Sirius picked up the chopsticks and didn't bend down for too long. Although it seems that it's nothing to be known, but if possible, it's better not to let everyone know. After all, there are still minors. Of course, the minors in the town guard Humans refer to those whose masters will not lay hands on them.

"Master, be careful, don't leak it out, it will stain the tablecloth." Sirius pulled some paper towels and wiped the corners of An Zhiyuan's mouth. Just now An Zhiyuan drank some soup under the feeding of Frederick next to him .

Frederick next to him looked at Sirius strangely. Sirius behaved very strangely...Because the previous Sirius didn't care whether it was dirty or not, or even if he cared, if it was An Zhiyuan who was dirty, Sirius wouldn't bring it up, but just cleaned it up silently at the right time. Sirius just said this sentence. Although the tone didn't mean to teach, but it somewhat surpassed the relationship between master and servant.

But immediately, Frederick discovered the reason why Sirius said so.

"Let me catch the master with my hands, so as not to stain the tablecloth with dirty things. In this case, the master will not be careful." Sirius put his hand down and put it on the tablecloth on An Zhiyuan's lap, like this If it was the soup accidentally leaked by An Zhiyuan, it would not have stained the tablecloth. If this was the case, Frederick would only serve Sirius as a master, but Sirius then came over with the other hand Yes, put it under the tablecloth, didn't you put a hand on it to catch the soup that he might leak?

But after thinking about it, Frederick noticed the abnormality. Frederick smiled slightly, and then didn't pay any more attention.

She fed a spoonful of hot soup into her mouth with a spoon, stirred it with her tongue to make it less hot, then wrapped her hands around the back of An Zhiyuan's head, brought his head close to her, and finally kissed Shut his mouth, and slowly transferred the hot soup to her favorite child bit by bit.

Not far away, Xili looked at him blushing. Do the admirals and admirals usually eat like this?It seems that there is no...

Everyone will not envy An Zhiyuan, and it's not that An Zhiyuan feeds them. All the girls in the guardian mansion, except that they may have a little bit of lily behavior when they share the bed with him at An Zhiyuan's request, Other times they are completely incapable of lily.

As a ship girl, the first rule is always, the most important thing is the admiral or the commander, which is above everything else, and other things are not as important as this one, and the second is the sister ships, they are not at all Lily thinking, unless their admiral or commander is a woman, otherwise, the idea of ​​Lily will never arise between the ship girl and the ship girl.

If you are really envious, it is also envious of being able to kiss with the admiral, and feed the admiral with soup in this way.

After all, Frederick was the great emperor, and he took good care of him, not only soup, but also sashimi, but sashimi is not suitable for stirring and feeding.

Except for Xili and Gascony and Marblehead, everyone was familiar with this kind of thing.

On the contrary, Beizhai looked at Frederick with interest. She was sitting on the other side of Bismarck. She squeezed Bismarck with her shoulders and whispered, "Sister, don't you think that Sister Frederick over here has a big problem?" woman's potential?"

Beizhai saw Guanghui when he first arrived, and felt that Guanghui was somewhat similar to Lexington, but after getting along with him for a while, he found that Guanghui and Lexington were still different. Lexington has a dark personality and has her own personal guards in the tutelary mansion, that is, the Lie family. Everyone is used to calling her wife. The most competitive Missouri has no idea of ​​competition at all.

"What are you talking about?" Bismarck looked at Beizhai strangely and asked.

"Because, isn't this another world? There is also a ship with the same name as ours. In this case, will there be a fight between the two sides for the admiral's favor?" Beizhai blinked and asked with a smile.

PS: You think I have a pigeon, but I don't have a pigeon, which is also a kind of pigeon.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Are you planning to provoke jealousy between the two sides? If you want to do this kind of thing, don't blame me for not recognizing your sister." Bismarck frowned, his voice a little annoyed.

"Of course not... I'm just talking about this possibility, and what I'm talking about is competing for the commander's favor, just...for example, where the commander spends more time." Bei Zhai said quickly: "I'm not going to do something stupid like start a two-sided war."

That would really be hated by the admiral, so she shouldn't be hated by the admiral. If she was hated by the admiral as a wife, as his wife, and as his wife, then there was only one way.

She lives for the admiral, although she has her own interests and her own ideas and personality, but if she is hated by the admiral, she will start to deny herself. When the most important person to her hates her, then what is she still alive for?

This is a very dark matter, Bei Zhai will not let this happen.

"That won't work either. Whether it's our ship girl or the ship girl here, they are all ship girls. Why should we distinguish which side is which?" Bismarck said in a low voice: "When we are in a township mansion At that time, we were the mothers of this tutelary mansion, regardless of each other."

