However, the leg ring seems to really have the effect of increasing the attack speed?

The feeling of a little bit of flesh, the feeling of being slightly sunken, is really wonderful.

Afterwards, New Jersey helped An Zhiyuan wipe off his sweat, and then asked, "What do you think about Sigsby? Do you have any thoughts about pushing it?"

"Why do you ask..." An Zhiyuan blinked and asked.

"It's almost Children's Day." New Jersey smiled.

"...? What does Children's Day have to do with whether I push Sigsby?" An Zhiyuan said in surprise.

"Children's Day...of course..." New Jersey said with a smile.

"Children's Day is of course to create children." An Zhiyuan quickly interrupted New Jersey to prevent her from saying anything weird.

"So, in order to make children, you need..." New Jersey took a bottle of medicine from the side, "this is what you need..."

An Zhiyuan looked at it, a little surprised, "Isn't this fertility medicine? Have you taken it?"

"No, who would dare to eat it without your permission, and... if I eat it... will I give birth to a MK7 mother?" New Jersey thought for a while.

"It doesn't necessarily have to be a ship's outfit...but since you don't eat it, why do you take it with you?" An Zhiyuan asked.

"Let's see if anyone has any ideas." New Jersey said: "Again, Admiral, you should take care of Mia and Funo, right?"

"..." An Zhiyuan paused.

"There's no need to care so much, right? They're all immortals anyway..." New Jersey said, "I don't quite understand your thoughts..."

"That's different, okay..." An Zhiyuan said with a sigh.

"Don't let fantasy and horror call you father? I think you are also very interested in this aspect." New Jersey said: "Oh...forget it, anyway, I told you...Mia and Feng You also know the thoughts of the two, and you also know the thoughts of Lexington and Chicheng, how to make a decision is also your business, I, just squeeze it honestly."

"Also, if Children's Day doesn't produce children, you can also marry..." New Jersey continued.

An Zhiyuan immediately covered New Jersey's mouth to prevent her from saying something sinful.

New Jersey smiled and tilted his head, dodging An Zhiyuan's hand, and the two rolled together...

I don't know how long it took, but a second ship girl joined the battle, it was Glory, but...another afterthought.

Guanghui asked: "Admiral, isn't that over there the medicine for producing milk?"

"Huh? What?" An Zhiyuan was a little confused, followed Guang Hui's gaze, and found that it was the medicine that New Jersey just brought out.

An Zhiyuan's expression became weird, " ate?"

"Well, that's right, I saw it when I came here, and then I ate it okay?" Guanghui didn't know the seriousness of the matter yet, she thought it was either a milk production medicine or a weakness medicine.

An Zhiyuan looked at Guanghui, hesitated to speak, and New Jersey also sat up, smiling happily, "Children are made on Children's Day...hahahaha..."

touch at the beginning of the month

I understand everything. As for the group, it’s blown up anyway. The new group has been fixed, but the consumption is required to meet the standard, and it’s best to book in full.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After knowing what the medicine was, Guanghui's demeanor was very calm, and he didn't panic.

After all, she has been an older sister and has experience in taking care of younger sisters. Even if she really has an extra daughter, it's fine.

However, Guanghui heard from the admiral that the children he had in Lexington and Akagi were all airplane mothers... Guanghui didn't know what his children would be like?Is she also an airplane girl?

Jianniang's pregnancy is very special, she is not pregnant in October.

Although, like human children, fusion of sperm and egg is required, their time to form a full life is extremely short.

Moreover, strictly speaking, it is not considered "giving birth" to a child, but the child is next to him when he wakes up.

Although if you are pregnant in October, you can get pregnant...Actually, An Zhiyuan doesn't like that kind of gameplay, it's a bit strange, so if you don't have it, you don't have it. If you let your wife get pregnant today, you can see your daughter tomorrow. This feeling is still... .It's subtle.

Guanghui fell asleep here, and the next day...

An Zhiyuan heard the unfamiliar voice of Lolita, he opened his eyes in a daze, and then found a very familiar face in front of him, it was Guang Hui, she was looking at him with curiosity and admiration.

An Zhiyuan kissed the corner of Guanghui's mouth, then Guanghui seemed a little surprised, she covered her mouth with her hand, sat up straight...

An Zhiyuan realized that something was wrong, after this Guanghui raised his head, An Zhiyuan found that this Guanghui seemed to have...a small face...

Just now Guanghui was sticking to his face, very close, the distance was too close, so An Zhiyuan didn't notice the strangeness of Guanghui...

He stood up and turned his head to look at Guanghui...

This brilliance is so small, so small in every sense... the head is small, the body is small, that one is also small, it is flat... but the eyes are quite big... She is covering her mouth, her face is a little red, She looked at An Zhiyuan with curiosity and shyness in her eyes.

My did she get smaller?

"Glory...?" An Zhiyuan asked tentatively.

"Hmm..." Guanghui replied shyly, she knelt on the bed, clenched her hands into fists, and placed them on her lap, looking obedient and sensible.

"Why did you become smaller?" After confirming that it was Guanghui, An Zhiyuan asked suspiciously.

"Daddy... I was only this big..." Guanghui whispered, her voice was quite cute.


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