Hearing what Dad was talking about with the sister she just met, Xiao Guanghui blinked and didn't interrupt. As a qualified little lady and Dad's caring little padded jacket, what Xiao Guanghui wants to do is not to cause trouble for Dad. It's about making Dad feel that he is very obedient and sensible, so that Dad will like him even more!

"Is that so... You bastard... How many secrets are buried in the town guard's mansion..." Enterprise was a little helpless, and it was just as she imagined, the more she understood An Zhiyuan, the more she was full of him. Out of curiosity, he and his tutelary mansion always have more mysteries than she can solve.

"Don't you want to come to gradually become a relative, I'll take you to see her?" An Zhiyuan smiled, and then said.

Enterprise nodded, "Please... But, being able to get pregnant... If it's just a special case, please don't spread it. After all, this matter is very important."

An Zhiyuan nodded, "Okay, no problem."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The tracks have actually been laid, but the trains haven't arrived yet, so the tracks are temporarily unusable.

Although it was not the first time for the president of the company to visit An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, this was the first time he had come to a place other than An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion on this island.

"Speaking of which, where is the supply ship? Why didn't I see where it was parked?" Enterprise asked.

"Stop where we are going." An Zhiyuan said, "I should have told you about the airport, right?"

"Well, didn't you also give us all the wood?" Enterprise said.

An Zhiyuan thought that he shouldn't sell those logs, so he cut them down and handed them over to the academy office for Bilan Academy to process the logs.

"A new large port has also been built over there to park other large ships in the future, and the supply ship will also be parked there." An Zhiyuan said: "There are still many things to be built in the town guard's mansion. You should also see the railway tracks laid on the island, right?"

"Well..." Enterprise nodded.

"That rail link connects the tutelary mansion, the hot spring hotel and the new airport. Maybe some new facilities will be built on the island in the future, but that's all for now." An Zhiyuan hugged Xiao Guanghui and let her ride on the Then, he clamped Xiao Guanghui's legs with his arms to prevent her from accidentally falling, and said at the same time.

"Did you make all of this yourself?" the company asked curiously.

An Zhiyuan nodded, "Strictly speaking, my girls did it."

"It's actually quite good." The company smiled and said, "It's a good feeling to build your own home."

An Zhiyuan smiled and said: "Yes, that's it, but after everything is settled...well, forget it."

"You, you always talk halfway. I think you want to get my attention?" Enterprise sighed and said, "You did it. Now I'm really curious about your tutelary mansion, and I'm very interested in you." Curious, I am very curious about your ship girl, because, on your side, I have seen a lot...things or things that should not exist..."

"Have you considered joining the tutelary mansion?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

"Not yet, you have to work hard to turn curiosity into goodwill." The enterprise laughed.


"There, Evolution Pro, you should have seen it, right?" An Zhiyuan pointed to the company, and then the company saw Evolution Pro who was working. She was a little surprised, "She seems to be very cooperative... By the way, eat Isn't the medicine exhausted?"

"The effect of the medicine has been reduced a little, but the ship equipment cannot be used. In this case, even if you want to do something, it is useless. Everyone around will watch her. Even if she doesn't know how to escape everyone's surveillance by chance, my company The carrier-based plane is also cruising in the surrounding waters, so there is no escape." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Unless she sinks directly, but the resurrection from the sinking is resurrected on the spot, and the sinking will be picked up by us, and it is useless. Unless she kidnaps me, but I will not appear around her, and after work is over, I will feed her the full effect medicine."

My company... This made the director of the company turn red when she heard this. She pressed her navy cap with her hand. Although she knew that the other party was talking about his own company, because she was also a company, she heard this. , Sure enough, there is still no way to deal with it calmly. You can't say that the other party is frivolous. After all, that blonde company is indeed owned by others, so there is nothing wrong with saying that.

The enterprise said: "Well, this is quite thoughtful, but I think she seems to be very cooperative..."

"Well...she is really cooperative." An Zhiyuan put down Xiao Guanghui, rubbed her head, Xiao Guanghui hugged An Zhiyuan's thigh obediently, and looked for his mother, second aunt and little aunt below.

Although you can call other people elder sister, but the second aunt and the younger sister are mother's younger sisters, so you can't call me older sister... Otherwise, in that case, you will become the younger sister of the second aunt and the younger sister, that is, the mother's younger sister, then Didn't I change my name to mother and sister?

"She seems to really want to gain my trust. She probably wants to be a spy, pretending to be a traitor siren, but in fact she just wants to break into our tutelary mansion." An Zhiyuan continued.

Enterprise heard the words and blinked, "Did you see it?"

"Well, it's very obvious. Evolution Pro obviously doesn't have much social experience, although it's easy to see." An Zhiyuan said: "However, I also plan to use my tricks. If I can use Evolution Pro to get the other sirens one by one Wouldn't it be very easy to solve if you cheated?"

"...This is a bit like playing with fire...Well, I will talk to the academy about this. You can implement this plan, but be careful not to get yourself involved." The enterprise thought for a while Think, say.

An Zhiyuan chuckled, "Don't worry, I can lie to someone like Evolution Dear ten times..."

The enterprise paused when he heard the words, "I always feel that you are a bit of a bully..."

"This is an enemy." An Zhiyuan looked at the company and said, although I regard her as a wife in my heart, she can't be regarded as a real wife until she completely falls for me. "Cruel and heartless".

"That's right..." The company nodded, and then said: "Now that I have learned about this situation, it's time for me to leave. I think you should know how to measure, so I won't talk nonsense. In addition, The college changed the plan, and sent another Bilan College dean to come over, this time, it’s the North Carolina you’ve seen, and it’s already on the way.”

An Zhiyuan nodded, and said, "I have a heart."

"After all, this isn't about you alone. It's about our entire ship and human beings..." the enterprise said, "If it wasn't for the fact that Bilan College needs someone to sit in charge, I think the President of Washington probably wants to put Let everyone be assigned here... Anyway, we must repel the other sirens who come to rescue the Purifier."

An Zhiyuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm already, sure."

"Hehe, I feel a little relieved to hear you say that." Enterprise smiled and said, "Then, I won't bother you anymore, and I look forward to your next appointment with me, even if you bring Xiao Guanghui, you are very obedient child."

Enterprise looked at Xiao Guanghui and said with a smile.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although time passed quickly, the sirens came very slowly.

However, the progress of this transformation of Essex and CV16 is relatively slow. Not only did it not arrive at the expected time, but it delayed the progress.

This is undoubtedly bad news. However, the sirens still haven't appeared, and it's okay to delay for a few days. Today, the three deans of Bilan College will go to Yala Town, namely Shangri-La, Richelieu and North Carolina.

Among them, Shangri-La and North Carolina are the presidents of the Executive Yuan, while Richelieu is a member of the assault team.

Needless to say, Shangri-La is an old friend, while North Carolina and An Zhiyuan met the dean, a very beautiful ship girl... Well, nonsense, can the ship girl be beautiful?But her black silk really left a deep impression on An Zhiyuan.

An Zhiyuan has never seen Richelieu's words.

However, the photo of Richelieu can be found on the social platform Polaris. An Zhiyuan looked at it and found that she was a very serious woman. Well, this reminded him of his own sister Li, who was also a very serious woman. Seriously, but... Serious women are not serious all the time, no... It should be said that they are serious about everything, even purifying his evil is very serious!

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