An Zhiyuan thought about the things he traveled over, and left them behind... Well, I'm an idiot.

Next time, ask Yubari to do something like a lock, so as not to be time-traveled again.

"It's useless for a person like me...I've lost the face of the ship's mother..." Honolulu said with some frustration.

"Why do you say such things? Didn't I say that? The ship girl can only fight, there are many things you can do?" An Zhiyuan came back to his senses, and then said: "A ship girl like you, Just hit me a hundred..."

Even An Zhiyuan, who now has an infinite lifespan, is quite powerful compared to ordinary people, and An Zhiyuan, who is almost invincible, is still very weak to girls, as weak as an ant.

But it doesn't matter, no matter how weak they are, they are their admirals, they like them and they also like themselves, so when they do it, they will do exactly what he thinks, unless it is too embarrassing, or the girls have their own poses that they want to use, such as Chicheng, she especially likes to go through the back door, pay monthly wages to foxes, super erotic.

"I'm a good-for-nothing among the ship girls, but I'm still a ship girl, of course you can't beat me..." Hearing the admiral compare him to himself, Honolulu was a little speechless.

"That's terrible? Doesn't it mean that you are better than me to some extent?" An Zhiyuan blinked and said.

"..." Honolulu found that he couldn't speak to the admiral, his logical thinking was very weird... However, the admiral said this to comfort himself...

"The admiral thinks, what are my characteristics?" Honolulu asked after thinking about it.

"It's unique here." An Zhiyuan lifted her hands up with a smile, a trace of confusion and moisture appeared in Honolulu's eyes, and her face became even more rosy. "I knew it... I only have this place... Is it a little special?"

"It can also have other characteristics." An Zhiyuan withdrew his hand, and said with a smile: "In the future, I will dig out my hobbies, and soon I will be able to form new characteristics."

"Why did you move your hand away? It's okay... Anyway, that place is worthy of your liking, and it's okay to put it on it..." Honolulu curled his lips... "I, a ship girl like me, also That's all there is to it..."

Honolulu especially likes to feel sorry for himself....This is different from Marblehead. Honolulu is not inferior, it's just a little bit of self-pity, not to the extent of Marblehead.

After all, she has another characteristic, and she knows it herself.

It's a comfort for the admiral to like her features. After all, this place is only for the admiral. If the admiral doesn't like it, then there is no such feature.

"You are my girlfriend now, I have the final say on whether you are attractive or not?" An Zhiyuan thought for a while and said.

"But you said that I only have here..."

"I said that your place is very distinctive, but I didn't say that you have no distinctiveness in other places?" An Zhiyuan said, moving his hands down to Honolulu's calf, "This place is obviously also very good ...evenly beautiful legs, and the skin is so good."

Kind of want to lick.

An Zhiyuan helped Honolulu put on sunscreen, and took special care of Honolulu's calves and soles.

Soft soles, soft and boneless, probably this is the feeling. Of course, it is just an adjective, and you can still feel the bones. After all, does the ship girl have bones?Although it can be touched, is it really a bone?

Of course, this problem disappeared quickly, what about ghs, what do you want to do with that kind of thing?

Every inch of skin needs to be taken care of, after all, if one area is left untouched, that area will be tanned and blotchy, and that's not okay.

What?Jian Niang doesn't need to tan so carefully?

NoNoNo, it's really because you don't get tanned, so you need special care. The drunkard's intentions are not in alcohol.

However, Honolulu did not smear it as carefully as her mother, Aunt Sheng, and did not smear those sensitive areas. Even her characteristics are only separated by a swimsuit. After all, everyone knows that she will not tan Yes, Honolulu is not as bold as Aunt Sheng. Just after it was built, it is not Honolulu's style to let the admiral touch his whole body.

This can't be done, as a real girlfriend, you're going to lose to your mother, huh?Doesn't it matter if the boyfriend is also snatched away by Aunt Sheng?

