Missouri rubbed her chin, "Although that's what I said, but as expected, let the admiral put a chain on you and keep you in captivity so that you won't be able to run away."

New Jersey couldn't help but said: "I'm not a sow... What is feeding, I'm your sister."

"I'm sorry, sister or something, it's not as important as the admiral." Missouri smiled charmingly, "In short, when you're ready, don't stay here for too long, and don't make the admiral wait too long."

New Jersey twitched her lips, this guy is actually trying to catch up with someone, she really looks like a superficial sister... well, I can understand it, after all, she herself regards the admiral as more important than sisters...

In short, after saying hello to Wisconsin, New Jersey came to Yubari, and here, Fletcher was talking with her sister Sigsby, as if to tell her something.

Hmm...Compared to Iowa, who is unreliable and doesn't look like a sister in their family, Fletcher is still reliable. With so many sisters, although it is a little troublesome to manage, most of them are still very obedient.

Sigsby nodded, "Don't worry! Sister, I will help the admiral and be careful!"

"Well... so good." Fletcher rubbed Sigsby's head, nodded with a smile, "Okay, let's go to the admiral, after seeing the admiral, you can't be like before, you must Dress well and look fat..."

Siggsby blushed slightly and did not speak...

Sigsby has a small nickname - "little lady who doesn't wear fat clothes", Sigsby always has the habit of taking off the money first when he sees the admiral... The little girl is really infected Obsessed...

New Jersey came over, smiled at Fletcher and Sigsby, and then looked at Yubari, "How is it? When can I leave?"

"Immediately, you go over there and get the special ammunition I prepared, and then you can go there, as well as your and Sigsby's fuel rods and some messy things." The supplies placed next to Yubari She pouted over there and signaled New Jersey to get it. New Jersey walked over and took all those things. Then Sigsby finished talking with Fletcher, and the little lady looked at it reluctantly. Fletcher, then stepped inside the machine...

"Sister...I will miss you, you should come over as soon as possible~" the little lady said softly to Fletcher.

"Well, it won't be long." Fletcher laughed.

New Jersey also walked into the machine, and then said with a smile: "After half a year, your sister and the others will come over."

"Um...I know, NJ sister...just...uh..." Sigsby blinked, not knowing what to say.

"It's okay. When I get to the admiral later, the admiral will also make a video call with you. Then you can see your sister." New Jersey comforted in a low voice.

The little lady nodded and took a deep breath, "I'm going to help the admiral! Although I'm very reluctant, it's more important to help the admiral! I really want the admiral..."

New Jersey smiled and rubbed Sigsby's head, then said to Yubari, "Can we start?"

"Okay, okay, let's go!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It was but a blink of an eye for New Jersey and Sigsby...

Then they came to a port that was both strange and familiar.

The reason why it is unfamiliar is because of course it has never been here before, and the reason why it is familiar is because it has seen this place in the video with the admiral, and this is the admiral's port...

Speaking of it, it is almost the same as traveling to the Admiral's world back then...

New Jersey will recall the scene at that time... She was not the Admiral's ship girl from the beginning, and she was not a built ship girl, but met the Admiral's ship girl during a certain trip, the enterprise... .That's right, it was the aircraft carrier company, and then I went with the company for a while, and finally traveled to the world of the admiral with the company York City and the Hornet... In the end, after going back and forth, she became the admiral's ship girl...

It was the same at that time, it appeared beside the admiral, and now it still appears by the admiral's side by using the time-traveling machine...

This is fate...

New Jersey has already seen An Zhiyuan, that familiar figure, the guy wearing a navy uniform and a certain navy cap, will not admit it wrong, even if the admiral turns into a ghost, he will not admit it wrong, the ship girl and the admiral The fetters of love will never be heard.

New Jersey raised his hand and waved to the person who was walking this way, "Admiral!"

Sigsby also beckoned, and the melancholy of parting from her sister was quickly diluted by the joy of reuniting with the admiral, and the little lady's face was once again filled with a smile.

"New Jersey! Sigsby!" An Zhiyuan quickened his pace and walked over.

Then, he hugged New Jersey first, then let go and hugged Lady Sigsby, letting her sit in his arms.

The little lady is actually not young anymore, she belongs to the kind of fuzzy age that can be pushed, but if pushed, there will be a heavy sense of guilt...

Therefore, An Zhiyuan never did anything.

But the little lady likes to play in a vacuum when she sees him. At such a young age, it really doesn't look like... I really understand it.

"Admiral..." Sigsby hugged An Zhiyuan's neck, then rubbed his small face against An Zhiyuan's face, the hair on the side of her ear made An Zhiyuan itchy, he said with a smile : "You are welcome, but now I have an evolutionary relative in the tutelary mansion, and everyone is on the other side, so I will welcome you alone, don't you mind?"

"It's enough to have you." New Jersey said: "Let me put things away first, by the way, Missouri and Wisconsin each brought you a photo."

"Photo?" An Zhiyuan blinked, "What photo?"

New Jersey looked at Sigsby, and then at An Zhiyuan, An Zhiyuan understood what she meant, probably not being seen by Sigsby.

An Zhiyuan put Sigsby down, and said, "Little lady, go to the tutelary mansion first, we will come over later."

Sigsby nodded, and walked towards the tutelary mansion with his small backpack on his back.

New Jersey put the things on the ground, then opened his clothes, took out three photos from the inner pocket of the clothes and handed them to An Zhiyuan.

An Zhiyuan took these three photos with the temperature of New Jersey. The first one is from Wisconsin. Wisconsin is sitting on a chair with his legs crossed, and the foot on the ground is wearing a high-gauge shoe, but this One foot is not worn, and her legs are black silk, and it is made of a very good material, translucent black silk with a luster... Her toes can be seen clearly... This perspective seems to be going to Like licking her feet.


"How is it? Admiral? My photography skills are not bad?" New Jersey asked with a smile.

An Zhiyuan looked at New Jersey, did not answer her, and then continued to look down.

The second is a picture of Missouri.

In the photo, Missouri is sitting on An Zhiyuan's admiral's chair. Her lower body is wearing a hip-wrapped leg, which is a typical OL uniform with a skirt and black silk, while her upper body is not wearing a shirt, only a coat. And it's open, and I'm not wearing a bra, so...

Missouri compared her heart to An Zhiyuan, but the way of comparing her heart was a little too exciting, and her expression was quite charming.

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