And Purify Pro, hoping that the Siren troops will not come back.

Because of An Zhiyuan's look of winning, she had a very bad feeling, maybe if she really came, she would be wiped out...

Therefore, Purification Pro hopes that everyone will not come here for the time being... at least not until she has gained An Zhiyuan's trust.

The relationship between An Zhiyuan and Purification Pro is also gradually developing.

Although there is no need to use such an extreme method, it is obvious that the relationship between the two people must be continuously promoted. Purification also wants to do the same. After all, the closer the relationship is, the more likely An Zhiyuan trusts her, and An Zhiyuan I feel that the closer the person is, the more likely the Purifier will fall for him.

It has been a month since the arrival of New Jersey and Sigsby, the airport has been built more than half, and the rail car has been laid, so that the rail car can be used directly from the tutelary mansion to the hot spring hotel, and it can also be directly connected Airport.

An Zhiyuan's vigilance towards Purification Pro has not been further lowered, and the medicine that should be fed to her must be fed well, otherwise, Purification Pro who has recovered her own strength is too much of a threat to him, and he has no There is a way to get close to the other party. After all, you can't give your own life to someone who has the strength to kill you, and may kill you.

An Zhiyuan's life was never just his own. He cherished his life because he knew that once he died, all the girls would come to him after completing their revenge...

However, one night...

At the port, the purification pro came here sneakily, looked around, but saw no one else, she breathed a sigh of relief, and waved her hand towards the distant sea.

Soon, a strange shadow sailed from the sea.

"... You live quite freely here... I have been observing here for a few days, and I found that your treatment is quite good... You guy... you are not a betrayal, right?" Stranger The figure spoke.

"...How is it possible, what are you thinking, if you really want to betray, how can you come out to see you." Purification pro rolled his eyes and said, "Are you alone?"

"Well. I came here to see the strength of this side. After all, you have been captured. Dream Weaver is worried that the strength of this headquarters is very strong, so let me come and observe for a few days." Human Shadow said.

This figure is one of the sirens, and it is also the third-level siren, the observer. According to the purification pro, the siren has the strength beyond the enterprise and the tang.

Purification pro breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, you didn't call directly, this town guard makes me feel very wrong..."

"The tutelary mansion?" The observers were a little surprised by the name.

"Well... In short, I hope you don't come to attack this tutelary fort. I feel something is wrong here. Although I am a prisoner now, that guy... is the admiral of this tutelary fort. The commander of the headquarters still has some trust in me, I want to further gain his trust, and then get some information." Purification pro whispered, she was worried that her voice would be heard by those ship girls.

The observer frowned, "Is it can just walk with me now?"

"I want to stay here... Find out the details of this town guard... I have suffered here, no matter what, I have to find it back..." Qin Qingqin bit her lip, thinking of the situation before her. When he was caught and the "sacrifices" he made in order to gain An Zhiyuan's trust after that, Purify's teeth itch a little.

"...This is very risky... Then again, you don't seem to have any combat effectiveness?" The observer asked a little strangely.

"Well... that guy has a medicine that can make the sirens lose their strength, so I want to know more about this guy." Purification pro nodded.

The observer pondered for a while, and then said: "Okay, but you must be careful. Although they seem to treat you well, you have no strength after all. If you are killed on land, you cannot be resurrected."

"...I think that guy probably won't kill me..." Qin Qingqin said after thinking about it.

"How can you be sure? You are his enemy after all." said the observer.

Purification pro shook his head, and then said: "I'm going back, if there is any information, how can I contact you?"

"I will be stationed in the sea here, and I will come to see you every once in a while." The observer said: "If you feel that there is something wrong or want to escape, please contact me. Although I have been observing for a while, I I still don’t know the strength of this tutelary mansion, but it’s quite easy to run.”

Purification pro nodded.

Then she stole towards the tutelary, while the watcher sailed away from the port, towards the sea.

Not far away, New Jersey and the company were hiding there. They heard the words of the observer and the purification relative completely, but because they were worried that they would not be discovered, the two did not speak just now. After the purification relative went back, New Jersey He whispered: "Sure enough, I think the same as the admiral..."

"It's normal, it's impossible to betray the Sirens so easily," the enterprise said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The observer didn't know that when she secretly observed the tutelary mansion, she was also secretly observed, and the person who observed her was Tangyu.

She dived into the water, her concealment was very good, and the observers never found her.

The Observer was discovered far away, by the company's carrier-based aircraft, and Tang Yu began to monitor her. After all, such a big threat, if it attacked the tutelary mansion or the nearby town of Yala, it would be very dangerous. It was terrifying, but the admiral finally decided not to do anything, and the other party seemed to have no intention of attacking any place at all, but simply came to inquire about the enemy's situation, so, in the end, An Zhiyuan decided to let this strange siren approach here, because this is very important As An Zhiyuan thought, Purification Pro did not choose to escape, but stayed and continued to inquire about the enemy's situation. If she planned to escape, she would not be so flattering herself in the first place. She must still want to get More, I don't want to leave, that's why I want to gain An Zhiyuan's trust so much.

This is a gamble, some risks, An Zhiyuan will not be in too much danger, Sigsby and other ship girls are guarding his side, and New Jersey and the company are purifying the affinity with that strange siren At the scene of the conversation, if there is any accident, they can stop it on the spot. When there is only one siren, they don’t need to worry about anything at all. Even if it is true as the purification pro said, the third-level siren is stronger than the enterprise , but there are four here.

This is very good, the Purifier got in touch with the strange siren, so that if the purifier really falls on their side in the future, he can use this line to slowly lure the sirens to the tutelary mansion inside came...

However, the siren is really not a warlike race, just as the purification pro said, and they don't seem to have any desire to destroy anything. It is estimated that they attacked the ship girl back then, just as the purification pro said, for the sake of Let humans and ship mothers be vigilant.

Well, well, she is indeed my future wife.

Then, after knowing that the Sirens would not attack, An Zhiyuan was relieved a lot, and the Sirens would not attack for no reason, this was the best news for An Zhiyuan.

But Shangri-La, Richelieu and North Carolina who have already come to the Solomon Islands... Is it possible that I let them go back...?

An Zhiyuan touched his chin, feeling that this is not very good, it always gives people a feeling of coming and going as soon as they are called...

Although I got the information from Purification Affinity and the strange Siren that the Siren will not aggressively attack here, it is still uncertain whether such information can convince them, and even An Zhiyuan himself is not sure whether the Siren will It really won't strike, although his intuition tells him that it is credible, but one can't just trust intuition...

Don't tell them the news for now.

The next day, An Zhiyuan found his relatives.

Purification pro's expression is a little flustered, there's no way around it, after all, I just met the Observer last night, and I'm guilty, when An Zhiyuan finds me suddenly, I will naturally start to wonder if I'm secretly meeting the Observer was found.

"What, what's wrong?" Purification pro asked in a panic.

"Huh? Why are you so flustered?" An Zhiyuan asked a little strangely.

"Oh? No, no, right?" Purification pro immediately realized that if she acted too obviously like this, she would be discovered, and she quickly controlled her emotions.

" that so?" An Zhiyuan looked at Purification Qin with some doubts in his eyes.

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