I feel this way." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

This sentence is not wrong. It is disgusting to kiss someone you don't like and touch your lips with your lips.

It's disgusting to think about, let alone actually kiss.

Except for some psychopaths, if you don't kiss the person you like, of course you won't have such a comfortable feeling.

"That's it..." Gascogne lowered his head when he heard the words, stretched out his hand to press his chest, and felt the crazily beating heart, this... this feeling... so strange, but...

An Zhiyuan led Gascogne to sit down again, and the two of them were shoulder to shoulder. A gust of sea breeze blew over and blew their hair. An Zhiyuan's hair was not long, and he didn't like long hair. Not energetic, so Belfast often asks Belfast to cut his hair.

Gascogne is a ship's daughter, and her hair grows according to her own will. For example... a certain admiral said to his short-haired destroyer, "I will marry you when your hair reaches your waist."

Then, this destroyer must want his hair to grow, and then his hair will grow longer and longer, at a speed similar to that of normal people, and then the admiral will have to marry this destroyer.

But if you don't want to, or to put it another way, if you don't think about it deliberately, Jianniang's hair is fixed, it won't grow, and it won't lose hair. Speaking of it, An Zhiyuan hasn't lost it since he became an ancient god. Hair, unless it's the ripped kind.

An Zhiyuan turned his head, picked up a handful of Gascogne's short blue hair, and smelled it lightly, um, it smells very good.

"Master." Gascogne turned her head and slipped her hair from An Zhiyuan's hands. An Zhiyuan raised his head and saw Gascogne's eyes.

Her eyes are dark gold and very beautiful.

Her expression was hard to explain, she said, "Master...I suddenly...suddenly feel...a little scared..."

"What's wrong?" An Zhiyuan came back to his senses after hearing her words, and asked strangely.

"Master, if it's me who understands my feelings...or me?" Gascogne asked.

In the past, she existed as a weapon, and as a weapon, it was to help the master destroy the enemy. If she couldn't sit properly on this point, she should be destroyed.

But the master said that even as a weapon, it can't just be used to kill the enemy, so he let himself understand the meaning of "love".

Up to now, she seems to have touched the edge of "love".

However, if that kind of self violates the concept that she was created for, she should have been a weapon without emotion, and a weapon should not have any emotions. Only now did she realize that she seemed to have reached a path that was consistent with her own. On a completely different path...

Can such a self really be regarded as a self?

An Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Why do you say that? The cold and robot Gascogne is you, and now this kind of Gascogne full of rich emotions is also you. You have always been you, just because Knowing something new, having a new perspective, why not you? Gascogne, I asked you to understand the meaning of 'love', so that you don't just see yourself as a weapon."

An Zhiyuan has never regarded the girls as weapons. Indeed, he needs to rely on them to defeat the sirens, but they are warriors with their own feelings, not the kind of weapons that only know how to complete tasks.

These are all my own wives. Whoever only regards them as weapons will not be able to become a commander or admiral.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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