St.Louis stood beside her, her coiled hair was let down, she brushed her hair and said with a smile: "Yeah, good girl, just have fun with your boyfriend."

Aunt Sheng has already entered the scene, and Honolulu's face is flushed. Although she also knows that she should enter the scene, this feeling is still obedient... It has just been built, and then she is about to date the admiral or something ...

Although it is the admiral and the ship's mother, they are a natural couple, and they will definitely get together in the future, but the future is the future, so it really good?

Feeling... Honolulu looked at the hand being held by the admiral, his face was red.

Admiral's hands are a little hot... probably because of the weather?do not know...

Let yourself pretend to be his girlfriend or something...Can you really be a good girlfriend?Obviously, I am just a guy with no special features except for breasts...

"Well... I see..." Honolulu looked at St. Louis, who was obviously his sister, but now became his mother. How strange it looked, and he couldn't get used to it for a while... Well, although St. better than my older sister in every way...

Just when we are dating, let's get to know the admiral slowly... Anyway, we will live together for the rest of our lives.

Honolulu took a deep breath, sorted out his mood, and then thought.

An Zhiyuan took Honolulu's hand and walked under the sun umbrella. Pachina was lying on a chair under the sun umbrella. Seeing An Zhiyuan, Honolulu and St. Louis coming, she sat up and looked at Honolulu. Lulu, this is the first time seeing this ship girl, right?

The figure is really good, no, think about it carefully, it seems that after arriving here, all the ship girls here are in good shape, except...the unicorn who came to the door by herself.

"Aren't you going to swim? Pachina." An Zhiyuan asked, sometimes he would call Fortress Ji, sometimes Pachina, and sometimes just call his wife, Pachina just didn't care about his casual behavior, he just called him whatever he wanted Just call it out.

"I'll be going in a while." Pachina said, after saying hello to Honolulu and St. Louis, she took a bottle of drink from the incubator and went to the beach for a swim.

Although Pachina is from the deep sea, she and Jianniang have the same roots. Both were born in the sea, and both love the sea.

After Pachina left, the position was vacant.

There are many sun umbrellas on the edge of the beach, and the standard equipment under Sun Mountain is a sun lounger and a beach cloth.

St. Louis looked at the beach, and then said with a smile: "Daughter, Zhiyuan, I also want to go swimming, but I'm afraid of getting sunburned, Zhiyuan, can you apply sunscreen for me?"

Acting must be in place, otherwise, as the admiral's mother-in-law, it would be too strange to be called admiral.

Honolulu pursed her lips, she was obviously the mother of the ship, so why would she be afraid of getting tanned... It is impossible for the mother of the ship to get tanned.

Now Honolulu has also realized that she is not stupid, but just a little slow. These two people just want to take advantage of that exciting identity...

Therefore, without any doubt, she let go of the admiral's hand, and sat on the beach chair beside her, while St. Louis lay down on the beach cloth, and looked at An Zhiyuan with a smile, "You won't refuse, will you? Help me This is a small favor, even this small favor can't help, but you can't marry my daughter."

Wow, Aunt Sheng, you understand it very well. An Zhiyuan likes this kind of tune. The thought of Aunt Sheng hooking up with her daughter's boyfriend is exciting.

Although the girls don't use sunscreen, they are actually prepared for this kind of fun with the admiral. Sunscreen should be applied all over the body, and it should be applied everywhere. Such a harsh thing, of course it is safe Zhiyuan will not let it go, and everyone will not disappoint An Zhiyuan's ideas, so this kind of thing is prepared.

An Zhiyuan squeezed the sunscreen into his hands, rubbed his hands, then put it on St. Louis' back, and evenly applied the sunscreen to St. Louis's back.

He didn't do anything too much, the main thing is that it's not easy to get along with Honolulu, since it's a role-play, it won't taste like a wife when he comes in front of Honolulu. Well, it’s better to steal as a concubine. Of course, the excitement brought about by having an affair is stronger than other situations.

Fortunately, Honolulu also turned around very cooperatively, turned his back to the two, and said, "Admiral, take good care of my mother."

You also understand well...

An Zhiyuan turned his head and looked at Honolulu, thinking that the two of you sisters are indeed ruthless machines, so you can handle such things at your fingertips...

Then St. Louis turned over, turned his front up, looked at An Zhiyuan, and said with a smile: "Zhiyuan, you should also apply it here, after all, when you go swimming, the swimsuit may fall off or something, If that's the case, you'll get tanned too..."

Saying that, St. Louis took An Zhiyuan's hand and placed it in her heart.

An Zhiyuan's expression is a bit weird, Honolulu may be a good boy, but you, St. Louis and Aunt St., must be a bad boy...

I like.

But let's not talk about whether the ship's mother will get tanned or not... Just say what you said, it's too obvious, how can the swimsuit fall off casually...

An Zhiyuan said softly: "That's right...these places also need to put on sunscreen."

St. Louis put his hands behind his head, raised his chest a little, and said with a smile: "If I don't get tanned, I will give you a reward, and maybe I will forgive you for your relationship with Honolulu."

Oh, is it the kind of setting where you are going to beat mandarin ducks with sticks?Very good, the setting of not letting my daughter fall in love with me, and then clapping and mingling with him in love, is very good.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After fixing the straps of the swimsuit and ensuring that sunscreen was applied to every corner of his body except his face, St. Louis walked towards the sea with a smile.

The admiral seems to be very good at this kind of thing?He is very proficient in the movements, he looks like a veteran at first glance, um, I really like such an admiral and such a son-in-law? I really like it~~~

After St. Louis was gone, Honolulu turned around, his face flushed, "Hey, put sunscreen on my mom, why don't you put sunscreen on me?"

"Of course no problem." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, you two are very active...

Although An Zhiyuan personally prefers to slowly cultivate his relationship, if the girls take the initiative, then he doesn't mind having another way of development with them, which is warm and colorful.

This is nothing more than a question of noun or verb. Inactivity means that the noun becomes a verb at the end, but if it is active from the beginning, then it is a verb from the beginning.

Slowly helping Honolulu to apply sunscreen, An Zhiyuan said: "If you need anything, just go to Belfast, she can prepare everything."

"The admiral trusts Miss Belfast a lot." Honolulu said softly after hearing the words, she must be a very reliable head maid, unlike herself, her only special feature is this useless chest.

"Yeah, I'm very dependent on her." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "So if you need it, you can just find her. Of course, you can also find me."

Admiral, it is to solve all kinds of problems for the girls... Although in his tutelary mansion, the fact that he helps solve problems has been weakened to the point...

Even in the past, it was the same. In the past, there were prestige counterattack and the three Shropshire maids in life, and Yubari in technology. Yubari can help solve most of the problems. An Zhiyuan is actually very dependent on the girls. I feel If you leave them, you will not know how to live for a while.

Even when I traveled here, I was accompanied by Xiaozhai. Without Xiaozhai's protection, it would be very dangerous to go out to sea.

I can't leave them for a long time, and I don't want to leave them, I'm an idiot.

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