"Huh? Did your mother say that I bullied her before?" An Zhiyuan asked a little strangely.

Xiao Jieqing nodded without hesitation, and betrayed her mother. Jie Jie rolled her eyes, and clearly said before not to poke her out... Forget about the child... Of course, Qing Qing would not be with her daughter Set the air.

"That's it..." An Zhiyuan raised his head and looked at Purification Qin, Purification Qin turned his head to the side with some guilt, An Zhiyuan smiled and said: "Well...Okay, if Dad has anything to do before If it is wrong, I will definitely not do it in the future.”

An Zhiyuan didn't deny it, which surprised Purify, only Belfast kept smiling, thinking of advance as retreat, the admiral is good at playing this kind of thing, but usually he only uses it for fun, Now it is used to deal with Miss Purifier.

When Xiao Jie heard the words, he laughed.

It seems that what my mother said is not quite right...

My mother said that my father is a very stubborn guy... and the teacher bullied her... I don't care about her feelings at all, but my mother also said that no matter how my father treats her, as a daughter, she can't deny her father...

Of course it’s impossible not to recognize my father, the bond between me and my father... Let Xiao Jie feel that this person in front of me... Dad, how important it is to me...

After getting in touch with his father now, Xiao Jie found out that his father is actually not that stubborn... Well, he must be a good father!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xiao Jingjing forgave An Zhiyuan easily.

Because, she thinks her father's words are more credible...Mom...Just now Xiaojie turned her head to look at her mother, and found that her mother was guilty of turning her head away from her father...Mom...sure in her heart Ghost!

Maybe mom hasn't been bullied by dad...

Little Purification is right...

You want to say that An Zhiyuan bullied Purification... Apart from feeding her medicine, An Zhiyuan didn't actually bully her...

He is very gentle, even if he does that kind of thing, or what kind of game to play, he will discuss it with them in advance, if he disagrees, then don't play, of course, basically 99.99999% agree.

Except for the time when Purification had just arrived here, An Zhiyuan had never bullied Purification...

Although the attitude towards Purification is a little subtle, but the attitude towards Xiao Purification is of course no different from other girls. The daughters are very cute and sensible~

If children are like this, who would not like children?

However, after Belfast brought Xiao Beifa to meet An Zhiyuan, he let Xiao Beifa play here for a while, and then planned to take Xiao Beifa away. In the eyes of Belfast, Xiao Beifa is still It's not perfect, and it can't complete all the tasks of the master well, so I need to train Xiaobeifa myself.

Although Xiao Beifa is a little bit reluctant, but in order to better serve the master!Better to be a caring little padded jacket for her father, Xiao Beifa had to leave her beloved father temporarily, follow her mother to learn more things, and want to be a better maid~~~

Because I have to do a lot of things for my father, so I have to put in more effort than others... So now I can't stay with my father all the time... At that time, one day I will come back from my studies, By that time, I will be able to do everything perfectly for my father!

Xiao Beifa, like her mother, is willing to pay silently for the happiness of her master/father. Maybe her daughters are like their mothers, and so is Xiao Guanghui, who is very inclusive, and that little purification shows that Yes, it's also her mother's original appearance?Little purification dear, but quite clingy.


With three daughters, An Zhiyuan is no longer lonely during the day. Although Xiao Beifa can't accompany him often, but occasionally he will come to talk to him. Xiao Beifa doesn't like acting like a baby. Because, to be my father's perfect little maid is to make my father feel that I can rely on him, not rely on my father~ So, Xiao Beifa can't act like a baby to her father... woo woo woo, I just envy my sister Xiao Guanghui and sister Xiao Purification kiss...

The timeline of the girls is divided into two parts. One part goes directly to the construction site to continue the construction of the airport, and the other part needs to complete the patrol in the morning and then go to build the airport. The resources accumulated during this period will be found by An Zhiyuan. The academy office has been replaced with a construction core...

It's been a long time since the last build...

Uh, if building a ship in girls' stomachs is considered shipbuilding, it didn't take long... Ahem, it's been built seriously, it's been a long time since it was built, and the main reason is that the construction cores are used up.. .Besides, since the Purification Pro was tied back, the number of siren armors coming to this sea area has decreased... I don’t know what happened, maybe Purification Pro’s domineering spirit scared them all?You must know that the sirens cannot directly order the siren soldiers to equip, so if it is those sirens, it should not be possible to order these sirens not to approach the sea...

Anyway, after the number of siren armor decreased, the number of siren armor sunk by the girls also decreased. Perhaps the speed of building the core naturally slowed down. It took a long time for this to happen twice. Opportunity to build...

Speaking of which... the tutelary mansion has too many American and British styles...

There are relatively few Japanese ships, and there is not even a single fishery administration ship... This is not good...

The British series are all kilns... The American series are all ruthless machines, ahem... Let's get some new ones, such as Italian, French, Soviet, etc...

An Zhiyuan came to the construction room alone, and familiarly invested resources to start construction.

Before coming here to build today, An Zhiyuan thought about it, which side of the ship would be better...

Although it is said that there is not a single fishery administration ship, there are not many fishery administration ships... Afterwards, there will be more cores to be built, and it may be completed in one wave.

As for the Italian style, An Zhiyuan has never seen the Italian ship girl here... Speaking of which, is there any VV here?Is it VV or vv?

Anyway, in the end An Zhiyuan thought about it, why not build the Japanese one first?

Now, the tutelary mansion actually has a Japanese family, the native land, that is, the Japanese family of Ship B, and now An Zhiyuan seems to have only one Yuli.

In terms of Japanese, elementary school students are probably good...cough cough...it's not copper smelting, An Zhiyuan just likes this kind of cute and cute little loli after having a daughter...Of course, he really likes it more I like big sister's!

In short, I hope to build a big sister...

Go build...then the familiar wait time...

After the time was over, it showed that the summoning was successful. An Zhiyuan, who had many experiences, inserted the card into the card slot. To An Zhiyuan, the successful construction was already a normal thing like drinking water. Didn't think about failing...

Inside, light began to bloom.

What kind of light is this time?An Zhiyuan has built it several times, with golden light, purple light, and even blue light, but the girls must be beautiful~

The light inside turned from white to golden, and then never changed color again...

it's golden...

So... what kind of ship girl is it?

The light shone for a while before it gradually disappeared. Then, two footsteps sounded from inside. The two seemed to be wearing high-heeled shoes, and the sound was very clear...

Then, the door to the construction room was opened.

An Zhiyuan blinked, then widened his eyes, so...so big!

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