"Enterprise...Admiral, this is?" Guanghui walked over, saw An Zhiyuan and Enterprise standing in front of a purple-haired girl, a little strange, and carefully sized up the unicorn.

The unicorn also saw Guanghui. She blinked and slowly began to move. She walked around the enterprise and walked in front of Guanghui, "Guang, sister Guanghui..."

"Huh?" An Zhiyuan looked at Guanghui in surprise, and then Guanghui also looked at An Zhiyuan in surprise.

An Zhiyuan wondered why this unicorn was called Sister Guanghui. Guanghui wondered when the admiral had another ship girl, was it just built?But she heard the question asked by the admiral just now, she didn't want the ship girl he built, isn't this the ship girl of their guarding mansion?

The company frowned, but remembered something. In the history of the old world, the Unicorn seemed to have been built as a support ship for Glory at first, but it was later built into a light aircraft carrier, so there is nothing wrong with having a natural affinity for Glory .

But Guanghui is a ship girl with an admiral, if she is a ship girl from Bilan Academy, of course she will avoid suspicion, but this unicorn...

Could it be that this unicorn is a wild ship girl who just woke up from the sea?

This... What is this... How could there be a wild ship girl coming to your door...

Guanghui is also a ship girl who woke up from the sea, and all of the Bilan College are ship girls who woke up from the sea, including the dozen or so deans, so after asking some information, Guanghui confirmed the situation of the unicorn.

The unicorn just woke up from the sea, very confused, and then met the Siren Armor nearby, when the Siren Armor was chasing and killing her, the carrier aircraft that the Siren Armor gave to the enterprise was sunk, she vaguely saw The company's carrier-based plane was flying this way, and then stopped by. In fact, she just wanted to say thank you...

But after seeing the company, because the company itself is a CVN, the unicorn, who is a ship's mother, felt the terror of the company, and was too scared to move or speak...

He's very timid... However, An Zhiyuan rubbed the back of his head, is the enterprise so scary?Such a terrible company often hides under his desk and bites for himself.

Enterprise also heard Guanghui's words, and smiled helplessly, then found that the admiral was looking at him with a rippling smile, and Enterprise, who knew what he thought of, gave him a coquettish look, this pervert...

For a long time, the unicorn wanted to come over to say thanks...

Unicorn and Guanghui said that she didn't dare to speak to the enterprise, so she wanted to ask Guanghui and the enterprise to relay her thanks, as well as the apology for ignoring the enterprise and An Zhiyuan just now.

Enterprise and An Zhiyuan are not angry anymore, after all, the other party is the ship's wife, so it is understandable to treat the strange ship's wife and commander like this.

Enterprise nodded and said: "I accept your thanks and apology, but you don't need to be so afraid of me. My power is used to deal with sirens, not ship girls."

There was some helplessness in her tone, it was not her intention to make the unicorn, who is also the ship's mother, so scared...

The unicorn blinked, but said nothing.

An Zhiyuan asked: "Unicorn, are you going to Bilan Academy? If you want to go, I can ask Guanghui to take you to the academy office..."

Hearing the words, the enterprise looked at An Zhiyuan, wondering if the admiral didn't catch the boat this time?

In fact, An Zhiyuan wanted to fish for a boat, but he felt a little uneasy about fishing for this unicorn who seemed to lack common sense...

Guanghui also looked at An Zhiyuan in surprise, she knew her own admiral very well now, as long as she didn't have that, and the other party didn't have the commander's wife, he wanted to get it, he wasn't a controler, he just Pure lust and desire.

However, he said so, Guanghui originally wanted to see if he could keep the unicorn, but now he doesn't need it.

But the unicorn looked at Guanghui, then at the enterprise, and finally at An Zhiyuan, and whispered, "Can I...can I stay with Sister Guanghui?"

An Zhiyuan blinked when he heard the words, and said, "Do you know what it means for you to stay in a commander's headquarters?"

An Zhiyuan thought she didn't know the meaning of this behavior...

But the unicorn nodded, "Well... this means that I have joined your command, and it's time to call you commander..."

Then you understand, do you understand and still do this?

An Zhiyuan was a little puzzled, why did Jian Niang take the initiative to find her?So he sent a message to Jiang Wanqiu, asking her if she had ever encountered such a situation.

Jiang Wanqiu replied with a bunch of question marks, and finally sent a sentence, "Go to hell."

...why scold me, did I do something wrong?

And then...the unicorns really stayed.

An Zhiyuan was confused, this...the ship lady who came to the door...is really a bit novel...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Everyone is very curious about the newly joined unicorns.

This is the first ship girl to come to your door, right?Although I used to salvage the ship's mother when attacking and defeating the enemy in the sea area before, but that is a matter of another world, and this is not salvaged, it is delivered to the door by myself...

This is unprecedented, without precedent. Hearing Jiang Wanqiu's irritable tone, maybe she has never experienced it, or she has never heard of it.

After all, judging from the rules of the ship girl that I have come across so far, first of all, it is very difficult for a ship girl to fall in love with a commander at first sight. However, the built ones are excluded, because the built ones naturally carry 50 favorability points, and Dido and Sirius, it means that some ship girls may have better favorability points built, and it is possible to directly reach 100 favorability points.

But it's hard for this kind of wild ship girl to fall in love with a commander at first sight.

Like Guanghui and the others, after appearing in the sea, they quickly found Bilan Academy and joined Bilan Academy.

It’s not that there is no common sense when the ship girl first appeared. That is different for each ship girl. Some characters are more innocent, and maybe they lack common sense. However, all ship girls will not trust others, that’s for sure. This is true even for innocent ship girls. It is actually very difficult for them to have a good impression of humans.

They will refuse to contact with humans, so it is impossible for them to come to their door according to the rules.

After all, the ship girls refuse to contact with humans, and the commander is of course included. Most of the ship girls will go to find the location of the Bilan Academy, and then enter the Bilan Academy, while a small number will integrate into human social life.

Of course, this "integration" is actually quite special. They don't really live like a human being. After all, they all have amazing cleanliness. Just saying that they don't shake hands with others will often make them live in human society. Life is very unaccustomed, because it is common for human beings to shake hands, right?What's up with the handshake?Like some western provinces, there are still such etiquettes as face-to-face ceremony.

But the mother-in-law refused such a thing.

Then there will be such a situation, a ship girl who refuses to contact everyone and socialize, which makes them very difficult to get along with, so much so that they give up living in the human world and return to Bilan Academy.

There are fewer and fewer ship girls living in human society.

The cleanliness of Jian Niang, sometimes it is a good thing, and sometimes it is not a good thing.

However, if you live in Bilan College, there is no such thing. First of all, Bilan College is full of ship girls, and there is no such thing as a cleanliness between ship girls and ship girls. Ship girls and ship girls, unless the other party has The commander's wife, or else it's like the feeling when getting along with ordinary female friends.

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