It is self-evident what will happen to this kind of hot spring party without clothes until the end.

In the middle of the journey, Xili and Marblehead left this side blushing and went to the other side, but Gascogne stayed and did not leave. She was staring intently at her master making out with other people.

The master said that love and sex are inseparable. This is the master's idea. Although the master asked herself to understand and have her own feelings, but seeing the happy appearance of the master and other sisters, she also began to feel The master is right, yes, love and sex cannot be separated.

Of course, these scenes will also make her face rosy, after all, this is too exciting for her who just held hands and kissed.

It turns out that it's not 1V1, it's okay for the master to get together with a few sisters...

turn out to be...

turn out to be...

At that moment, Gascogne seemed to understand love better. It turns out that love is not only an emotion, but also an action. No wonder the master said that love and sex cannot be separated. Indeed, under certain conditions, the two are actually the same. Just a thing.

Of course, if this premise is not met, there are two things.

But if you are with the person you love, then there is no need to make a clear distinction between love and sex, and you will love and have sex with your master in the future.


The next day, An Zhiyuan woke up.

He rubbed his head and then yawned. He slept too late last night. After all, everyone was basically there. Although most of them were quick and quick, it still took a long time.

In the end, I remembered that I was too tired, so I fell asleep directly by the hot spring. I vaguely remembered that Belfast, Dido and Sirius helped themselves to wash themselves, and then took them back to the room.

He turned his head to look, and found that, as expected, there were two people lying beside him, one was Dido and the other was Sirius. The head maid probably got up to prepare something?Compared with the head maid, these two maids are not so dedicated. In other words, they are actually dedicated, but the direction of dedication is different from the head maid. I'm afraid they are not so dedicated...

After all, as a maid, it is very important to make the master happy.

An Zhiyuan stretched out his hand to hug Dido and Sirius next to him, and then continued to sleep. Anyway, no one came to wake him up, and Bismarck probably would not come to wake him up. After all, she should also know that she slept very late last night. She has one.

Dido and Sirius were awakened by An Zhiyuan's actions. Although An Zhiyuan's strength was not strong, the two of them were about to wake up.

When they awoke, they found that their dear master seemed to intend to sleep on, and had no intention of getting up.

Sirius moved An Zhiyuan's hand and put it on his heart, um, in this way, the master can feel his heart beating and fall asleep, this is...a heart that beats only for the master.

If it wasn't for An Zhiyuan being very sleepy, he fell asleep quickly, knowing what Sirius was thinking, he would definitely say that the fat is too thick, and he can't feel your heartbeat.

Moreover, compared to this method, there is another place on the girl's body that leads directly to the heart. Generally speaking, as long as you master that channel, you can feel the girl's heartbeat. The heart is yours. The whole heart I'm beating for you, can't you feel it?

Dido took An Zhiyuan's hand, sandwiched it between her legs, then hugged An Zhiyuan's shoulder, and continued to sleep.

The task given to them by the head maid in Belfast is to take good care of the master. When the master wakes up, help him get up. If the master is thirsty, Dido and Sirius have already taken the medicine. If the master is hungry, the previous one is also applicable. If the master wants it, of course the two of them will give it to him.

Compared with the head maid of Belfast, the two of them are indeed more inclined to the master's personal maid than the maid of the tutelary mansion.

If the master is good, they are really good, and other sisters will support them.

An Zhiyuan didn't get up until three o'clock in the afternoon, and after getting up, he got very angry, so he vented his anger with Dido and Sirius, um, where can I find such a good maid?

By the way, yesterday I forgot to tell Yuzhang who to come over next time. An Zhiyuan thought about it and typed two names, New Jersey and Essex. Finally, after thinking about it, Essex was removed. After all, if Dumplings came over, that annoying female eagle would most likely also come over. Although it belongs to the ship's equipment, it is a self-aware thing after all, and it might occupy a place.

Then another York City... No, it seems that the Hornet is a bit miserable. After all, the second sister of the enterprise has come here, and the sister of York City has also followed. It’s too miserable. The Hornet was already there because of B25. Too bad, can't bully Bumblebee anymore.

In the same way, if you call Bumblebee over, York City will be miserable again. Like New Jersey, there is no such concern. The four Iowa-level sisters are very understanding...

An Zhiyuan finally thought about it, deleted New Jersey, and then wrote the names of York City and Bumblebee.

Well, that's it, the two sisters, Yorktown and Bumblebee, will become three sisters once they come here...Use Yorktown and Bumblebee from another world to fish for companies in this world, tsk, it feels very good.. .An Zhiyuan laughed.

Of course, things like fishing a boat are generally just a joke, and if you really want to fish a boat, you have to do it yourself.

After sending the message to the dear tool man's wife, An Zhiyuan and Dido have already left Sirius from the hot spring villa, and Dido and Sirius will come back to clean up later, but not now.

The two sisters, An Zhiyuan and Dido Sirius, walked leisurely on the path, and when they were talking colorful jokes, An Zhiyuan's cell phone rang suddenly, An Zhiyuan took out his cell phone to check, it was a message from the company, He said that he wanted to go to the port to take a look. There were special circumstances, so An Zhiyuan, Dido and Sirius hurried over.

When the three of them hurried to the port, they realized that there seemed to be no emergency. Yes, if it was an urgent and dangerous situation, it would obviously not be of much help to ask him to come. It cannot be said that the upper floor is inside.

An Zhiyuan saw a strange figure, a strange girl standing at the port, hugging a cute pony doll... That horse has a unicorn on its head, is this a unicorn?

An Zhiyuan was a little strange, then walked up, looked at the enterprise, and asked her to explain what was going on, then he shifted his gaze to that strange and cute girl, um... so cute and beautiful girl, she is the ship's lady Bar?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hmm..." Enterprise looked at An Zhiyuan, and then said, "This is the Unicorn...the light aircraft carrier Unicorn."

Light mother, but even if it is light mother, it looks too young.

Probably a little smaller than Xili, but according to An Zhiyuan's rules, this is within the scope of push, but he doesn't have that kind of thought now, after all, this is not his ship girl yet.

An Zhiyuan asked in a low voice: "Why did she come to our port area?"

"I don't know either, she didn't say a word when I asked... just hugged that unicorn doll and stared at me..." Enterprise said: "Isn't this a ship girl with a commander, right? The ship's mother will not run to other headquarters when her commander is away."

An Zhiyuan thought for a while, walked up to the unicorn, and squatted down. In this case, the unicorn is taller than An Zhiyuan.

An Zhiyuan asked softly: "Hello, I am the admiral here, um, that is, the commander. Excuse me, are you here at our headquarters, what can you do?"

The unicorn blocked An Zhiyuan's line of sight with her unicorn toy, and she didn't seem to plan to speak, An Zhiyuan was not surprised, all the girls were like this, don't look at her own girl who is very talkative and loves herself, but in front of outsiders, They are also like this, very difficult to deal with.

It's just that, in this way, there is no way to know about this little ship girl... Qing mother is not considered a little ship girl, so there is no way to know what this ship girl is doing in their tutelary mansion...

Judging from the behavior of the ship girl, she must not have a commander. Is that the ship girl from Bilan Academy?But Bilan College didn't say that anyone would come to visit her, and what's the situation with her alone?

Soon, Glorious Victory and Terrible also came over.

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