Sergey walked to the door, opened the door and walked out. She didn't want to disturb the admiral anymore. Anyway, she had already seen the scene of bullying that siren, and she was satisfied. Now the relationship between this siren called the Purifier and the admiral Not yet, so I have nothing to do when I stay. When the relationship is in place, I can fly again when I stay here.

The ankles of Purify Kiss's legs were still tied, and after holding on to the bed to stand firm, he began to move awkwardly.

It's really awkward, the movements are very slow, the face of Purification Pro is very red, and she seems very shy, but this is not the reason for her to dawdle.

An Zhiyuan said: "It seems that you want to experience another, worse way, then well, let's use another..."

"No, no, no!" Purification kissed the movement of her hands quickly, and her little t-shirt could be easily taken off...

Sirens don't seem to have the habit of wearing bras, just don't know if they wear fat times...

An Zhiyuan blinked, and then said: "At this time, you have to say hello, say some greetings, such as 'good morning', 'good afternoon', 'good night', etc. Actually, this is also necessary for apologizing. , This is the rule of our tutelary mansion."

The Purifier rolled her eyes. Although she doesn't know much about human society, she still understands some basic common sense of human society. Even the commander and the ship's wife don't have strange rules like yours, do they?Obviously he is lustful, right?

This coveting his own body...

Hmm...Damn it, before they come to save me, can I just give in temporarily...

"Hurry up, say something." An Zhiyuan urged.

"...Well...good afternoon...uh...admiral..." The purifier said with a flushed face.

"That's not okay, you have to make some gestures, such as holding it like this, and then look at me solemnly, don't show a shy expression, it's just a normal greeting, there's nothing to be shy about." An Zhiyuan Said solemnly.

ha?Who normally greets like this?Humans don't, ship girls don't, and sirens don't, either!

However, the purifier still didn't refute An Zhiyuan, after all, he had the final say now.

Therefore, according to what An Zhiyuan said, Purify Pro could only start to try.

"That's right, that's it." An Zhiyuan nodded, "However, the movements are still not standard enough. Although you only have B, it's still very good to squeeze. How about greetings?"

Although Purification Pro's face was blushing, she could only pretend to be serious, "Good afternoon, Admiral..."

I'm so ashamed... Siren's sense of shame is a little weaker than that of ship mothers and humans, but I don't know why, doing this kind of thing in front of him, the Purifier feels very ashamed, almost ashamed to death...

"Hmm. Not bad, and then, that's just the beginning of the greeting, followed by a deep kiss, it's a whole set of greetings." An Zhiyuan pointed to his lips with a smile, and said.

The bad character has already surfaced, after all, the siren is an enemy now, and An Zhiyuan is more playful, and when he becomes a wife in the future, he can only be hurt.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Of course, meeting etiquette should be done.

However, after learning this etiquette, whether it is now or in the future, it will only be done to one person, and that person is An Zhiyuan.

The purifiers probably also know that there is no such custom in both human society and ship mother society, but if a person is arrested, there is no way to do this. If they don't do it, the other party will use that kind of thing to torture themselves.

In order to avoid torture, it is very necessary to be soft. You can't be played to death before other sirens come to save you.

Of course, although An Zhiyuan is very bad, it's not bad in this respect, he doesn't have any hobbies like abuse, he just shakes his S slightly, overall speaking, XP is quite normal.

Therefore, it is impossible to play dead and purify parents, but it is possible to play dizzy and play pregnant, cough cough...

However, it is not the turn to purify the mother for things like pregnancy.

Because Jianniang is unable to conceive herself, although she can entrust Yubari to help her, even if Yubari helps Jianniang to have the ability to conceive, and these Jianniangs come to An Zhiyuan a few more times, what if they are pregnant? They are all ship outfits, for example, Lexington and Chicheng, their daughters are both aircraft girls.

We are all immortals, and there is no need to use this traditional method to carry on the family line. Both An Zhiyuan himself and the girls have unlimited life spans. Therefore, An Zhiyuan himself doesn't want children very much. You won't be able to let the purification kiss you.

In view of the cooperative attitude of Purification Kiss, An Zhiyuan finally decided to relax her, at least let her rest, and did not continue, but both An Zhiyuan and Purification Kiss knew that it would not be too late next time. ..

Although he vented some negative emotions, the fire provoked by An Zhiyuan has not been extinguished. After coming out of the small room, he took a deep breath.

"Admiral, is it over?" Fortress Sai Ji was still waiting outside, but when she saw An Zhiyuan coming out, she stepped forward and asked.

"It's over for now." An Zhiyuan smiled at her, "Are you waiting here...?"

"Well, because, even if it's a siren, the admiral wouldn't just do that, right? So, there is always a need for someone to solve the need." Says Saiji.

An Zhiyuan blinked his eyes, thinking that you know very well...Well, the "victims" who have experienced it are of course very clear about this kind of thing.


During dinner, An Zhiyuan passed the dinner Fusang had prepared for him, and walked to the dining table.

An Zhiyuan, the director of the company, and the people from the Bilan College office did not eat together. The ship girl would not be so close to humans easily, even in companies that have a good relationship with An Zhiyuan.

But the absence of the director of the company makes it easier for An Zhiyuan and the others to do other things, such as feeding, right?

Today, An Zhiyuan didn't ask the girls to help feed him with his mouth. He sat in his seat and asked Hood, "Is there anything going on in the sea these two days?"

"No, I probably don't know about the Purifier being taken away by us." Dedechan said, she is the flagship of the current fleet, and the company will stay on board to protect An Zhiyuan, and by the way, fly the carrier-based aircraft to patrol, and Not in charge of combat, An Zhiyuan also asked the company before, and the company said that the surrounding siren soldiers seemed to be the same as usual, and Dedejiang had been fighting with those siren soldiers during the escort process, and did not find anything unusual. Well, the later the other sirens find out, the better for them.

"The most important thing is over there." The enterprise said: "Considering that we don't know the specific combat capabilities of the siren yet, our combat effectiveness should be as strong as possible. I hope Yubari can complete the transformation sooner."

"Who is doing the transformation this time?" Dede-chan asked curiously.

"Sigsby, and New Jersey, as well as Essex and CV16." An Zhiyuan said: "Sigsby has been transformed into a highly modern guided missile destroyer, New Jersey has been transformed into a guided missile battleship, and both Essex and CV16 have been transformed." Nucleation-powered aircraft carrier, then, Sigsby and New Jersey come first, Essex and CV16 come later."

The company frowned, "It should take a lot of time to complete the transformation of these four?"

"Yeah. So, it's time for Sigsby and New Jersey to be teleported here before continuing to transform Essex and CV16." An Zhiyuan nodded, "It should be completed within 40 days, Yubari said. The machine doesn't need to be repaired now, it just needs to be recharged, so she can free up her hands to modify it."

The company nodded after hearing the words, "That's good. I'm worried that if the transmission is delayed because of the transformation, it won't be able to help even if the transformation is completed."

An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "I think it might be soon, the time before everyone teleports over."

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