Plus, there's washi tape.

"Three...three eggs...?" The purifier obviously doesn't understand the complexity of human society. She probably understands some human culture, but she is not omniscient, so she expressed dissatisfaction with the three eggs that An Zhiyuan brought out. Doubts do not understand.

"That's right, three eggs. However, these are not eggs for eating, at least...not for eating with your upper mouth." An Zhiyuan said solemnly, then he looked at the purifier and began to take off the egg. Clothes of the Purifier.

"Hey, hello! What are you doing!!" The purifier was a little flustered, and the siren also cared about his own chastity.

"Don't panic, this is a cleansing ceremony to make friends money. If you don't believe me, you can ask Sai Ji later, she has experienced it before." An Zhiyuan pressed the purifier's twisted waist and said with a smile: "And , and it doesn’t hurt, so you don’t have to struggle at all, it feels good, well, it’s better to actually feel it than to say it.”

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

An Zhiyuan closed the door, and when he heard the muffled "Mmmmmmm" and "Buzzing buzzing" sounds coming from inside, he smiled knowingly. Presumably, the new friend, Purify, will enjoy the time of making friends. of the cleansing ceremony.

Fortress Ji is not far outside, she didn't leave, but when she saw An Zhiyuan coming out, Fortress Ji came over and said, "Leave it alone for now?"

"Well, let her be quiet alone." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, of course, if Purify can really calm down...

An Zhiyuan reckoned that the three eggs were placed in those three places, so no matter what, he couldn't calm down.

"Who will take care of it?" Fortress Ji asked.

"Take care? Don't take care of her. She can't even break free from the rope with her current strength." An Zhiyuan said, "It's okay even if she is hung up. Although her strength is gone, her physical fitness is still there. How can I play?" It's not bad at all...well, I mean she's more...playable...No, it seems that I'm not ready to express it like this. To be more precise, it should be...Oh, forget it, just say She is more playful."

Ask Sai Ji to roll her eyes, so that no one knows that you brought her back to do that kind of ulterior matter, please, has she experienced this kind of thing well, those memories are still clearly in her mind , How could he not know what he wanted to do.

"I think it's better to take care of it. After all, I haven't done experiments with siren before, and no one knows how effective Yubari's medicine is for siren." Yao Saiji said: "Let me take care of her." .”

An Zhiyuan nodded when he heard the words, "...that's fine, I'll trouble you."

"No trouble, actually..." Fortress Ji touched her chin, and then said, "Could you bring me along when you transfer...educate her next time? I don't want to disturb you, I'm just curious."

"What's curious, haven't you experienced it yourself?" An Zhiyuan blinked and said.

Fortress Ji blushed and gave An Zhiyuan a white look, "The things I have experienced are different from what I saw from the perspective of a bystander, right? Just tell me whether you want me to see it or not."

"You can watch it if you want." An Zhiyuan blinked and said, "This kind of thing actually doesn't matter."

"Hmm..." Fortress Ji seemed a little excited...huh?Fortress Ji is shaking a bit?Why didn't you find out before?I used to think that Sergey would be a little shaken... well, maybe it's just to adjust to myself... well, I just feel excited about educating the sirens. After all, the "suffering" she has experienced in the past , it fell on someone else, although An Zhiyuan didn't think it was a kind of suffering.

In short, after a whole day, An Zhiyuan came to the door of Purification Pro with his lunch, pushed the door and walked in.

The rooms of the supply ship are fully enclosed, and the air conditioner is usually turned on, but the room of Purification Pro is not turned on, so you can smell a strong smell when you enter the door.

Siren is the same as Jianniang, her body is clean, and the body fluids that flow out will emit a fragrance until it dries up and will not stink. Therefore, as soon as you enter the house, it is full of fragrance.

An Zhiyuan took a few deep breaths, then closed the door to prevent the scent from dissipating.

The Purifier whose mouth was gagged by An Zhiyuan with some kind of her own fabric seemed to hear the sound of the door opening, and began to twist her waist, and also let out a "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuvu

Although the outside sunlight can't penetrate, the light on the ceiling is reflected by the unknown liquid on the ground, yo, is this water in?Water all over the place?

