An Zhiyuan frowned, blinked, and said, ""

"This is our daughter." It was Guanghui who came in from the outside, holding two bowls of preserved egg porridge with lean meat, and said with a smile.

"Mom!" After seeing Guanghui, little Guanghui stood up and shouted excitedly towards Guanghui.

"Well... good boy, come, eat your breakfast." Guanghui smiled softly at her, and then said.

"Yeah! But... I want Dad to feed me..." Xiao Guanghui turned his head to look at An Zhiyuan, put his index finger against his lips, and whispered, with a very cute expression, as if he was begging An Zhiyuan.

An Zhiyuan was stunned for a while, then came back to his senses, took the preserved egg and lean pork porridge from Guanghui, and said, "Okay...I'll feed you..."

Daughter... An Zhiyuan thought her daughter would be a plane girl or something. After all, with the precedents of Lexington and Chicheng, An Zhiyuan never guessed that there would be a small ship girl...

Could this be a ship girl?Could it be an ordinary human girl?If that's the case, I'll have to take some medicine...Well, I'll ask Xiao Guanghui later if he can use the ship equipment...

"Admiral, you feed our daughter, and I feed you." Guanghui said softly.

An Zhiyuan nodded, then held Xiao Guanghui in his arms with both hands, and fed Xiao Guanghui with preserved egg and lean meat porridge with a spoon like this.

Apparently, Xiao Guanghui liked such intimacy very much. After An Zhiyuan hugged her, she visibly showed a very comfortable and happy expression. The happy face was so cute...

Little Guanghui is very similar to Guanghui's, but not exactly the same, but it's not because some places are like An Zhiyuan, Jianniang's genes are quite domineering, so she can only have daughters.

Little Guanghui... Maybe Guanghui looked exactly the same as Little Guanghui when he was a child...

She smells very good, but it's not the same as Guanghui's. Xiao Guanghui has a milky smell.

An Zhiyuan has experience in taking care of children. Of course, it is not the kind of children who are a few days old. Because the girls are ship mothers, the children born are not the kind of babies, but directly An airplane girl with the image of a young girl, but Xiao Guanghui can already be called a little loli... Xiao Guanghui is probably about five or six years old based on her appearance, she is so cute...

Although he was still a little uncomfortable before, An Zhiyuan was reluctant to let go of holding her for a while.

After eating, An Zhiyuan picked up Xiao Guanghui in his arms, changed direction, let her face him and straddled his lap, and then carefully looked at her face.

Little Guanghui seemed a little shy because of An Zhiyuan's gaze...but he still bravely stared at An Zhiyuan and at his father.

"Dad..." Xiao Guanghui called softly.

"Hmm..." An Zhiyuan stretched out his hand to rub Xiao Guanghui's head, and smiled at her.

"I was born so was a little bit unexpected." Guanghui stood beside him, sighing a little bit. When he woke up the next day, Guanghui found little Guanghui sleeping beside him. There was almost no doubt, Guanghui knew it was him And the admiral's daughter, she is a regular air carrier, and she also has the aura of the admiral, that feeling of bondage...

This is my own and the admiral's child... that's great... Thinking of this, Guanghui looked at Xiao Guanghui with tenderness in his eyes, it's great that the admiral can like her...

"That's right... But after all, I have experience, so I'm not particularly surprised." An Zhiyuan said softly, "Little baby, have you gone out to visit the town guard's mansion?"

Xiao Guanghui shook her head, she had a hairstyle similar to her mother's, but her hair was much shorter, and she was wearing a white dress, but compared to her mother, Xiao Guanghui is really just a little girl now .

"Father took you out for a stroll? How about it?" An Zhiyuan said softly.

"Yeah!" Xiao Guanghui nodded vigorously, then hugged An Zhiyuan's neck happily, rubbing his small face against An Zhiyuan's chin.

"Well, let's go." An Zhiyuan hugged Xiao Guanghui, let her ride on his shoulders, then stood up, and said with a smile: "Father will take you to familiarize yourself with the town guard's mansion. This is our home." Oh."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Little Guanghui didn't know whether it was because he was afraid of strangers or because he was unwilling to leave An Zhiyuan. Before that, Guanghui wanted to take Xiao Guanghui to have breakfast with him, but Xiao Guanghui didn't want to go, he just wanted to stay with An Zhiyuan who was still sleeping, and Guanghui didn't force her.

Seeing that she likes to cling to the admiral so much now, it's probably the second reason. Daughters like dad better, right?

Guanghui smiled and followed the father and daughter to the outside.

Xili, who was the secretary ship, had already started to go to work after finishing her breakfast. After seeing Xiao Guanghui, Xili blinked and opened her mouth wide.

"Xili, this is Guanghui's and I's daughter, Xiao Guanghui, can I be called An Guanghui? Well... let's call her Xiao Guanghui." An Zhiyuan said.

"Ha... eh... eh? Admiral and Sister Guanghui's daughter...?" Xi Li's eyes widened, obviously unable to accept it for a while...

Give birth, give birth to a child? !Isn't the ship's mother unable to have children...?In addition, even if you can have children... why is the child of the admiral and sister Guanghui already so old...?

"Hello, sister Xili..." Xiao Guanghui was riding on An Zhiyuan's neck, much taller than Xili, but she still called her sister obediently.

Xili blinked, her expression was a little strange...

The daughter of the Admiral and Sister Guanghui calls me Sister... Isn't she a generation younger than Sister Guanghui and the Admiral?

"Hello..." Xili waved to Xiao Guanghui, the daughter of the admiral and sister Guanghui, she looks too similar to sister Guanghui, right?

Obviously, Xili was not the only one Xiao Guanghui wanted to know, so An Zhiyuan took Xiao Guanghui outside.

While walking, An Zhiyuan asked: "Little baby, can you open the ship's armor?"

"Yes, Admiral, the ship outfit she brought seems to be a copy of my ship outfit, and it is exactly the same as my ship outfit, as is the carrier aircraft." Guanghui said softly: "I think if her level is the same as mine, her combat effectiveness will be higher than mine." Maybe it's the same as me. Except for appearance and mentality, our daughter is not much different from me. I just don't know if she can grow up. Maybe she will look like me when she grows up. "

An Zhiyuan thought that would be terrible, if I grow up to be like you, what if I hug the wrong person or go to the wrong room?

This...isn't great?

However, I don't know whether Xiaojianniang will grow up. After all, Xiaozhai and Mrs. Su have been Xiaojianniang from the beginning, but they haven't grown up until now. Xiao Guanghui is very cute. It should be better when Guanghui grows up, An Zhiyuan thought about it, should he let Yubari get a machine that can be enlarged and reduced for his daughter?Think she was big when she was big?Think she was little when she was little?

This is pretty good, I have a mature daughter, and I have a cute little daughter...


An Zhiyuan took Xiao Guanghui for a walk around the tutelary mansion, introduced her to other people, and let her know about the other "sisters" in the tutelary mansion.

What's interesting is that Guanghui said in front of Xiaoguanghui that he should be called Auntie or Auntie when he saw her, but Xiaoguanghui still insisted on calling her sister because everyone looks young, calling Auntie or Auntie is too old...

Although she was only born this morning, Xiao Guanghui seems to know a lot of things. She has all the common sense she should have.

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