Bei Zhai tilted her head, her sister was too serious... She nodded, a little bored, but she also agreed with her sister's statement that the distinction was not only unnecessary, but also a great hidden danger.

An Zhiyuan accepted the feeding from the Great Emperor Ma Maai, and after swallowing it together with Frederick's xiangjin, he always had to kiss Frederick again for a few seconds before letting go, so the efficiency of eating was naturally relatively low, but Everyone intentionally filled the rhythm and seemed to be waiting for him.

The girls in the town guard's mansion are all like this... An Zhiyuan is in the town guard's mansion. To put it bluntly, he is a giant baby. They are always changing themselves to cater to An Zhiyuan. At first, An Zhiyuan didn't want this, but later found out First of all, everyone has a happy sense of recognition for this kind of thing, and they can make them take it for granted, and then An Zhiyuan didn't talk to them about it anymore...

The girls' way of thinking, as an ordinary person, he can't get it sometimes, but there are so many things like this, An Zhiyuan doesn't bother to make any changes, because if the girls think this is normal, do it. Will feel happy, so what else will he change?Make them unhappy?

Half an hour passed.

An Zhiyuan's was almost full, he ate a lot of rice, drank a lot of soup, ate a lot of sashimi, and he also had a lot of fragrant rice.

Half an hour is a small matter for Dido, Belfast and Sirius. Although they all maintain this fixed set of movements during this period, there will be no sourness at all, but An Zhiyuan's waist is It's a little numb.

Sirius withdrew his hand first, "Well, it's better to be careful, the master really leaked a lot of soup."

As he spoke, Sirius sat up straight, lowered his head and licked the soup in his hands with his tongue, "This is everyone's hard work, it can't be wasted like this, right? Master?"

An Zhiyuan coughed twice, and Fusang who was not far away smiled slightly. As a chef, he was very happy to hear what Sirius said. Of course it is a good thing not to waste it. Will it leak?Well, and after the clear soup cooled down, it didn't taste so good. Sirius is worthy of being a maid, and he didn't dislike it at all.

It's just that no one noticed that Sirius blocked it with her left hand, but she fed it to her mouth with her right hand.

Both Belfast and Dido put on their high heels again, and they didn't seem to notice the abnormality on the soles of their feet. The Sirius here seems to have relapsed, and his chopsticks accidentally fell to the ground, and then he accidentally lifted his legs Kicked the chopsticks down the table, "Oh... really..."

Sirius had no choice but to squat down, lifted the tablecloth, and got in to pick up the chopsticks. However, she took a little longer to pick up the chopsticks, and then lifted the tablecloth and got out from under the table. She wiped the corners of her mouth without leaving any traces, and then He smiled and said, "Well, everyone seems to have finished eating? Head maid...?"

Belfast stood up, smiled and said to everyone: "Okay, everyone can go to change clothes and continue to go to the hot spring. Miss Fusang can also relax. Dido, Sirius and I can clean up."

Hearing this, most of the ship girls looked at Dido and Sirius with weird expressions. After all...everyone still remembers the matter of the iron rice bowl. Dido and Sirius will start to eat as soon as they touch the plate or bowl. ...

Belfast smiled and said, "Just leave it to us."

The head maid said so much, and everyone didn't say anything, they all went to change clothes, of course, they said they were changing clothes, but in fact they were just taking off, and everyone didn't wear bath towels when they went in.

Belfast saw that everyone had left, so he sat on the stool, took off his high heels, raised his feet to look at the wet marks on the soles of his feet, then stood up again, and wiped his white silk He took it off, looked at Sirius and Dido next to him with a reddish face, "There shouldn't be any problems today, right?"

Dido's face was slightly red, but she didn't take off her white silk like Belfast did. She didn't mind that the inside of the shoes were filled with the owner's stuff, and then she walked in them, but she liked it very much. This kind of feeling, Dido, naturally likes this kind of tone... She and Zeppelin have a lot of topics.

We have communicated before, and the way of communication is a bit like the previous data transmission using a USB flash drive. If Dido is computer A, and Zeppelin is computer B, then the way of communication is, of course, to use U disk first. Insert the disk into the interface of computer B, then move the data to the U disk, then pull it out, plug it into computer A, and move the data to computer A. This is the data transmission process from computer B to computer A. If On the contrary, just reverse the operation. It is very simple. On that day, the two communicated for a whole day.

Of course, Dido and Zeppelin are not computers, they are ship girls. Of course, there is no such thing as a data interface, so of course it is not a USB flash drive used to transfer data. As for what is it used for?

Who knows?

Dido and Sirius looked at each other, then nodded, "Well, no problem."

They are already very satisfied, so there is no need to throw plates and bowls and let the master punish them.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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