"I have this feeling." Bismarck also nodded lightly, "Yubari is always reassuring."

Yubari Technology, everyone agrees that it is good after using it.

"The admiral seems to be impatient to carry out your travel plan." Fusang said with a smile.

"Yeah, anyway, as long as I'm with everyone, I still like the feeling of rafting and traveling around." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Has Yubari estimated the time himself?" Bismarck asked.

"She said, maybe half a year later, it's really soon." An Zhiyuan said: "It's good. In the past six months, let's make some preparations for them to come."

"Half a year?!" Tirpitz was a little surprised when he heard this number, "I thought it would take at least one or two years."

"Yubari said that he solved some troubles, so the time was greatly shortened, um... As for the troubles, I'm not a professional, and I don't know." An Zhiyuan said: "Anyway, the sooner you come here, the better, right?"

"Indeed, I really want to meet those who haven't seen it, sisters." Belfast said with a smile, Dido, Sirius, Hood, and Dadi Mama came here to join the guard The ship girl of the mansion is also very curious about the sisters over there. Although I can see the other party's appearance through the video call, I don't know enough about it.

Tirpitz whispered to Sirius beside him: "You probably like Missouri very much, really, I won't lie to you."

When Missouri comes over, there may be some new ways to play it....

Sirius blinked, she remembered the name, she heard from other sisters... said yes, a ship girl who knows the master very well, right?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Is there any information out there?" asked the director of the company.

She and An Zhiyuan were standing on the deck of the supply ship. The director of the company was obviously concerned about the situation of the purifiers, so he came to An Zhiyuan early the next morning.

An Zhiyuan blinked, and said, "Not yet, it's not that easy to give in, I'm trying to find a way..."

"Really..." Knowing that the other party didn't speak, the director of the company was a little disappointed, and then said: "If you reveal anything, please tell us, maybe it will be of great help to us."

An Zhiyuan nodded and smiled, "Of course."

The president of the company nodded to him, and then said: "Actually, I'm a little curious. Where do all your fully trained ship girls come from? Shangri-La has asked this question before, right?"

An Zhiyuan thought for a while and said, "I forgot whether the dean of Shangri-La has asked, but I can't tell the dean of the company about this question for the time being."

"Is it a secret?" the director of the enterprise asked with a smile.

"Yeah, it's a secret, unless, when did the president of the company join our tutelary mansion." An Zhiyuan said.

Hearing the words, the company brushed its ears and hair, laughed silently, paused for a while, and then asked: "Speaking of which, you all like to be called the tutelary mansion, not the headquarters. What's so special about the name tutelary mansion?" ?"

"This is also a secret." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Similarly, I can only tell you after the director of the company joins."

"You are really a person with a lot of secrets." The president of the company shook his head helplessly, and then said, "Forget it, I won't ask so many questions, as long as...you can take us to eliminate the sirens, what? It doesn't matter anymore."

An Zhiyuan remembered what Xizhang said that everyone should be able to come over in half a year, he touched his chin and said, "I can't wait too long..."

"What's the matter? You said that all of a sudden? Do you have any plans?" Hearing this, the director of the company looked at An Zhiyuan curiously and asked.

"Well, you'll know when the time comes." An Zhiyuan still didn't say anything, the president of the company was a little helpless, this guy, he didn't reveal anything, it was just like what Shangri-La said, there were too many mysteries about him, but What is certain is that he is still a trustworthy commander. Although they cannot read minds directly, they can vaguely feel what the other party is thinking.

"Will you tell me after you join your tutelary mansion?" asked the head of the company.

"Well, it's true." An Zhiyuan nodded. Regarding the situation of their coming to another world, it is really impossible to tell the director of the company now, and it is not his wife. Such things must not be leaked.

"Then you are pursuing. Ever since I told you to give you a chance, you haven't come to me very much." The president of the company was a little helpless, "You must give me a chance to get to know you, you also need to get to know me. , we can't understand each other, so the relationship between us can only be like this all the time?"

The relationship between the two is no longer unfamiliar, at least, it is to the extent that they can talk, say they are friends, they haven't arrived yet, but the relationship is still good.

An Zhiyuan patted the back of his head and said, "Actually, I'm quite busy these days, so I don't have much time to find you, but can't we get to know you better now?"

"Well..." The president of the company walked to the railing, supported the railing, looked at the sea, and said: "You have too many secrets, I'm really curious, the most important thing is... maybe, If you really manage to wipe out all the sirens, we don't need to understand each other, maybe I will sacrifice myself excitedly."

"What is that? Promise with your body?" An Zhiyuan chuckled, "Let's not say I don't believe it, even if what you said is true, I don't want to use that method."

"Just kidding." The director of the company turned his head to look at An Zhiyuan, and said with a smile, "Why don't you want to use that method? Isn't it all about getting me?"

"That's too boring." An Zhiyuan said: "A girl who has no feelings for me is too awkward. I don't like that."

The dean of the company blinked, and said with a smile: "You still pay attention to feelings?"

"Well, although, uh...Although I don't seem qualified to say such things, but indeed, I really care about that." An Zhiyuan nodded.

"It's good to care about this." The president of the company nodded, "However, if you really do it, I won't throw myself into my arms, but it is inevitable that I will have a good impression of you. After all, eliminating the siren It has always been my wish, and it doesn't matter whether I realize it or not, as long as the wish is fulfilled."

"Perhaps, we can't wait for that time." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"You are confident, so you came to me. Don't you think that just meeting a few times and chatting for a few days will make me feel good about you?" The director of the enterprise chuckled.

"How can you expect that kind of thing." An Zhiyuan said: "However, chatting like this can be regarded as a way to increase your goodwill. After all, if I ask you out for a date now, you won't agree. It’s nice to be able to gain a good impression in this way.”

"You haven't tried it." The director of the enterprise paused, then said with a smile.

"I know what the result will be, and I know I will be rejected, so why try it? It's just a waste of effort." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Although I have a thick skin, if I really have to be rejected a few times, then It hurts too."

"I told you, you haven't tried it yet." The director of the company said, "How do you know if you don't try it?"

Hearing this, An Zhiyuan looked at the director of the company who was leaning on the railing and looking at the sea, and blinked.

What does this mean?He has spoken to such an extent, the director of the enterprise still let herself try, of course she can understand what he said, but let herself try... What she wants to express...

"Then... let's go on a date after we go ashore?" An Zhiyuan asked tentatively.

"Sorry, we haven't reached that kind of relationship yet." The director of the enterprise turned his head, brushed his ears and hair, and said with a smile.

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