This is also the reason why there are so many ship girls in Bilan College. Except for the ship girls in these headquarters, most of the ship girls in the world live in Bilan College.

As for the commander, first of all, they have the idea of ​​joining the headquarters. After that, they often need to get along for a long time to get to know the commander, and finally decide whether to continue with the commander, and finally start to communicate with the commander. This commander's contact... That's right, the relationship before was just a normal relationship, not the relationship between a man and a woman as imagined, just start chatting and dating online, that's what happens after people recognize you.

Why is fishing better than building?It is because of this that it is very troublesome to fish a boat. The person you fish must first have a plan to join the headquarters, and then you have to make the other party feel that you are a trustworthy person. Finally, she will give her a chance to fish her. , Of course, at this point it is basically stable.

Like the three Guanghui sisters, Guanghui actually had the idea of ​​joining the headquarters, but the appearance of Victory and Fear made her temporarily let go of that idea. Became friends, entered the observation stage.

At this stage, Shengli gradually came up with the idea of ​​joining the headquarters, and became interested in An Zhiyuan. She began to actively contact An Zhiyuan, and in the end, it was naturally out of control.

As for the company, it's a bit special, and it's still in the observation stage. Although she has given An Zhiyuan a chance, it hasn't made her feel that An Zhiyuan is a person worth entrusting.

An Zhiyuan was a little at a loss for a ship girl like Unicorn who joined the tutelary mansion in a different way.

Still have to cultivate a good impression with her, right?Otherwise, if you are the ship's wife who guards the mansion, but she won't give you a hand and a hug, that would be too much...

However, you can't be as direct as those ship girls you built. The other party doesn't know if they have a good impression of him. The probability is zero. Maybe it's because they think the company is reliable, or because they think there is glory here, so let's stay. Well, you have to put your mind right. Although the other party is his ship wife in name, he can't see her as his own ship wife. From the perspective of his mother, for example, some daily activities are regarded as his own ship girl, but for intimacy and the like, he needs to be regarded as a wild ship girl, as if he is fishing for a boat.

Alas, just because it’s delivered to your door doesn’t mean you don’t need a guide.

An Zhiyuan, who was mentally prepared, found the unicorn after dinner at night.

At this time, the unicorn is with the brilliance, and the victory and fear are not there.

"Glorious, unicorn." An Zhiyuan said hello, walked up and said hello to Guanghui first, this means that the unicorn is present, if not present, An Zhiyuan came over and hugged when he greeted Guanghui gave a wet kiss.

He walked up to the unicorn, squatted down lightly, and asked, "Unicorn, do you think this tutelary mansion is okay?"

The unicorn held Guanghui in one hand, and held his own unicorn toy in front of him in the other hand, showing one eye to look at An Zhiyuan, and whispered: "Very, very good..."

Her voice sounds soft, soft and cute girl...

But then again, the appearance of Guanghui holding the unicorn is really like a young mother with a child...

It's just that this mother is a little too young, and the child doesn't look too young anymore.

PS: I forgot to post the picture of the unicorn yesterday, and now I'm posting it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Guanghui looked at An Zhiyuan with a smile, and stood beside him holding the unicorn.

Sure enough, the admiral still wants to salvage the boat, right?Although he planned to send the unicorn to Bilan Academy before, but after the unicorn decided to stay, the admiral decided to take the boat.

That's right, this is the admiral she knew, and this is the An Zhiyuan she knew, that thick-skinned guy who was trying to salvage a boat.

An Zhiyuan introduced Xiaozhai and the others to Unicorn, and told Unicorn that Guanghui could take her to play with Xiaozhai and the others. They were all children of the same age...

The unicorn's eyes lit up after hearing this, but it seemed a little scared, and it held hands with Guanghui tightly, without saying a word.

An Zhiyuan smiled slightly, and continued to say that there are several interesting places in the town guard's mansion, and she can also ask her sister Guanghui to take her to play.

The unicorn only believes in Guanghui now, and Guanghui is really going to become a young mother with a child.

However, in fact, Guanghui is also very maternal. Like Dadi Mama, they both belong to very maternal characters. There is a saying that is good, if you have milk, you are a mother. Guanghui is so big and has enough motherhood. An Zhiyuan has done it more than once I have been Guanghui's "bad boy". Of course, I should be more of Dadi Mama's bad boy. After all, Dadi Mama is called that in private, and Guanghui's words are only occasionally for fun.

But it's the same after taking the medicine. If you have milk, you are a mother.

Immediately, An Zhiyuan asked Guanghui to take the unicorn to play, and then he went to find Xiao Zhai.

Of course Guanghui knows what's on her mind, and she knows it even if she doesn't tell her. After all, she is her mother-in-law, and she probably knows her own thoughts very well. Therefore, Guanghui will definitely assist her automatically. As for Xiao Zhai, she needs a little reminder For a moment, even though she had seen unicorns at dinner before, and expressed that she wanted to play with unicorns, he needed to know how Xiao Zhai and the others played assists correctly.

After finding Xiao Zhai and the others, after paying the price for the new equipment in the secret base, Xiao Zhai and the others agreed to play assists.

What the hell... my little house has turned into such a realistic person, no matter how you think about it, it's all Bei Zhai's fault!

But An Zhiyuan still didn't go to Bei Zhai to settle the score in the end. After all, he went to bed after all the calculations. He has several goals now, and he needs to make time.

First is Xili, then Enterprise, then Unicorn, and Marblehead needs to be remodeled, alas, the Admiral is busy, the Admiral is really busy.

An Zhiyuan returned to his office first. Xili, who is a secretary, seemed very relaxed today. He was sleeping on his stomach while sitting in front of his secretary's desk. It was probably because all the documents were processed and he couldn't leave the office, but he was bored and nervous. , so I fell asleep on the table, right?

An Zhiyuan dragged his stool over and placed it next to Xili's table, then propped his chin and looked at Xili's sleeping face.

Xili is very beautiful, beautiful and cute, her brows are slightly thicker than other girls, which makes her face look serious, but the more she looks like this, the more cute she feels...

I still remember that when Xili was built just now, Xili was still in the southern hemisphere... that was really beautiful, but now Xili doesn't wear it anymore, um, I think I will look at it again.

An Zhiyuan just stared at Xili's sleeping face in a daze, admiring her facial features.

Then I just watched it all afternoon without knowing it.

When Xi Li woke up and saw An Zhiyuan when he opened his eyes, it was already evening.

She raised her head and saw An Zhiyuan, she blinked, then rubbed her eyes, looked at An Zhiyuan again, then suddenly patted her cheeks with both hands forcefully, making a slap.

"Why are you hitting yourself?" An Zhiyuan asked a little strangely.

"Admiral, admiral... are you... when did you come..." Xili looked a little flustered, and did not answer An Zhiyuan's question. The two red palm marks on her fair and pretty face looked even worse. It's joy...

"I came here very early, around one or two o'clock, and then I found you were sleeping, so I dragged a chair over, and then just looked at your sleeping face, it looks so good." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Ah... ah..." Xi Li's face was very red, and he felt ashamed when he thought of the admiral sitting by the side and watching him sleep all afternoon.

This was during working hours. Not only was I fishing, but I was caught by the admiral while I was fishing, and the admiral even supervised it for a whole afternoon... woo woo woo, I'm not a qualified secretary... woo woo woo.

"Xili...I can..." An Zhiyuan paused, looked at Xili, and seemed to want to ask a question, but he only asked half of it, and the most important part was not asked.

"Hmm...? Admiral... what can you do?" Xili asked subconsciously after hearing the words.

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