"Well...it's me, what's the matter...Is there something wrong?" York City asked tentatively, she vaguely felt that it was not easy for Yubari to call.

"You and Bumblebee pack up your things, and then come to my laboratory, the admiral will let you go there."

"Oh! Good! Come right away!" York City said excitedly, she seemed to have forgotten that she was thinking about not letting the admiral feel that they were always on call...

"Bumblebee!" Yorktown yelled in the direction of the bathroom.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Bumblebee, who had just walked into the bathroom, came out again.

"The admiral asked the two of us to go over there, hurry up and get ready! Pack up your things and prepare to leave!" York City said excitedly.

"Huh? Ah?! Wait... I'll pack my things right away!!!" Bumblebee hurriedly came out of the bathroom, started packing her clothes, and was about to leave.

PS: It's gone today.

PS: I feel that the picture of the bumblebee will explode soon...


Touched on May 5nd, the update will resume on May 2rd, this time, it should be able to resume the daily two updates... probably...................... ...................................................

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

An Zhiyuan was a little excited...

Not only because York City and Bumblebee are coming over, but also because of the new mobile phone that will be brought, when the time comes, you can directly use the mobile phone to make video calls with the girls or something...

Although text messages are usually used to communicate, but that is not enough. Text can only be used for comfort, and there are delayed video calls and timely conversations, which can be regarded as real communication.

Calculate the time, it's almost here, right?

While thinking this way, in the blink of an eye, two familiar figures appeared in front of him.

Two blond girls.

Yorktown has blond shoulder-length short hair and wears a blindfold, like a pirate. Generally speaking, she wears a blindfold, maybe to cover up the heterochromatic pupils, but Yorktown is not. An Zhiyuan took off her blindfold before. The same blue eyes, both of the same color, An Zhiyuan asked her why she was wearing blindfolds before, and she also said, "Hehe, this is a secret".

An Zhiyuan felt that she might be a simple secondary school student.

Bumblebee’s hair is very long, bundled into a single ponytail, which is longer than the hair of the enterprise. Jinye’s hair is already very long. Bumblebee’s single ponytail is the kind that can be dragged directly to the ground, and the hair quality is very good. Of course, Jian Niang, they represent the most beautiful things in the world, of course everything is done well, there is one thing to say, An Zhiyuan tried to wrap her hair around something, I feel it, it is very good.

An Zhiyuan smiled, "Welcome, York City, Bumblebee, hurry up, let me give you a hug."

York City rushed over directly, and when it rushed in front of An Zhiyuan, it jumped up and threw itself on An Zhiyuan's body, wrapped its legs around An Zhiyuan's waist, and then kissed An Zhiyuan.

She is an American ship girl, very enthusiastic.

As for the idea of ​​beating him up when they meet, go to hell, she misses him to death.

Bumblebee was only one step too late, and was taken over by the elder sister, so he could only stomp his feet beside him anxiously, oops... this elder sister didn't know how to give way to the younger sister!

"Bumblebee? Sister?" Enterprise ran over in a small step. She had asked about Xi Li's work situation in the admiral's office, and then she saw the admiral standing on the port as if waiting for someone. She was a little curious, because the admiral didn't Tell her who is coming, and when she just went downstairs and wanted to come and wait with the admiral, she saw her sister and sister Bumblebee appear.

"Miss Enterprise!" Bumblebee saw Enterprise, walked over happily, and hugged Enterprise.

Hmph, if my husband can't hug me, I can hug my sister...

Enterprise and Bumblebee hugged, then looked at the sister who was wrapped around the admiral's waist and was kissing the admiral, and blinked.

My sister and Bumblebee are coming, why didn't the admiral tell her?Planning to surprise yourself?

Well, it was quite a surprise...

Those two people seem to be kissing enough, they are still hugging and chewing...

The company was a little helpless, and the hornet stomped anxiously.

Big sister is really shameless!Do you miss Admiral so much?Is missing expressed in such a vulgar way?Of course, it is right for a lady to express her miss for him implicitly!I will definitely not have no lower limit like the big sister!

The reunion kiss always seemed extraordinarily passionate, and York City's fiery lips were undoubtedly telling how much she missed him these days.

Of course, An Zhiyuan never doubted the girls' feelings for him, so he passionately possessed her wonderful lips and tongue, but he couldn't keep kissing her, could he?So, after kissing for about five minutes, An Zhiyuan let go of Yorktown, and Yorktown also got off him, although he liked to continue, but there was still a sister, Bumblebee also had a fiery reunion with the admiral. ..

As soon as York City got out of the way, Bumblebee rushed over, followed her sister's example, jumped directly on An Zhiyuan's body, and started.

York City and the enterprise hugged each other. For some reason, the enterprise always felt that the hug with her and the admiral, and the hug with herself, were perfunctory.

The company is a little dumbfounded, well, it's understandable, they really put the admiral before the sisters.

"Do you still have all the things Yubari asked you to bring? Big sister?" Enterprise asked.

Although the company is the eldest sister of York City, it is more appropriate for the two to exchange identities, because sometimes York City is unreliable, and the company is more stable. An Zhiyuan has always thought so, but after all, sisterhood is up to them. It was decided by the predecessor of the battleship, not by themselves, so there is no way.

"Of course I'm still there. What are you talking about? It seems like I'm sloppy." York City glanced at the company and said in a low voice.

The company rolled its eyes, of course you are not sloppy, you are just simply unreliable.

However, the unreliable sister is quite reliable in one place, that is, when she gets into the admiral's bed, she will do it well no matter what.

York City took out what Yubari asked her to bring.

A new mobile phone looks exactly the same as the admiral's previous mobile phone, but the weight has changed, and it has become a lot heavier. However, with the admiral's strength, it is still easy to carry this weight.

I heard that I can use this phone to make video calls over there... Speaking of which, I actually planned to use this phone to see sister York City and Bumblebee, but these two people came over directly.

There are also the conventional missiles and nuclear fuel of the Tangerine brought over by the practice. In fact, the nuclear fuel was not used up when the first crossing was over. In addition, I also brought a few prototypes of my own carrier aircraft...prototypes Things like machines can't be broken, right?I don't know what to bring here for, is it possible that there is another aircraft carrier over there that is undergoing modernization?

And... some small toys for the ship's mother... The company's face is a little weird, this must be the admiral who asked Yubari to make it... It's true, she is so busy, and let her make such obscene things. ..

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