Gascogne thought about An Zhiyuan's words, and then suddenly realized, indeed, he shouldn't be afraid, it's just a different view.

In the past, the master was regarded as a person who used a weapon, and he hoped that he could regard himself as a weapon, and then use his own weapon, and hoped that he could help him.

But now, the master is nothing else, the master is the master, the sustenance of her feelings, she still hopes that she can help her, but, no longer like before, she hopes to be regarded as a weapon by him, she... I like the master, so it is good that the master can like myself... There will be such thoughts in my heart, not for liking a weapon at hand, but... the kind of liking like I like him... leave and see The kind of liking I'll miss.

" you like Gascogne?" Gascogne asked this question that he was very concerned about.

She hopes her master likes her, if not...she will feel bad mood...

"Of course." An Zhiyuan said with a smile. I'm just a big pig. When I saw you, I fell in love with you. I've always liked you. That's why I asked you to understand the meaning of "love". After all, if you You don't even understand the meaning of "love", how can you understand my feelings for you, and then respond to me.

"I like Gascogne, just like you said that we are the love between the master and the ship's wife. I treat you like the master loves the ship's wife." An Zhiyuan said.

Although he prefers to call himself the admiral, Gascogne has always called him master, so he calls himself master.

Two red clouds floated on Gascogne's fair and pretty face, and she felt the unusually high temperature of her cheeks... Her heart seemed to experience the abnormally fast beating again... After hearing what the master said, It's getting weird again...

Is the master confessing?

Why is it just the same tone of voice as usual, but it sounds so different to the ears?

Is it because of the meaning in the master's words, after knowing the master's thoughts... very happy?

Today's Gascogne has experienced many new feelings, and An Zhiyuan has no plan to continue. It's not the right time. An Zhiyuan has never been impatient. Generally speaking, the girls are the ones who are anxious... But if they were impatient and took the initiative, An Zhiyuan would not refuse.

But obviously, Gascogne will not take the initiative, at least not now.

Sitting under the tree with Gascogne and blowing the sea breeze all morning, and then went to have lunch together, An Zhiyuan planned to use the hot spring resort tonight.

So he found Belfast and talked to her about it.

The hot spring villa is some distance away from the town guard's mansion. It is basically under the mountain in the center of the island, and it is built close to the mountain. This is what we want.

If you want to use it at night, you need to prepare it in advance, but now that the master said it so early, of course there is enough time for preparation.

Belfast first found Fusang who was cleaning up and washing dishes, and after helping her deal with the kitchen problem, he talked to her about using the hot spring resort at night.

"You can consider cooking and eating there directly at night, so you have to prepare the ingredients before you go." Belfast said: "In addition, you must take a hot spring, and you have to bring all kinds of bath towels and the like. In the past, the ingredients were left to you, Miss Fusang."

Fusang nodded, of course there is no problem in terms of food.

Immediately, Belfast found Dido and Sirius, and asked them to go to the hot spring villa to prepare first, or to see where they needed to be cleaned again.

Although there are people cleaning and cleaning every day to keep the place clean and hygienic, they should not be taken lightly.

After that, she found other people who were idle in the tutelary mansion, and asked them to prepare for the past with some spare sheets and quilts, and prepare everything for eating, playing, and sleeping.

Although in fact An Zhiyuan just started to soak in the hot spring...he didn't think about eating and sleeping there...

However, Belfast, as the head maid, must of course consider all possibilities and prepare for these things.

Although An Zhiyuan didn't tell Belfast that he wanted to eat and sleep there, what if the master changed his mind?Who can say this?As the head maid, you must do it to the extent that "the master doesn't have to do it, but if the master wants to do it, he must have it".

Look, what is a head maid?I don't know how much higher the posture level of a crumb maid like you who only knows how to squeeze.

Of course, An Zhiyuan also likes Dido and Sirius very much. After all, there must be decent maids, and there must be bad ones. This is for the diversity of the port area.

In short, An Zhiyuan came to the Hot Spring Villa with everyone in the evening. When he found that everything was ready, he blinked, gave Belfast a thumbs up, and gave Belfast a middle finger. Of course, this is not the kind of provocation It means, this is a way of expressing "I love you", and everyone who understands it can understand it.

At least the head maid knew, even the head maid blushed slightly.

This is an artificial hot spring. There are no natural hot springs on the island, so we can only pretend to be hot springs in this way, but there is actually no big difference between artificial and natural hot springs.

In addition, although this hot spring pool is divided into two sides, it is not divided into men and women. The only man who can come to this island is An Zhiyuan, so of course An Zhiyuan does not need to be isolated. The two sides of the hot spring pool are not divided into men and women, but It is an adult and a minor... No, this is not accurate. It should be said that it is a violation of the law and a violation of the law.

Because there is no distinction between men and women in hot springs, of course An Zhiyuan soaks in hot springs with the girls.

At this time, Xiao Zhai and Mrs. Su are here, so it is very embarrassing, so they can only continue to soak.

Therefore, in order to facilitate certain behaviors, it is necessary to distinguish them to avoid that embarrassing situation.

However, because it symbolizes the non-criminal side, everyone is together, and there are no outsiders, so of course there is no need to wrap a bath towel, so it is a bit similar to the abnormal meeting...

The flow is like this, first soak in the hot spring for a while, then go to eat, come back to soak in the hot spring after dinner, and then go back to play or sleep, it doesn’t matter.

Sure enough, it's the head maid who has considered everything... After all... the girls are okay, if An Zhiyuan finishes soaking in the hot spring with the girls, he definitely doesn't want to go back to the tutelary mansion after such a long journey.

it is good!As expected of my head maid, my wife Belfast!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Well... so comfortable..." An Zhiyuan leaned against the edge of the hot spring, and let out a deep breath, feeling as if the exhaustion of the day had been soaked away.

But is the day really tiring?Didn't he just kiss Gascogne?Are you tired of kissing?

An Zhiyuan doesn't believe it, do you want to find someone to kiss again?

Then An Zhiyuan felt his head being dragged up, "Move forward, let me sit behind you."

It's Dadi Mama.

An Zhiyuan moved forward a bit, and then Frederick got behind An Zhiyuan, and finally supported An Zhiyuan's chin with both hands, and then leaned his head back, leaning on her chest.

"How about I massage your scalp?" Frederick asked softly.

"Okay." An Zhiyuan closed his eyes, feeling that Dadi Mama was massaging his hair, which was very comfortable.

Here, there are three special people in the pool. Although they are qualified, they are far away from An Zhiyuan.

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