"Oh...oh, yes! Then...wouldn't the master dislike me?" Xiao Beifa asked again.

"Of course I won't dislike you. The master treats your sisters well. Afterwards, mother will take you to meet your sister, little Guanghui?" Belfast asked with a smile.

"Well..." Xiao Beifa nodded, but her tension didn't seem to be relieved. Seeing this, Belfast stopped, then hugged Xiao Beifa, and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous , you just need to behave well, our master, your father will definitely like you."

Little Bell nodded, she took a deep breath, she must behave well in front of her father!I can't lose my mother's face, I am a little maid taught by my mother, I need to let my father and master know!his daughter!It can be his intimate little padded jacket!

Belfast saw that little Befa's expression became firmer, smiled and put her down, and continued to lead her to the pier.

An Zhiyuan was chatting with Xiao Guanghui on the pier. He didn't take the initiative to find Belfast and Purify relatives. Of course, it wasn't because he didn't like them. He just thought that if he went to someone first, he might leave the little girls behind. An illusion that I love whom I love more... Everyone loves the same thing. There is no such thing as who loves me more. Although Purification is not considered to belong to this tutelary mansion physically and mentally, my daughter must have a blood source with me and that kind of love. life-bound.

Of course, the same love is needed, so he simply waited, because he knew that whether it was Belfast or Purification, they would definitely bring their children to find him.

An Zhiyuan thought about it for a while, whether to let the purification mother take care of the child. If the purification mother told the children about her and trained the little purification mother to be a spy, it would be very troublesome. But, he and the little girl Purification is definitely closer. First of all, I have the fetters of Admiral and Siren with her, and then, there is also the bond of blood, which is comparable to purification and small purification. Only blood bond...

Therefore, An Zhiyuan felt that let her take care of it. If the child is more inclined to him, then the child will have a negative influence on her, which is also accelerating corruption... no, it is the progress of letting her wash her hands.

Here, Belfast took little Beifa to see An Zhiyuan who was fishing with little Guanghui on the pier.

Belfast let go of little Belfast's hand, and said with a smile: "Okay, your father will pull in front, and when you meet, you must call master well, because you are not only your father's daughter, but also your father's daughter." Dad’s caring little padded jacket and caring little maid~”

Belfast has high expectations for little Bell. When she is away, little Belfast can always be by her father's side, and can always take good care of her master, that is, her father. In this case, the master has Xiaobeifa can satisfy any needs on his behalf. For ordinary things like serving tea and water, desserts, and other things, Xiaobeifa can replace him. Moreover, Xiaobeifa can grow As for the older one, when she grows up, she will be with herself...

Thinking of those things, Belfast is looking forward to it... It's really great to have such a good daughter who can solve problems for herself and her master~

What?That kind of thing is not possible?

I'm sorry, in the eyes of Belfast, where the master is the sky, there is nothing wrong with it. Even the daughter of Xiao Beifa, Xiao Beifa, and the daughter of Xiao Beifa, Xiao Xiaobeifa, must be the daughter of the master. That's ok~ The town guard's mansion must never have a second man. My own daughter, of course, won't marry out, then they will grow up again and become mature girls, and of course they will want to fall in love. At this time, Just find the master~ Anyway, they will only fall in love with the master~

Xiao Beifa slowly walked behind An Zhiyuan, An Zhiyuan and Xiao Guanghui both turned their heads when they heard the footsteps, and saw Xiao Beifa.

It's easy to recognize. She looks very similar to Belfast, except that she's just a little girl. She's so cute. She's wearing a small maid outfit, with a flushed face. Little Guanghui looks at little Belfast and winks. She blinked, and then showed a bright smile, she knew immediately, this must be the younger sister!whee!Great, I have a younger sister!Although my father said that he still has two older sisters, he can't see them now, and if he has a younger sister, he can be his older sister!Um!You have to protect your sister!It can be done, I am an aircraft carrier!

Little Beifa didn't look at Xiao Guanghui, she bit her lip, and then walked a little further, "Master, father! It's our first time meeting! Apprentice maid, Beifa, please take care of me!"

Papa Master...?The name might be a bit too subtle...

