The Purifier was also very curious about Fortress Ji, and finally couldn't help asking, "Why don't I know you?"

"Because I don't exist in this world, I'm another world...the enemy of the ship's mother, the former enemy." Saiji said: "If you are sirens, we are the deep sea."

"Enemy?" The Purifier was even more surprised when he heard it. Since it is an enemy, why are you with the enemy?

"Well, the former enemy is not now..." Fortress Ji squinted her eyes, thinking of that peachy memory, she couldn't help but blush, but it didn't matter, the purifier soon knew what kind of thing it was I feel...

"What's your name?" Fortress Ji turned her head, looked at the purifier, and asked.

"The Purifier." The Purifier hesitated for a moment, but still said his name. Knowing his name is actually nothing, and there is no information about him in this world, so even if he knows his name, he can't do much.

"So it's Purification." Fortress Ji smiled slightly.

"..." What's the matter with such intimacy, although the other party feels like the same kind, but now he is an enemy, such an intimacy is okay.

But in Fortress Ji's view, they were enemies before, and after the Purifier was caught, they were sisters.

What?You said you won't be sisters?Ha ha, I underestimated the admiral too much.

If the admiral becomes bad, he will become a very bad person.

Well, of course, when things go wrong, the person in charge will become a good admiral.

"Well, I won't take up too much of your time, my admiral, and I need to have an in-depth exchange with you." Saiji stood up and said with a smile, "Look forward to it."

Ha... In-depth communication or something...

I can't can I communicate?Let alone in-depth.

After a while, An Zhiyuan came in with a rope, looked at the purifier, and said with a smile: "Dear Purification, um, next, I will wrong you a little."

Then An Zhiyuan tied the hands of the purifier, who was a little limp and weak, with ropes, and hung them on the hooks above the dormitory. It was a bit high, and with the purifier's height, even if he tried to raise his hands, he needed a pad Just as An Zhiyuan was about to start the next step, the purifier shouted in panic: "You, you, what are you doing?!"

This man is really like the feeling he gave her, there is a strange and frightening feeling all over his body, when he gets close to him, he will have an indescribable sense of fear...

Damn it, it's obviously just a human being, why am I so scared?

An Zhiyuan raised his head and said with a smile, "Don't panic, I just want to make friends with you and have an in-depth exchange."

An Zhiyuan squatted down again, and tied the ankle of the Purifier with the other end of the rope. Although she had already practiced the rope binding on Akagi Kaga, Fuso, Nagato Mutsu, etc., but, Now is not the time to play that.

"Well, let me tell you how deep the communication is." An Zhiyuan leaned closer to the purifier's ear and said softly, "Let's just have an in-depth communication of about 18cm."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Purifier doesn't know this commander well...Well, those ship girls seem to call him Admiral, I don't know what the Admiral said about 18cm, but the other party's eyes give her a very bad feeling, if you don't run away sooner If you drop it, something will happen, the Purifier's intuition told her so.

She had to escape from here, although she knew it was ridiculous, but she had to escape from here, otherwise, something very dangerous would happen.

An Zhiyuan saw the eyes of the purifier turning left and right, as if he was observing the room, probably looking for a way to escape.

"It's useless, don't think about running away, you can't run away." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Do you know when your best chance to escape is before we come, and then you run away Well, if that's the case, we won't be able to catch you, but now that we've caught you, then you won't be able to run away, obediently come home with me."

"...Aren't you worried about other sirens coming to your door?" The Purifier couldn't help but said.

"So what if you came here?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile. He had told Yuzhang that he would delay the next visit and let Yuzhang transform the ship girl who was scheduled to come next time. He needed more Ship girls similar to Enterprise and Tangyu.

It took them more than a week to sail here. The Purifiers did not send any communication when they were captured, and it took a month for the sunken Siren armor to be revived. It will take more than [-] days to be resurrected. The siren's headquarters is deep in the Pacific Ocean. After they know that the Purifier has been captured, they rush to Anzhiyuan's tutelary mansion. This time, at least It took more than forty days, more than forty days, it was enough for the next batch of remodeled ship girls to come here, so An Zhiyuan really didn't worry about the four modernized ship girls at all. Being a siren would be tricky too.

Moreover, there is another situation that needs to be considered, that is, although the sirens are powerful, they have never attacked the coast, or they have not attacked the coast. Perhaps, the other party has some considerations. Maybe they will come out in full force.

However, one thing is certain is that if the number of sirens is not particularly large, then they will only target themselves and will not disperse their forces to other sea areas to threaten other commanders. They did not do this before, so naturally they have Reason, they shouldn't do this now.

Moreover, when the time is almost up, the Purifiers are almost pregnant... Oh, An Zhiyuan means that she has almost turned to the light, so there is no need for those sirens to come to save her again, isn't it?

"Our siren's battle is very strong. Even though you have a strong aircraft carrier and a strong submarine, it is still not enough for us siren." Seeing him smiling proudly, the purifier endured Can't stop talking.

"Then let's try." An Zhiyuan chuckled, stretched out his hand and squeezed the Purifier's chin and said, "Before other sirens defeat me or we repel other sirens, you will be mine." Oh, you can play with it any way you want, actually I’m a little curious, do you Sirens know some behaviors of human beings?”

In more than forty days, the roads on her body were enough for An Zhiyuan to walk a dozen or twenty times, whether it was the front door, the back door or the skylight.

The purifier bit his lip, and stared at An Zhiyuan, "Take your dirty hands away, and I'll chop you off."

This guy is really daring, damn it, if he still has the strength, such a guy would be crushed to death, how could he just let him squeeze him like now?

"If you can do it, you can try it." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, and did not withdraw his hand, but gently rubbed the skin of the purifier with his fingertips...

The skin is so good, the siren is really no different from the ship girl, just like the deep sea.

Isn't this the perfect wife candidate?

"Ahhhh...get it away! Get it out of the way..." The purifier was a little crazy. He was obviously calm at the beginning, but after he really started to use it, he became a little impatient.

An Zhiyuan smiled slightly, not to mention that she is an ordinary girl now, even if she is not an ordinary girl, An Zhiyuan is not too afraid of that kind of enemy.

An Zhiyuan held the purifier's face with both hands, fixed her head, and said: "You should be more cooperative, otherwise, you will only make you suffer more."

"Hey, kill me if you have the ability!" The purifier snorted.

"Stop making trouble, it's not that you are not afraid of death." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "You know that you still have a chance to be rescued, so how could you want to die? I don't want to kill you either. To be honest, I want to be with you." Be friends."

"Is this how you humans treat your friends?" The purifier said, glaring at An Zhiyuan.

"Aren't we still friends now? It's okay. After I finish this series of things, you will be my friend, good friend, girlfriend." An Zhiyuan laughed.

"Then, let's not play so aggressively when we come up. As a treat for future friends, I prepared three eggs for you." An Zhiyuan took out three familiar pink toys from his pocket and said.

These three small toys were originally brought out for fun, to be honest, An Zhiyuan didn't feel that he could really catch a siren once he came out, but now that he caught it, then this thing can also come in handy.

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