There is nothing else, the highlight of this time must be this phone... The admiral probably can't wait for this phone, he probably wants to meet those "wives" who are still there, right?

The enterprise chuckled.

Then she raised her head to look at the admiral and Bumblebee, and found that the admiral had begun to be dishonest, with a few black lines appearing on his forehead, and she coughed a few times in order to prevent the two of them from being unable to control themselves and directly laying on the ground. up...

An Zhiyuan and Bumblebee came to their senses, Bumblebee got off An Zhiyuan's body with a blushing face, but felt that there was nothing to be guilty of, the ship's mother and the admiral reunited, what's the point of being enthusiastic?

She seems to have selectively forgotten the idea that she criticized the elder sister for being shameless and ignorant.

PS: I've been waiting for a long time. Two chapters will be updated on Recovery Day this month.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

An Zhiyuan took the phone, uninstalled his old phone card, and moved all the software to the new phone.

"Let's make a video call with everyone first?" the company asked.

"Of course." An Zhiyuan was a little excited, the company could see it, York City and the Hornet could also see it.

And here, Yubari also called everyone to come over, preparing to have a video call with the admiral.

Yubari didn't ask York City and Bumblebee to directly tell the admiral to make a video call after they said it. In fact, no one doubted whether the admiral would send a video after he got the phone. The admiral got the phone, sure The video was posted right away, that's for sure, it's the trust between the admiral and Jian Niang, just like An Zhiyuan's first thought was to make a video with the girls.

This will not change under any circumstances.

Yubari's research room is very lively now, because everyone is basically here, thanks to the large size of the research room, after all, there must be some things that cannot be made public.

Although everyone stood together, they did not huddle together. There was an order. Lexington and Missouri stood at the front. Behind Lexington was the Lie family. Behind Missouri was the Iowa class. Behind the sister ships stood Together, people without sister ships gathered together, and hundreds of people just waited on the big screen in Yubari.

"How long is it?" Saratoga couldn't wait any longer, couldn't help pressing Lexington's back with his fingers, and asked in a low voice.

"What's the rush? No one is in a hurry." Lexington turned around and gave her a blank look, "Are you not confident in the admiral?"

"Of course I have confidence in my brother-in-law." Saratoga said, and then whispered: "I don't have confidence in York City and Bumblebee. They might drag the admiral ghost into the mix, sister, You know, Dajiri Bee, York City, and Enterprise, the three sisters..."

Everyone is a ship girl, and of course they could hear Saratoga's whispers clearly, and everyone's expression was a little strange...

If you want to talk about sister ships, do you Lie family have the nerve to talk about others?

Missouri turned her head to look at Saratoga, and said with a smile: "The admiral is very clear about the importance, so don't worry that he will forget us. You should have this confidence, right?"

Saratoga pouted and nodded, "Of course."

The nominal wife is the elder sister, but in fact there are three principals in the tutelary mansion.

One is the sister Lexington, the other is the brother-in-law, the admiral, although he rarely expresses his opinions, and the other is Missouri.

She really knew her brother-in-law, and Saratoga knew that very well.

As soon as Missouri finished speaking, there was a response from the big screen, and soon, An Zhiyuan's face appeared on the big screen.

"It's brother-in-law!" Saratoga excitedly raised his hand and waved towards the big screen, wanting to say hello to An Zhiyuan.

Wisconsin also wanted to raise his hand, but seeing that there seemed to be not many people raising their hands to say hello, he blinked and put it down again.

"Hold it up? What are you afraid of?" New Jersey asked.

"Still shy?" Iowa said with a smile.

Seeing the face he hadn't seen for a long time, Washington moved his mouth, but he still didn't speak in the end.

"Why don't you talk?" North Carolina asked. She is now in a girlish state, but her thinking is still adult thinking.

"Not me? Are there so many people in front?" Washington hesitated and said.

"Sister Li! Look! It's the admiral!" Xiang Xiang pulled Richelieu and Horror beside him, and looked at An Zhiyuan on the big screen, a little excited.

"Well... I saw it..." Richelieu rubbed Kongxiang's head and said with a smile, she looked at the familiar face on the big screen and pursed her lips.

Horror blinked, and then said to Xiangxiang: "Sister, do you want us to act like a baby with the admiral, then the admiral will definitely let us pass."

Kongxiang blinked and said, "Why don't I talk to the admiral and let you go first? How about it?"

"What about my sister?" Horror asked.

"I won't go, wait until later, I have been here for too long before, and I have been with the admiral for a long time." Kongxiang stretched out his index finger to his chin, and said softly.

Richelieu rubbed Xiang Xiang's head, um, as expected of the admiral's little princess, she knew she should give in.

"That's it, then I'd better go there with my elder sister and elder sister Li." Ke Ji thought for a while and said.

"Leipzig, do you want to go?" Here, Hutten found Leipzig and asked.

"Me? I'm not in a hurry... right?" Leipzig blinked when he heard the words, "And I passed by, the admiral must prevent me from stealing his money, I used it to save it! What is stealing?" ..."

Hu Teng was a little dumbfounded when he heard the words.

Hindenburg looked at Missouri and curled his lips. The first batch of them who came here all had self-knowledge and gave up their positions.

Maybe the Duke of York is the only one who has gone there earlier.

Mo Shang looked at An Zhiyuan on the big screen, pursed his lips, and said, "Do you want us to go over?"

Suzuya said: "The four of us, can't we go there together? Big sister."

"Well... If you want to go, you have to go there twice." Mogami nodded and said, "It's a bit bad to take up two opportunities..."

"I really miss Admiral..." Kumano whispered.

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