An Zhiyuan shrugged his shoulders, meaning look, you didn't agree.

"However, if it's just for walking around, chatting, or going out for a cup of tea or coffee, I don't mind." Seeing An Zhiyuan's expression, the director of the company was a little amused, and continued Said.

"I'm very interested in you. Let's get to know you better. I think you may be an interesting person." The president of the company said with a smile.

An Zhiyuan thought to himself, it's hard to say whether I'm an interesting person, but I'm definitely a shy person.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It's always nice to have a good start, isn't it?

After half a year, the girls will come over. Within half a year, the director of the enterprise must join the tutelary mansion. After all, An Zhiyuan feels that when everyone comes over in half a year, the global travel plan will probably start. An Zhiyuan has a lot of ideas, some of which are reliable and outrageous, but Yubari can turn his ideas into reality.

There are also Chasers, Shangri-La and the others... By the way, there is also North Carolina that I have seen before... Well, as expected, there is still a plan for the Bilan College Paradise.

If this idea is known, maybe several deans will stay away from him?

An Zhiyuan thought to himself.

"hensin!" An Zhiyuan heard a voice in the distance, it was probably Master Su, he came back to his senses and walked over, and found that Master Su and Odin were standing on the deck posing, not really transformed, just joking Well, the transforming device is still here at An Zhiyuan's place. Did the two of them transform with their minds?

"It's up to me, Master Sukhbaatar of Burning Eyes, to destroy you deep seas..." Before Master Su could finish his lines, he was pulled by Odin, who reminded her: "Now it's Siren .”

"Oh, that's right, let me, Sukhbaatar Daren the Burning Eye, destroy you sirens!" Lord Su changed his words quickly.

Master Su is still in the second grade, no, it can't be said to be the second grader, after all, Master Su is really strong, and he can really defeat the Sirens.

Burning Eye Sukhbaatar?Have you seen Shakugan's Shana?However, after Master Su's transformation, it is true that one of his eyes can discharge electricity. Moreover, Master Su's eyes are indeed red.

"Admiral~" Odin found An Zhiyuan and waved his hand to greet him.

"Admiral?" Lord Su looked at Odin first, then looked in Odin's direction, and found An Zhiyuan standing here, "Admiral!"

Master Su pulled Odin and ran over, let go of Odin when he walked in, then threw himself into An Zhiyuan's arms, and said coquettishly: "Admiral, admiral, I want to go out to fight..."

Master Su and Odin are supporting the fleet. They usually stay on the ship and don't know how to attack. The two little girls probably feel a little boring, so they want to attack.

An Zhiyuan hugged Master Su, and then said: "You don't need to attack, you are the support fleet, in other words, you are the key to the outcome of the battle."

"Is that so? Then let's act as a support fleet!" Master Su said hastily upon hearing this.

The little girl is still so cute...

"Are you homesick?" An Zhiyuan hugged Odin again, and asked with a smile.

"Home is where the admiral is." The two replied in unison.

An Zhiyuan blinked, "Then let me ask in another way, do you miss your secret base?"

"A little bit, but anyway, aren't we on our way back now?" Master Su smacked An Zhiyuan's face, and whispered.

"Well, yeah..." I'll be home in a few days.An Zhiyuan nodded.

This trip did not sail very far, so it will not take too much time to go home.

"Admiral, Admiral! I want to ride a horse!" Lord Su pulled La An Zhiyuan, and said coquettishly.

Hearing this, An Zhiyuan put down Odin, then hugged her and let Master Su ride on his neck.

"Wow, it's so high." Master Su sat on An Zhiyuan's neck, his legs dangling slightly, and looked around with a smile.

Odin looked at Mr. Su with some envy, but he just watched and didn't say anything, because Mr. Su is her boss, the boss should enjoy everything first, right?

Fortunately, Lord Su didn't forget his little sister. After riding the horse for a while, he asked Odin to ride too.

An Zhiyuan satisfied the two little guys' desire to ride a horse. Xiao Zhai used to like to ride a horse, but later he didn't like it, and he didn't know why.

An Zhiyuan, Mr. Su and Odin were playing on the deck when Enterprise came over.

"Admiral." The company that calls Admiral can only be An Zhiyuan's gold industry.

"Huh? What's the matter?" An Zhiyuan looked at the enterprise and asked.

"A Siren armored fleet was found in the southwest, not far from us, just in case, you should go back to the dormitory first, so as not to affect you." The company said: "Hood and the others have already passed. "

An Zhiyuan nodded, then put Master Su and Odin down, rubbed their heads, and said with a smile: "If you need your help later, be serious."

"Don't worry, leave it to us, Admiral!" Master Su patted his small chest, and said confidently, although he is just a small supply ship now, but after the transformation, he is a Star Destroyer Ship oh, what kind of siren armor is not enough to fight.

"I will work hard too..." Odin whispered.

An Zhiyuan smiled, and left the deck.

The company said it was just in case, but it was really just in case. After Hood and the others approached and started exchanging fire, the Siren armored fleet was quickly wiped out.

An Zhiyuan came to Purify's room, ready to continue his educational career.

He took out the key and opened the door, then pushed the door and walked in. The water inside had already dried up. Whether it was a ship girl, a deep sea or a siren, their bodily fluids seemed to be similar, and they would disappear by themselves after a while, without any smell. Yes, but the room is filled with the fragrance of purifying oneself. The air conditioner is not turned on in this room, so it is not breathable.

Purification is in a daze. Now that she is tied up, she can't do anything. Apart from sleeping, she can only be in a daze.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Purification Qin came back to his senses. After seeing An Zhiyuan, Purification Qin's face changed a little, but immediately returned to normal. However, An Zhiyuan caught this momentary change, and in his heart Whisper, don't be so afraid of yourself, right?I didn't do anything excessive to you, did I?It's just for you to learn the good customs of our tutelary mansion.

"Guess when your siren companions will come to rescue you?" An Zhiyuan went to the side of the bed with a smile, looked at the purification pro who was hung on the shelf of the upper bunk and could only rest on his feet because he was not tall enough, and asked road.

Purification pro bit her lip and didn't speak.

"Don't be like this, don't be silent, this is not polite, a guy who is not polite, but he needs to be educated, do you want me to educate you?" An Zhiyuan smiled very gently, but Purification listened Quickly said: "No, no, no..."

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