The observer nodded, "We will be careful, well, it's okay, I'll go first, and you have to be careful."

The purification pro stopped the observer and said: "In the end, I will let you know after I get some news. Don't come to me on your own initiative. The carrier-based aircraft called the ship girl of the enterprise is really weird, and there are people who joined later. That Essex and CV16, I am worried that you will be detected if you take the initiative to find me, so wait until I take the initiative to notify you in the future."

The observer nodded.

The soft moonlight reflected on the surface of the sea, the shadow of the observer disappeared into the distance, and Purification pro breathed a sigh of relief, the lurking will continue, I, my revenge, must be avenged no matter what, that guy bullied me so much, but It can't be left alone.

But this news soon reached An Zhiyuan's ears, and An Zhiyuan frowned, "In this case, we still have to be careful and restrained, it's better not to fight with the Sirens, after all, once a fight occurs, no matter whether it is the Sirens It's a very bad thing to be sunk, or to be sunk by the ship's mother."

An Zhiyuan, who advocates a peaceful capture, of course does not want any battle between the two sides, because any battle may make his plan come to nothing. Once the academy thinks that the Siren is the complete enemy, An Zhiyuan will have to stop his plan , or turn against the academy, whether it is the former or the latter, it is not what An Zhiyuan hopes...

However, if there is going to be a war here, it mainly depends on An Zhiyuan's thoughts. As long as the sirens don't take the initiative to attack, An Zhiyuan is still confident to control the situation.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Siren's feint attack or trying to negotiate is not in the near future. The Siren headquarters only sent observers to observe the situation, and the large forces are still in the Siren headquarters. It will take a while to come from the headquarters. time.

After eating the deflation of the purification pro, the current sirens have decided to use long-distance communication technology, but, unlike human technology, it belongs to siren technology.

But it will take time to get there.

An Zhiyuan also told everyone in Bilan Academy about the information he had obtained, and told them, if possible, please maintain a certain degree of restraint, try not to initiate a war, and if the siren declares war, they will fight back.

Although the company likes fighting very much, it also agrees with this idea, and so do the other directors. After all, the strength of the Sirens is obvious to all. If it is sunk, no one can afford such a loss, and everyone has reached a consensus.

If this is the case, it depends on the Siren's thoughts, will he act honestly as He Purification said, or will there be some actions...?

However, it is precisely because of this consideration that the idea of ​​letting Mia and Funo directly come over next time will come to nothing. After chatting with Yubari, Yubari said that he would transform two ship girls for An Zhiyuan and send them over. Now, after all, there may be battles, and combat power is the most important thing, and An Zhiyuan didn't insist.

This time, Nagato and Mutsu were transformed.

Um?Did the girls actually agree to let the two of them come over?It's kind of weird...

Although there are a lot of "sex hooves" in the tutelary mansion, the two of them are persecuted people who are often targeted by fire... This can't be helped, everyone is boring, but the two, especially Mutsu, are clearly Sao, always seduce the admiral directly and openly, that's why everyone dubbed him Sao's hoof.

Of course, that's what I said, but everyone is a sister of the town guard, and there is no real target.

However, it will take some time for them to come here now, and they will probably be able to complete the transformation before the sirens attack.

Here, Jiang Wanqiu, who confirmed that the Siren troops might not come over until about a month later, received an invitation from Australia, and An Zhiyuan also received an invitation, inviting them to this year's party.

Of course Jiang Wanqiu is going, this is a good opportunity to show off the boat, her second fully trained ship, it's time to show off, she asked An Zhiyuan if she wanted to go.

An Zhiyuan thought about it, but he still didn't go. Although it took about ten days to go back and forth, the girls were busy with work. It was too strange to go to a party by themselves. Therefore, for the person who declined the invitation, he made this matter Tell Jiang Wanqiu.

"Hehe, that's good, then I'll be the prettiest boy at the party." Jiang Wanqiu was amused when she heard it. Compared with An Zhiyuan, she's not very European, but compared to more An Zhiyuan, the seal is about to be released!