However, it's too rusty to speak so politely, An Zhiyuan directly hugged Xiao Beifa and hugged him in his arms, "Mmm~ my Xiao Beifa~ baby~"

Xiao Beifa was a little surprised at first, then when she heard An Zhiyuan's voice, a smile gradually filled her face, her face was a little rosy, "Dad, Dad..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xiao Beifa was worried that her father and master didn't like her before...but after seeing her father, her father was so gentle to her!Sure enough, just like what my mother said, just like what I knew, my father, who is also my admiral, and my master as a maid, is the best and the best person!I want to dedicate my whole life to him!

In a sense, the Purifiers were right not to want to give their children to Belfast...

After all, even the ship girls have different views. Of course, they don’t have the idea of ​​cruelty and bloodthirsty. The beautiful lives born from human fantasy are of course not related to that kind of thing. The deep-sea flagships born of evil thoughts have also been stripped of their cruelty by the wide ocean, so that they will not actively seek to kill, and the ship mother is even more impossible. Sirens will also be bound by their ideals. Their mission is to let Human progress, not human extinction.

However, that kind of big idea is normal, but about the admiral, the idea seems a little strange. Most of the different ideas of the ship girls and normal people are mostly related to the admiral.

For example, teaching children this aspect...

Even Chicheng's relatively normal thinking supports Feng Nai's thoughts on An Zhiyuan... let alone his wife... Guanghui is still normal, but most likely he will be similar to Chicheng in the future, Belfa Not to mention this, let alone my daughter, like me, dedicating everything to her father, and being his father's caring little maid, taking care of her instead of her when she is away. her dad.

Xiao Guanghui was very excited to have a younger sister, and took Xiao Beifa to introduce himself. Xiao Beifa was also a little curious about this young lady.

The two don't seem to quarrel, which is reassuring. If the two cuties quarrel or have a bad relationship, it will be a headache for some. However, it is the same as Guanghui and Belfast who love each other now. Little Beifa won't quarrel either.

Of course, quarrels between adult girls are not really quarrels, they are more of a rivalry and jealousy. An Zhiyuan is mainly worried about some conflicts caused by the little girls thinking that he is biased... But obviously, the two seem to be still in love with each other. pretty good.

"Master..." Belfast came over and asked softly, "You still like our... daughter?"

"Huh? Isn't that a matter of course?" An Zhiyuan turned his head to look at Belfast, and said with a smile, "It's so cute...so nice~"

Belfast breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Although he was telling Little Belfast not to be nervous, in fact, Belfast himself was also worried...

How can you not worry, if the master doesn't like Xiao Beifa, she doesn't know what to do...

"I will teach her to be a qualified maid. When I'm not around, your daughter and I are also the most caring daughter of the master. Maid, she will definitely be able to take care of you instead of me." Belfast smiled. said.

An Zhiyuan heard the words, and thought to herself, there are some things she still can't replace... um... maybe in the eyes of Belfast, it's a big problem...

At this time, Purification Pro also came over with a little girl.

The little girl looks very similar to the evolutionary relatives, just like the little Guanghui, Beifa, Guanghui and Belfast, almost a reduced version of the purification relatives.

The little girl looked around curiously, then seemed to have noticed An Zhiyuan's gaze, then blinked, pursed her mouth, but didn't rush forward enthusiastically...

Purification pro said something...?

Purification pro led the little purification pro and walked over.

"This is Daddy..." Kissing Qing let go of Kissing, and then gently pushed Kissing, and Kissing walked up reluctantly...

An Zhiyuan blinked.

"Father..." However, although he was a bit reluctant, Xiao Jiejing still called out honestly.

An Zhiyuan smiled and nodded, "Well, good girl~"

An Zhiyuan took Xiao Jiejie's hand, and gently pulled her towards him.

Little Purification pro has nothing against...

Like her mother, she has long silver hair...Speaking of which, these three daughters now have silver hair...Xiao Guanghui, Xiao Beifa, and Xiao Jingqin, because their mothers all have silver hair , So, of course, my daughter also has silver hair, but she didn't inherit An Zhiyuan's black hair... But An Zhiyuan likes both silver hair and black hair, although silver hair has no special attack on him... After all, for a "I want it all" For An Zhiyuan, who likes almost all love attributes, there is no special attack, that is, there is nothing he particularly likes, but he likes them all.

"Father..." It seemed that the father that father and mother said were different, Xiaojie's face became better, she raised her head to look at An Zhiyuan, and opened her eyes curiously, "Dad, can you Don't bully mom in the future..."

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