"Can you fish?" Enterprise suddenly asked.

"Of course, this small thing will still happen." An Zhiyuan said, Lord Su and Odin taught him a lot.

Enterprise smiled slightly, "Then why don't you compare, who can hang more fish?"

"Okay, whoever is afraid of whom." An Zhiyuan nodded.

"How about some bets? If it's just like this, wouldn't it be boring?" The company said: "How about this, if someone loses, how about agreeing to the other party's request?"

An Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment, then blinked, "Is this... really okay?"

"Of course, within a certain range, it should be determined according to the relationship between us." The company said with a smile: "If it is an excessive request, it can be refused."

"That bet has no original meaning." An Zhiyuan said, "If you can refuse."

"Idiot, I've said it all, it should be decided according to the relationship between us, and there is no time limit for the exchange, and it doesn't have to be exchanged now." The company said.

An Zhiyuan laughed when he heard the words, "Okay, since you've said that, then I don't have to pretend to be a gentleman, so let's just leave it at that, but don't think that I'm good at fishing, and don't think that I'm a ship's wife , you think you can beat me, huh?"

"Come on, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose." The enterprise said with a smile.

An Zhiyuan shrugged.

Then the two began to game fish.

As a ship girl, she really didn't bring much advantage to the company. Although the company's luck is very good, An Zhiyuan's luck is not bad. Moreover, An Zhiyuan has learned a lot from Mr. Su and Odin Well, using these technologies, Anzhiyuan is not bad.

The number of the two did not widen the obvious gap. If An Zhiyuan wanted to win, he obviously had to surpass the enterprise, but it seemed a bit difficult. If the enterprise wanted to win, it had to widen the gap with An Zhiyuan, so it was also difficult. The number of fish caught by people is almost the same. It is basically a company that catches one, and then An Zhiyuan's side is quickly hooked. This is quite magical...

However, the company's luck was better in the end. In the end, it was about two fish away from An Zhiyuan.

"It looks like I won." The company counted the number and said with a smile.

An Zhiyuan shrugged, "Then, I will promise you a condition, how about it? Do you want to use it now?"

Enterprise shook his head, then smiled and said, "Use it later."

"what ever."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Will you agree to the company's conditions... I don't know what kind of conditions she will propose...

However, I was quite surprised that I lost... An Zhiyuan thought he would win...

But if you lose, you lose... Anyway, the company will be its own people in the future...

In fact, the company already has the idea of ​​this condition... This can be regarded as a kind of comfort, after all, the fact that An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion is getting stronger and stronger that everyone was discussing a few days ago... is stronger than they imagined, They couldn't restrain An Zhiyuan.

Enterprises do trust An Zhiyuan, just like Shangri-La, they know exactly what An Zhiyuan is after, so they can trust him.

However, with this condition, at least other people can feel at ease. Neither Richelieu nor North Carolina know An Zhiyuan well, so they will naturally have some ideas...

Enterprises can understand them...so, this condition is left.

Of course, if An Zhiyuan really wanted what they thought... this condition is useless, right?After all, the company said that both of them have the right to refuse to fulfill this right, so this matter can't be told to everyone. Besides, the company trusts An Zhiyuan, and An Zhiyuan will not allow her to use this condition Opportunity, even if it is used, is not used here.

Maybe it was used when the two dated later?If it's really going to come together...

An Zhiyuan returned to the guardian mansion, saw Xiao Guanghui standing alone on the pier, he parked the boat, fixed the boat and jumped off the boat, and Xiao Guanghui quickly threw himself into An Zhiyuan's arms, "dad!"

"Oh." An Zhiyuan smiled and rubbed her head, "Why don't you go to Xiao Zhai and the others' secret base?"

Xiaozhai and the others are also contributing their strength to the tutelary mansion. Even Master Su and Odin have gone. Master Su and Odin themselves are supply ships, and they seem to be quite happy to do these things. Xiaozhai and Beizhai are different, maybe It's because Xiao Zhai doesn't want to be Bei Zhai, so Xiao Zhai seems extraordinarily diligent.

However, Xiao Guanghui is a real child after all, and everyone treats her similarly to An Zhiyuan. Moreover, Xiao Guanghui also shoulders the heavy responsibility of accompanying her father.

"I want to play with my dad. It's not fun to play alone." Xiao Guanghui looked up at An Zhiyuan, and she stretched out her hand, "Daddy, hug me."

An Zhiyuan made a move, stuck his hands under Xiao Guanghui's armpits, lifted her up and hugged her in his arms, "Then now that Dad is back, why don't we go play with you?"

"Okay, okay!" Xiao Guanghui smiled brightly.

An Zhiyuan smiled, he thought about it, why don't Mia and Funo come over, and Xiao Guanghui also has a companion, next time, let Mia and Funo come over?

Well, let's talk to Yubari when the time comes.


The purification pro sneaked into a seaside forest not far from the beach again, and met the observer.

"What's the matter? Looking for me suddenly?" Purification pro was a little strange, and asked: "If there is nothing important, it is better not to look for me. After all, if An Zhiyuan finds out... you know... the previous Efforts are in vain.”

"I just want to know some information... Mainly, I am a little worried about you..." The observer asked, "I won't be looking for you so often in the future. How is it? Have you found any information?"

"Well... this guy's tutelary mansion is indeed very strong. Now, this tutelary mansion already has six ship girls who have surpassed the normal full training degree, and one of them gives me a better feeling than your third-level sirens." The feeling is still terrifying, you didn’t attack here to rescue me...it was really a very correct choice.” Purification pro said: “I doubt that this guy’s tutelary fort still exists, so...we can’t Take."

The observer said: "But have you ever thought that it would be strange if we didn't come to you after you were arrested, and would this make An Zhiyuan suspect you?"

Purification kissed and blinked when she heard the words, and she thought about it seriously, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

The Siren of the Siren camp was captured by the enemy, and then the Siren's unresponsive appearance was indeed a bit weird. An Zhiyuan's thoughtful appearance made it possible to doubt his own...

The Sirens are not those Siren armors without sanity, they have their own ideas, and there must be some reason for not coming to rescue the Sirens...

"I informed everyone that I intend to feign an attack, or have a conversation with this side, at least to pretend? What do you think?" The observer said: "Then, if we don't come together, then we will have the opportunity not to start a war." reason..."

Purification pro nodded, "From An Zhiyuan's point of view, it is unlikely to take the initiative to fight with you, but you still have to be careful, after all, with the power of An Zhiyuan, the town guard, and another commander here The Ministry and the strength of the Bilan Academy office here must be as careful as possible, in case they want to fight here, it is possible."

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