This guy... really is the reincarnation of a seal... No matter what, I can't forget to dry the boat... However, as a European commander, what is the difference between not drying the boat and salting fish?This is the same as if you are an admiral and don't fish a boat, An Zhiyuan can understand her. After all, only seals can understand seals.

"Be careful not to be stabbed by the spear." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Jiang Wanqiu paused for a moment, then said, "Is this a yellow accent?"

"...Why do you have a yellow accent? I think you are wearing yellow glasses. Isn't it normal for Europeans to be stabbed to death by Africans with spears?" An Zhiyuan said helplessly.

Jiang Wanqiu chuckled, "I've been ostentatious for so long, and I didn't have a spear to stab me...I want you to stab me to death, but unfortunately, you are also European."

Grass, after being led away by Jiang Wanqiu, An Zhiyuan felt strange hearing this. An Zhiyuan shook his head and said, "It's better to come back early, in case the sirens attack."

"Don't worry, remember, but then again, after you came, I really felt much more relaxed. My girls used to work overtime, but now it's much easier. I stay with my girls It’s been a while, thank you so much.”

An Zhiyuan smiled and said, "I just did my own job, so I have nothing to be grateful for."

"Okay, I'm hanging up the phone. I'm going to prepare a detailed plan for drying the boat." Jiang Wanqiu was obviously in a happy mood. For a seal, what better thing than drying a boat?right?

There is also a plan for drying the boat, as expected of the notorious stinky seal, it is different from everyone else.

Seals are also divided into ranks. Seals like Jiang Wanqiu are basically equal to the number one seal in the world. Of course, if An Zhiyuan appears, she will have some problems as the number one in the world. But the actual possession.

The fact that An Zhiyuan would not attend this party disappointed many people. An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion is now well-known, and Bilan College seems to intend to use An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion to promote the effect of the First Command Department. They want An Zhiyuan Zhiyuan plays a leading role, although while being wary of the strength of An Zhiyuan's Guarding Mansion, Bilan College has to use the strength of An Zhiyuan's Guarding Mansion to promote and change the thoughts of some ship girls and commanders. After all, everyone in the past, although They are all working towards the goal of eradicating the Sirens and regaining the command of the sea, but after a long time, if there is no hope in sight, they will inevitably become tired of fighting. An Zhiyuan is their hope, and Bilan Academy wants to convey this meaning...

However, due to the reasons of the company and Shangri-La, Bilan Academy is also changing its wary attitude towards An Zhiyuan, guarding against the commander who is on its side, which is not outrageous...

They should trust him in the first place, it's just because An Zhiyuan is a bit special...

President Washington's thinking, like Shangri-La's, is to choose to trust An Zhiyuan. After all, the relationship between Bilan Academy and the commander is not a superior-subordinate relationship, but a cooperative relationship. what?As long as An Zhiyuan itself is fine, there is no control over the partnership. They are looking at An Zhiyuan with the presumption of guilt, which is not good.

The chief dean has this idea, and it is only a matter of time before the other deans change their minds.

It's not that they are suspicious and don't believe in An Zhiyuan, but that they have a little understanding of the ugly side of human beings... An Zhiyuan is also human after all.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

During this period of time, An Zhiyuan often went to the company to go out on dates. Of course, it was said to be a date, but in fact, he didn't do any intimate things. However, the two of them went shopping together, had dinner together, and watched movies together.

If you want to say that the relationship between the two is a couple, it is obviously not enough, but if you want to say it is just an ordinary relationship between a man and a woman, right?It's not right, both of them have ripples in their hearts, the ripples in An Zhiyuan's heart are bigger, but the ripples in Enterprise's heart are smaller.

But apparently, the two have a crush on each other.

During this time, An Zhiyuan gradually became acquainted with Richelieu and North Carolina.

Because I spent a lot of time going to the college office, I have to meet each time, so naturally I became acquainted.

Shangri always teased the company, saying that she might be the first dean of Bilan Academy to be poached.

But the company will fight back against her. If there is the first one, then there will be the second and third.

From these words, it can be seen that the company has really considered joining An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion.

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