An Zhiyuan blinked, thinking, this is probably fate... It seems that Marblehead is really going to be taught to shake M...

The one who came back was... Earl Zeppelin, Zeppelin walked towards him, saw An Zhiyuan and Marblehead, showed a slightly surprised expression, and then suddenly became excited.

It's the same!Knowing that the admiral would never force the ship's wife to do such a thing, Zeppelin certainly thought that it was Marblehead who was interested in this, um... It was hard to say before, but I have experienced the teachings of the Duke of York and Dido After that, the current Marblehead is indeed full of interest in this kind of thing...

Zeppelin walked over immediately, and she looked at Marblehead ambiguously. Because of what the Duke of York and Dido had said, Marblehead, who had become less shy, did not dodge as before. Although she still felt very shy, but But he didn't take his gaze away, and then he saw the admiration in Zeppelin's eyes.

Marblehead was a little surprised... Although she got a lot of advice and ideas from the Duke of York and Dido, she didn't think that her behavior would be appreciated, but would...

All in all, it's really surprising to see such eyes...

"I didn't expect that Miss Marblehead also has such a hobby..." Zeppelin said with a smile: "Then after that, shall we let the admiral use a whip..."

Zeppelin immediately began to invite Marblehead to come with her after thinking that Marblehead had the same interest as her.

After all, there are more people, more power, and more attractive...

The admiral's night is fixed, only the daytime, and you can win extra hot time with the admiral by taking the initiative or attracting the admiral.

Having found a fellow Zeppelin, of course he wants to get on good terms with Marblehead.

Marblehead blushed a little when he heard this, but he can't be shy now, it's really the key to building relationships and gaining self-confidence...

"Hmm..." Marblehead responded, nodding shyly.

An Zhiyuan thought to himself, you guys really taught Marblehead to be a shaker...Although An Zhiyuan also likes it...

Then, in front of An Zhiyuan, Zeppelin began to chat with Marblehead about how to play their XP, which is the most exciting and satisfying thing for the admiral, and then Zeppelin and Marblehead shared a lot Marblehead blushed when she heard the experience, but she did not run away, but listened carefully, because next time...maybe she will be with the admiral like this...

Zeppelin's experience is quite rich, and there are many people who can be called Marblehead. In addition, the reason why the two are going to join forces to be Admiral Zhou Xiaoyan, so the two basically have nothing to avoid.

An Zhiyuan was stunned when he heard that, isn't this too exciting?Marblehead's face flushed when she heard this, and she seemed to have climbed to the top once, even though she was carrying a small toy.

In short, today has had a great impact on Marblehead. Under the influence of the Duke of York, Dido, and Zeppelin, Marblehead has indeed undergone some changes. Psychologically, she has become more confident, because she began to believe that I am tempting to the admiral, and I understand how I should please the admiral, and it is only natural for Jian Niang to do this kind of thing. Therefore, Marblehead has found her own value, and I believe that she will soon , will truly become a confident person?

After An Zhiyuan made a series of teasing on her.

Well, maybe she will work with some of her mentors - the Duke of York, Dido and Zeppelin~

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

some time has passed...

Finally, all the space needed by the airport has been cleaned up, and after that, it is a step-by-step construction.

There is no news from the Sirens yet, not so soon, but the Chaser Boss will be in the Solomon Islands in a few days.

The permanent residents of Yala Town are far more than Bilan College. After all, Bilan College only has tens of thousands of girls living here. It is not sure whether the business is good or not. After all, there seem to be only two or three dessert shops in the Solomon Islands. Business None of them are particularly good, but it’s true that the people here don’t like desserts... The residents of Yala Town still like desserts, but they usually go back to the next town to buy them. There is one over there. The dessert shop is not bad, but An Zhiyuan tasted it and felt that it was not as good as his own girl's... Although An Zhiyuan couldn't taste it, but having a wife will give you extra points.

However, it is obvious that the desserts made by the proprietress of Chaser are very good. Since it can impress so many ship ladies, it must be very easy to impress people.

In another world, good news came from Yubari. The transformation plan is much faster than expected. Now New Jersey and Sigsby have been transformed and can be teleported. The subsequent plan is the transformed Ethiopia Kex and CV16 too.

New Jersey and Sigsby are coming. This is really good news. A guided missile battleship and a guided missile destroyer are a huge boost.


Pack up the things that should be prepared, there are things that the elder sister asked her to bring to the admiral, and the things that the third and fourth younger sister asked her to bring to the admiral... Really, I am not a transport ship, let me bring so many things.. .

"That's great..." Iowa said softly, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at New Jersey.

"...Why are you looking at me with that kind of eyes? Don't be envious or jealous of me. This is the admiral's decision." New Jersey said with some embarrassment.

Obviously promised that the four sisters would stay together, but now New Jersey is about to slip away, Iowa's betrayer!

"How can you not be envious..." Iowa glanced at her, and then said: "You have to look after him in the past, and let the admiral understand that only our Iowa class is the ship girl who understands him best. ?"

New Jersey rolled his eyes, "You really think I can do it?"

"Hmm... well, it can't be done, but we must always remind him not to forget us..." Iowa thought for a while and whispered.

"Don't worry, the four Iowa-level sisters, the four wood-narrow Miqing machine-level sisters, are enough to penetrate the admiral's heart... Well, well, things are almost packed, I'll go talk to Missouri and Wisconsin, Then ready to go," New Jersey said.

"Well... go... wait, although I think what I said is useless, but I still have to say that after the past, you must take good care of the admiral... although I think he must have been taken care of Alright..." Iowa blinked and said.

"I's really long-winded..." New Jersey nodded and responded.

Then New Jersey left the room and came to Missouri, who was staying in the admiral's office. The admiral was not there, and usually Missouri or Lexington was here.

Missouri, who was sitting on the secretary's seat, was reviewing all the materials in his hand.They have already begun to hand over all their assets to the admiral's parents, because they will go to the admiral's permanent residence in the future, and the assets here to serve the admiral and their happy life are naturally of little use to them , the admiral said, just hand it over to his parents. This money is enough for them to spend the rest of their lives going around the world to have some romance. Well... the old couple like the admiral's parents is really enviable. I hope one day After living with the admiral for tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years, you can still love as passionately as you just fell in love~

"Missouri." New Jersey put the backpack aside and called out.

Missouri looked up and saw New Jersey, and said with a smile, "Come to say goodbye? Second sister."

"Well, I have to say something anyway." New Jersey said: "After all, it's about to pass."

"Actually, it won't be long before we meet, whether it's a video call, or the big migration that will take place in half a year." Missouri said with a smile: "In short, you are our vanguard, and I want to give you a task. "

"Huh? What mission?" New Jersey asked a little strangely.

"Look, right now the tutelary mansion over there is dominated by the ship girl station. What I'm talking about is that the ship girl over there doesn't count as an enterprise." Missouri said with a smile.

"What? Going to fight?" New Jersey laughed.

Missouri shook her head, "What are you arguing about? I'm not that interested. I'm just a little curious. Besides, you don't want to run away after passing by."

Seeing Missouri's teasing expression, New Jersey rolled his eyes, "Didn't you want to sneak out because you haven't joined the tutelary mansion before? Besides, it's just a verbal talk, and I didn't really walk..."

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