In order to further allow himself to accept such feelings, Marblehead bit his lip... and made a decision.

You can't let the admiral teach you all the time, can you?I have to work hard to let the admiral understand that I really want to be confident, so Marblehead stopped and said to An Zhiyuan: "Admiral, wait for me first, I will Go back to your room."

"Huh? It's fine, but don't take it out." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Hmm..." Marblehead blushed slightly, replied, and then staggered towards his room.

Obviously, she has some mobility problems now... This is something that can't be helped, after all...

Then, An Zhiyuan stood on the spot and waited for about five minutes. Marblehead reappeared in An Zhiyuan's line of sight. There was a thick black collar around her neck, and a thin circle in her hand. Long black cord.

Marblehead's actions were still somewhat inconvenient. Obviously, she obediently did not remove those things.

Marblehead walked up to An Zhiyuan, handed the rope to An Zhiyuan, looked at the ground with a flushed face, and didn't tell An Zhiyuan what the rope was used for, but An Zhiyuan, as an old driver, of course understood the rope What is it used for.

However, he hesitated...

Although cultivating the degree of shame tolerance does have this purpose, it is more about the pursuit of excitement. However, holding Marblehead with a rope like this is a bit over the line. An Zhiyuan will not do such a thing, although he and Qi Berlin and Dido have done it, but Zeppelin and Dido hope and like to be treated like this from the bottom of their hearts, but Marblehead seems to lack awareness of this.

An Zhiyuan said: "It's better not to use the rope..."

"It's okay, Admiral..." Marblehead looked up at An Zhiyuan, and said softly, "This is all to help me build up my self-confidence... isn't it?"

"That's what I said..." An Zhiyuan looked at the rope in his hand, still hesitating, if he used the rope to lead Marblehead for a walk, the humiliation would be too strong, this is his wife, It's not the kind of enemy who hasn't become a wife like Purification Pro...

"Could it be...the admiral also thinks that I have no hope of changing, huh?" Seeing An Zhiyuan's hesitation, Marblehead immediately said in despondency.

"No, it's just that we have other methods, not necessarily this one." An Zhiyuan said.

"But I just want to use this method, so that I can adapt to the feeling of being stared at by everyone, so that my endurance can be improved, isn't it? Admiral?" Marblehead insisted somewhat unexpectedly, Ann Zhiyuan was silent for a while, and said: "If you want, then... that's fine too."

Marblehead has already said this to such an extent, and An Zhiyuan did not refuse, but still feels that this seems a bit too much...

Hmm... Anyway, there is only my own girl here, so I don't have to think so much.

An Zhiyuan shook his head, and then connected the rope to the collar around Marblehead's neck. The rope was not long, and An Zhiyuan held Marblehead just like this. The distance between the two was very close, and the length of the rope The elasticity is very poor, and there is no stretchability. It is equivalent to that if An Zhiyuan exerts a little force, Marblehead will be directly pulled to the front by him.

An Zhiyuan looked at the rope in his hand, with a strange expression on his face, but... hey, forget it, let it be like this,

Just after taking two steps, Dido hurriedly walked over from the front, and then saw An Zhiyuan and Marblehead who was being led by him with a rope.

Dido paused, blinked, and then flushed slightly.

"Master." Dido bowed to An Zhiyuan, then pulled An Zhiyuan's other hand and put it where it should be. With the movement of An Zhiyuan's hand, Dido's face became more rosy.

In fact, the previous education about purifying her mother was not completely deceiving her. After all, there were indeed strange meeting ceremonies with some shipwives. Of course, almost everyone was different.

"Miss Marblehead." After the meeting ceremony, Dido blushed and greeted Marblehead.

Marblehead shyly avoided Dido's sight, and then moved her gaze to other directions.

However, Dido doesn't seem to be busy anymore, maybe she did have some important things before, but if the master is around, the most important thing is to accompany the master, this is what a maid should look like.

"It seems that Miss Marblehead has the same hobbies as me..." Dido blushed a little, as if thinking of the fun she had with her master, she began to feel hot all over... um... .I'm so sorry master...You shameless maid, I'm missing the feeling of being with you again...

However, after hearing Dido's words, Marblehead seemed a little strange, "What... hobbies?"

Dido was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the master in surprise.

This is all led away with a rope, isn't it just playing a humiliating game with the master?Did I misunderstand myself?

right?It's all like this, can it be misunderstood?For a ship girl who doesn't have this habit, the master will definitely not make such a request, so once such a scene occurs, there is only one possibility, and that is that the ship girl herself likes this kind of behavior.

"Of course... I hope the master will humiliate us to a certain extent, and Zhou Xiao will humiliate us?" Dido explained.

"Is that so...?" Marblehead got more insight into the act.

"Well, then we will feel great happiness because of this. This is the meaning of this matter itself. Treat yourself as the owner's property, and hope he can..." After the words, Dido moved closer to Marble Marblehead blushed more and more when Heide said it in his ear, until Dido finished speaking, she blushed and nodded.

"I understand... Well, this is really good. It can not only train your endurance, but also make you feel happy... Thank you, Dido, and thank you Admiral..."

An Zhiyuan rubbed his nose, thinking that you are really unkind, first I came to remodel you, and then we went out today and you actually met the fanatical princess knight Duke of York, and then you met Dido who shakes M ...totally been taught badly...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Anyway, after helping Marblehead understand how wonderful such things are, Dido left.

Because she came back to help prepare the dishes, although she really wanted to continue to accompany the master and let him "punish" herself, but although she needed to find some reason for the master to "punish" herself, she couldn't be like this. It’s because, in this case, the master will be hungry. It is unforgivable for a qualified maid to let the master “punish” herself in this way. The only mistakes she can make are mistakes that have little effect on the master. , Such as breaking a cup or saucer, or accidentally falling on the owner. After all, it is just a reason, and it is not really necessary to make a mistake.

After being educated by the Duke of York and Dido, Marblehead gained a more comprehensive understanding of what she and An Zhiyuan were doing, but this not only failed to dissuade Marblehead, but even listened to the Duke of York Speaking with Dido, I think it is inevitable to obey the command of the admiral...

Of course, in fact, most of the time, the girls would not object to what An Zhiyuan wanted to do, and it was even less likely to object to major events, unless it threatened the safety of the admiral himself.

However, often when doing that kind of thing, the girls will keep objecting to some things. After all, everyone is a little bit ashamed, and some girls can't accept some games that are too shameful for a while.

However, what the Duke of York and Dido are talking about is this kind of complete obedience...

The admiral's order is above all else, and the admiral's behavior towards her should be regarded as a proof of the admiral's love for her...Sometimes, An Zhiyuan actually doesn't really understand girls' thoughts, at least...not so much. thought.

Originally, Marblehead still maintained a kind of distraction and distraction from that feeling before, and didn't want the feeling to be too strong to make her show an unbearable expression and appearance, but after entering the Duke of York and Dai After Dow's education, Marblehead now, has become receptive and accustomed to the intense feeling...  

Because Dido said that if she couldn't help it, she would only be more unbearable if she did that kind of cute and unbearable thing with the admiral, so she had to adapt to the current situation as soon as possible.

So...Marblehead's expression let go, but fortunately there are not many people in the town guard, most of them are still at the airport...The previous Duke of York was preparing for the evening, tonight It was she who slept with the admiral, so she needed a little preparation.

When Dido came back, she prepared the food. Of course, she was not responsible for the cooking. The British cooks, but please forgive the admiral. Maybe only Guanghui cooks delicious food.

Then, when An Zhiyuan led the flushed Marblehead for a walk on the path of the tutelary mansion, they met the third ship girl who came back...

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