Honolulu's consciousness is still too low.

Chapter three hundred and thirty seventh old astringent approved

"Hmm... Such a beach is really great..." St. Louis said with a smile, shaking his wet hair.

"I feel that no one will disturb me. Not only is it safe, but it is also very convenient to do other things, such as outdoors..." Coincidentally, Sirius is next to St. Louis.

Sirius is wearing a rather special swimsuit. Two pieces of black cloth are pulled from the side to the center of gravity and fixed by a small ring. The front part reveals an upright oval. The deep ravine is eye-catching. If it is An Zhiyuan If you are a real explorer, you will definitely not let this secret place go.

The other people in the tutelary mansion are actually fine, even Dido, she won't be so obvious, she will only be very sexy and active in front of the admiral, the same is true for Qi Berlin, usually she is not in front of An Zhiyuan The feeling of "slutty only for you", but Sirius...but she always behaves very astringent, because she is always thinking about doing hot things with her master, and she is not too Caring about what others think of her, she was criticized by the guard of the mansion.

As for St. Louis, it's a new batch, and the two of them have the same smell, ah, the ship's mother has no peculiar smell, so they have the same fragrance.

"That's's very would be great if we can swim close to each other in the water with Zhiyuan." St. Louis thought for a while and said with a smile.

"Zhiyuan? Is that what you call Master?" Hearing the admiral's name, Sirius asked curiously.

Even Frederick the Great, the master's great emperor Mama, would not call the master's name directly. She always called my child, my good child, bad child, etc., corresponding to various scenarios, and the general situation is "My child", my good child is generally used when the master has done something good, or when feeding the admiral to drink milk, and the word for a bad child, of course, is when sitting in such things, An Zhiyuan always hangs on her Appetite, when she is not satisfied.

"Well, don't you know? Reach asked Honolulu to play his girlfriend..." said St.Louis.

"Oh? Do you still need to act? Shouldn't the ship girl be born to give everything to the master? The master is everything, and we are all masters. So, does this kind of thing really need to be acted out?" " Sirius is worthy of licking wolf star, and she doesn't blush after saying these words, but from her point of view, there is really nothing to blush, after all, her proud master is her God, dedicating everything to her Things like breathing have become common sense.

"Listen to me..." St. Louis said, she didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with what Sirius said, and continued: "Then I played Honolulu's mother, who is Zhiyuan's mother-in-law, so that's why It's called Zhiyuan."

"Is that so?" Sirius commented old-fashionedly, and it was clear, with an ambiguous smile on his face, "It's really good, then my proud master, did you say what kind of test it was? It was in front of Honolulu. Lu's face? Or cheating? Or flying again?"

"I think Zhiyuan wants to take the road of cheating, but at the end, it will definitely fly in front of Honolulu." Although St. Louis has just been built, he guesses that it is almost the same. Ten, not only because she is also an acquaintance and knows people like An Zhiyuan very well, but also because she is An Zhiyuan's daughter-in-law. An Zhiyuan is not a strange thing.

"Ah, that's great..." Sirius thought for a while, a little envious, he could pretend to be the master's mother-in-law or something, and then have an affair with the master, it really makes people feel exciting just thinking about it.

Should he be worthy of being his proud master?Can think of such a wonderful idea, when will the master customize an identity for himself, will the master know the feeling of wanting to be used wantonly by the proud master?

In fact, if Missouri is here, they will probably be able to chat with them very well, because Missouri is researching all day long, how can the admiral be more excited...

And Nagato Mutsu, the highest rank, etc...

Here, An Zhiyuan is with Gascogne.

"The swimsuit is very nice. Gascogne." An Zhiyuan looked at her swimsuit and said with a smile.

The top is a white swimsuit with black edges, and the bottom is black swimming trunks. There is a transparent layer on the outside that only covers the front and back, but is not connected together. The gauze exposed on the side adds an extra layer , on the contrary, it is even more astringent.

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