-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Then guess it." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"How do I know... I'm not them..." Purification was a little speechless, how could she know this kind of thing, and she didn't have a spiritual connection with other sirens.

However, it will take forty days at the earliest..., forty days... It's scary to think that I need to spend forty days in front of this guy...

"You said, before they came to rescue you, would you get used to living here? We're almost at our tutelary mansion, you should know the location of our tutelary mansion, right?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

The Purifier nodded.

"Have you ever observed our tutelary mansion?" An Zhiyuan continued to ask.

The purifier shook his head, "This is not my job, not to mention, we are generally not close to the sea."

An Zhiyuan was a little strange when he heard the words, "Didn't there be two sirens approaching the sea before? I actually want to ask, what is the purpose of yours? To destroy the ship girl? To destroy human beings?"

The Purifier fell silent after hearing the words, and did not speak.

"What's the point of being silent? Just say it if you have any purpose. It won't delay the matter if you say it?" An Zhiyuan said: "Anyway, you and I both know that we are enemies, um, we used to be, but in the future it won't be necessarily the case. gone."

The Purifier remained silent.

An Zhiyuan is a very patient person, but that's only for his own girls, An Zhiyuan has no patience for this purifying relative who is not his own girl.

"You have to answer carefully when I ask you. As I said, keeping silent is not a good habit. Do you want me to educate you? Don't deny it, I know, you just want to." An Zhiyuan stood up , turned around, faced the purifier, then stretched out his hand and lifted the purifier's chin, and said: "Actually, our tutelary mansion still has a lot of rules, I know, you want to learn it? Well, first of all It's because you didn't answer my question, so you need to add and serve..."

Purification Pro quickly shook his head, "Don't..."

But before he finished speaking, An Zhiyuan hugged her waist and turned her around, turning her back to face him, and An Zhiyuan slapped her.

"Ah!!!" The purifier screamed immediately, no one had ever hit her before, and that strange feeling made her a little crazy.

"What's it called? This is just a punishment for you. Why didn't you answer my question? Don't worry, I have many ways of spanking. We can experience it slowly." An Zhiyuan smiled slightly.

"Don't! Don't!" The Purifier shouted hastily.

"It's late." An Zhiyuan slapped the purifier ten times.

It was a little bit hard, but for the purifier, it wasn't particularly painful, it was more of a strange feeling.

"Don't hit it..." The purifier's face was very red, and she whispered, she felt that her body was very strange, the opponent's strength was not very strong, but every time it fell on it, it gave her a very numb feeling , it made her feel bad, really bad!

"Then tell me, otherwise, I'll continue fighting in another way." An Zhiyuan put his hands on his shoulders and said with a smile.

"We...we..." The Purifiers still hesitated, not knowing whether to tell their purpose.

"Well, it seems that it's still not enough, come on, let's continue in another way." An Zhiyuan put his hand on the belt and said with a smile.

"Don't, don't, don't!" The purifier still understands the crap about human beings. After all, sirens are also women. Naturally, they understand the difference between men and women, and they are more open to such things. Seeing An Zhiyuan's hand put On the belt, the Purifier feels bad.

"That...Actually, we are just to urge humans and ship girls to make progress..." The purifier said a little depressed: "That's why we want to put pressure on you..."

An Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then his expression was a little strange.

Ha... pressure to progress?

This made An Zhiyuan think of the deep sea, and the deep sea flagship will not actively attack humans. The reason for the attack is mainly because An Zhiyuan's ship lady robbed their deep sea supply sauce, so she was bullied for the deep sea supply sauce. Just for revenge.

An Zhiyuan was silent for a while, and then asked: "Is there any point in doing this?"

"It's not because you humans are developing too slowly that we appear." The purifiers seem to have a lot of resentment, after all, they all appeared for the sake of human progress, and now they are caught by humans and wantonly humiliated , what is this?If humans develop fast enough, they won't wake up.

An Zhiyuan thought for a while and said, "Is this really your purpose?"

"Didn't you ask me to say it? You don't believe it now..." The purifier rolled his eyes, but because her back was facing An Zhiyuan, An Zhiyuan couldn't see her expression.

An Zhiyuan said: "Because it's a bit weird, do you believe that the enemy who has been fighting for life and death is actually just to promote the progress of human beings and ship mothers?"

"Life-and-death battles or something... Our Siren didn't kill anyone or the ship girl. Now there are no daring humans and ship girls who dare to come to the deep sea, except you. Don't confuse the Siren armor with us, Siren Soldiers have no consciousness of their own, they only act according to instructions, so there will be so many bloody incidents in the early stage, if we sirens wake up earlier, although it is difficult for us to avoid some very bad things to make you leave The sea, however, at least...is much better than it is now," said the Purifier.

An Zhiyuan said: "You have many ways to stimulate human progress, why choose this way...?"

"If it weren't for the appearance of the ship girl, human beings would never be so lazy. Now that humans rely on the ship girl, they have forgotten that their own progress is the most important..." The purifier said: "If there is no ship girl, After decades of development, human technology has definitely spanned several generations...The appearance of the ship girl has not only helped you, but also harmed you."

An Zhiyuan said: "It's just that you are too stupid, there are so many ways to improve human beings, whether there are ship girls or not, I'm quite curious, are you man-made, or were you born in fantasy like Missing? "

"I don't know, I just woke up like this, you have to ask the dream weavers to know about it." Qingqin said.

"Dreamweaver? Oh, it's the other sirens. What are the names of the other sirens? Tell me?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

Realizing that she had slipped her tongue, Purification quickly shut up, she had revealed enough things, she couldn't continue talking!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Well, don't talk, you have to be punished." Seeing this, An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Don't! Don't!" Purification pro said quickly: "I said, I said it's not okay..."

"Sorry, it's late, let's talk about it after punishing it first. If you still don't say it, continue to punish, and the punishment will become more and more severe." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, and then took the three eggs that had been taken out a long time ago, Posted it back again.

"Hey... hiss..." Purification pro gasped, didn't this guy know that this kind of thing is very stimulating?Is it too much?

"I'll wait for half an hour before I ask you again. I hope that during this half hour, you can think clearly about what you want to say and whether you want to tell the truth." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "I believe in Purification, Must be a very sensible siren."

An Zhiyuan took out the remote control, turned it to the maximum gear, then walked to the door, opened the door, walked out and closed it again, leaving the purification kiss behind.

Half an hour later, when An Zhiyuan came back, the floor was a little wet again, but there was only a puddle of water, not to the extent that the whole room was flooded that day.

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