An Zhiyuan took a plate of lunch, stretched out his hand and rubbed it on the wet ground with his fingers, then raised his hand and rubbed it with his thumb and forefinger, it was wet and sticky.

An Zhiyuan pulled the paper towel next to him and wiped his hands, then took out the small cloth from Purifying Kiss' mouth, and then took off the black cloth on Purifying Kiss' eyes, "You're hungry, let's eat something."

After the thing stuffed in the purifying kiss was taken out and the black cloth on the eyes was taken off, she could see the things in front of her eyes, and she squinted her eyes, probably because she had been blindfolded for too long and was not used to the light Well, after she got used to it, she noticed An Zhiyuan and the pork chop rice he brought over.

Then she lowered her head to look at the liquid on the ground, her face was flushed, as the perpetrator of the flooding in the cabin, of course she knew what was going on, she raised her head and stared at An Zhiyuan viciously, "You, You bastard... quickly, quickly shut that thing off!"

In the past, there was one thing that the ship girls didn't know whether it was an advantage or a disadvantage, that is, they didn't feel a certain kind of overstimulation and then became numb. Basically, it was what they felt at the beginning, and what they felt after that. This point, Deep Sea Same thing, siren... same thing.

Therefore, even if the three eggs were carried for a whole day, the Purifier was not numb.

An Zhiyuan smiled slightly, and said: "Hurry up and eat, it's true, it's delicious, this is one of the beautiful chefs in our tutelary mansion, the pork chop rice made by Fusang, do you want to eat it? Let me feed you, um. ..Of course, you can also not eat, I know you may not eat for a long time, but if you don't eat, maybe something bad will happen, how bad, I don't know, because, I know , you will cooperate with the meal, right? Purification dear?"

A naked threat!Purification kiss flushed and gritted her teeth. She couldn't refuse at all. Now this feeling has driven her crazy. If she goes any further, she will go crazy, so Purification kiss can only nod.

An Zhiyuan separated the pork chops with a spoon, and then fed a small portion of the pork chops together with the rice into the mouth of Purification Kiss. ​​Purification Kissed the pork chop rice unwillingly, and was delicious...

But An Zhiyuan didn't continue to feed her, but put the rice bowl on the wet ground, and then took off the rope hanging on it, so that the purification mother could go about her activities, even though her hands were bound, but now This state is at least partially free.

"Isn't it delicious? Do you still want to eat it?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Let's talk about feeding after becoming a wife. The current Purification is an enemy, so I can only let her suffer a little bit of grievances. If after becoming a wife, Purification feels that the current treatment is not good, then it will be fine to make up for her up.

Purification pro didn't speak, but looked at An Zhiyuan with some doubts, how could he eat when he put his rice bowl on the ground?

An Zhiyuan supported Purification's waist, then let her kneel down, finally bent down, pointed to the rice bowl and said, "You must learn to support yourself, so if you want to eat the pork chop rice before it gets cold, you need to work hard on your own." .”

The purification pro was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and started to eat, there was no special reaction at all...Hey, hey...I did this to "humiliate" you, but you didn't respond, what happened?

An Zhiyuan blinked, then use another method...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the final analysis, it is a siren, not a human or a ship girl, so maybe there is no similar shame. No, when I tease her, I still have obvious shame. Even if there is a difference, the difference should not be big. .

Maybe... it's just because the sirens eat with their hands or gnaw directly?So there is no resistance to this way of eating?

But An Zhiyuan has a way to make her resist...why make her resist, because if the other party doesn't resist, how can he find an excuse to educate her and make her his own?isn't it?

An Zhiyuan lifted the purifier's chin to make her kneel upright, then picked up the bowl, took a spoonful of pork chop rice into his mouth, chewed it, and said, "Want to eat it? How about I feed it to you?" ?”

The purifier looked at An Zhiyuan with some hesitation. She didn't quite understand An Zhiyuan's thoughts. At first she fed herself directly, and then suddenly put it on the ground to let herself find a way to eat. Now he started to eat by himself again, and asked if he wanted to eat. Ask yourself... crazy?

Didn't you already feed it just now?

"Want to eat?" An Zhiyuan swallowed the food in his mouth, then looked at the purifier with a smile.

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