But he still smiled and didn't refuse...

"That...Admiral, if possible, I would like to meet her. Can you invite her here?" Let Baer think for a while, and then said.

An Zhiyuan thought to himself, this is not good, why does it feel like you and I have teamed up to trick Richelieu over here...

"Don't worry, admiral, I know how to measure." Jean Barr may feel that she is too enthusiastic about the titular sister ship Richelieu who has not yet joined the tutelary mansion, and hastily added that she just hopes... Let Richelieu know that she is here... In this way, if Richelieu wants to talk like me... maybe... I can help the admiral and help him get Richelieu , and if Richelieu didn't want to... talk... then there is no need to ask the admiral...

Although An Zhiyuan is very possessive, it is not to the extent that his wife is not allowed to chat with his future wife... That's right, in An Zhiyuan's view, Richelieu is equal to his future wife, the dean of Bilan College. They are all wives. Even if Barr doesn't ask himself, it is only a matter of time before he salvages them. However, he originally wanted to attack them after he brought the enterprise home. Now... it seems that he has to do it quickly. ..

An Zhiyuan quickly dialed the company's number. He didn't have Richelieu's contact information, so he had no choice but to ask the company to ask her out on his behalf.

Enterprise was a little strange after hearing this, "You asked her out...? I think...she might not go."

It's not possible, it's impossible to go, because there is no official reason, Richelieu and An Zhiyuan are not friends with An Zhiyuan like she and Shangri-La, um... can I still be friends with him?

In short, Richelieu is impossible.

An Zhiyuan said, "Tell her that Barr is waiting for her. If she still doesn't come, then it's okay."

"Let Barr...?" Enterprise frowned. As the former dean of Bilan College, of course, he knew that the ships of the legal system were very rare, and basically there was only one ship, and he had never let Barr. ..

"You... built Jean Barr..?" Enterprise asked tentatively.

"Well, my Jean Bart...want to meet Richelieu..." An Zhiyuan said.

"That's it... Then I will tell Richelieu, but I don't know if she will go or not." Enterprise said.

"Well, please, if you don't come, just send me a message." An Zhiyuan nodded and said.

However, Richelieu not only came, but also came very quickly...

Richelieu, who received the news from the company, soon came to the port of Anzhiyuan's tutelary mansion, where she met Jean Bart...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The meeting between the two sisters was not warm, with no hugs or tears in their eyes.

The relationship between these two sisters is a bit complicated, and the other two are not ship girls of the same command, so of course there will be no overly intimate situations.

Richelieu's expression was very complicated. She looked at Jean Bart, and finally sighed softly. Jean Bart's expression was still as usual, a little cold, but the feeling in her eyes did not seem to be calm. look.

Jean Barr told An Zhiyuan that she had a lot to say to Richelieu, but when Richelieu appeared in front of her, she didn't seem to know how to speak.

As for Richelieu, it seemed that he didn't know how to speak, hello...these two...

An Zhiyuan could only say: "Miss Richelieu, if you want, let's go to the living room."

Richelieu looked at An Zhiyuan gratefully, as if thanking her for saving her and Jean Bart, and then nodded.

An Zhiyuan brought the silent Jean Bart and Richelieu who didn't know what to say to the living room.

An Zhiyuan asked Xiao Beifa to prepare black tea and desserts, and then he didn't stay here, but left space for Richelieu and Jean Bart.

Richelieu was obviously very grateful for An Zhiyuan's behavior, because she didn't know how to speak, one of the reasons was because of An Zhiyuan's presence.

"That... Jean... Bart... It's been a long time..." Richelieu looked at Jean Bart and said softly.

Let Barr raise his head to look at Richelieu, then lowered his head again, "We are no longer the battleship we were back then."

"Hmm...um..." Richelieu responded twice, was silent for a while, and then said: "But... we are still sister ships..."

"Not really, we are not in the same tutelary fort." Jean Bart said, "I really want to talk to you...but after seeing you, I don't know what to say..."

"Hehe...Me too..." Richelieu gently scratched his face with his index finger to ease his embarrassment.

If the two are the same tutelary... huh?Is it the tutelary mansion?Isn't it Command?Or is it the special name of An Zhiyuan's headquarters?Alas, never mind... If I and Jean Bart are in the same tutelary fort, or if Jean Barr wakes up by himself instead of being a built ship with a commander, then myself and Jean Barr, Maybe...it won't be so embarrassing...

However, Jean Barr is An Zhiyuan's ship's wife. It is absolutely impossible for her to leave An Zhiyuan and join Bilan Academy. , will never betray the headquarters, absolutely not, and it is precisely because the ship girls are like this that they are so strict in the review of the commander.

This is... a little troublesome...

And... let Barr or something... but my sister is a French ship, the chance of appearing is very low...

Maybe the second Jean Barr will not appear until decades or even a hundred or hundreds of years later...

What's more, when the time comes, Jean Barr... can I still accept it...

Richelieu can have many, Jean Bart can have many, but his sister only has one...

After Xiao Beifa prepared the dessert and black tea, she also left. She found An Zhiyuan who was looking at the sea with a telescope on the balcony on the second floor, "Dad."

"Huh? Are the black tea and desserts ready?" An Zhiyuan put down the binoculars, looked down at Xiao Beifa, and said with a smile.

"Well! I won't embarrass my parents and mother!" Little Beifa patted her chest proudly. She is a maid taught by her mother!She is also Dad's exclusive maid!I won't embarrass my father!She will complete every instruction of her father and become the best personal maid!

An Zhiyuan hugged her with a smile, and let her sit on his shoulders, "Then dad, I have to give you a reward, well, what does Xiao Beifa want? Other than dad's love. "

Before An Zhiyuan asked Xiao Beifa what reward he wanted again, Xiao Beifa said he wanted his father's love, but even if you didn't tell me, I would give you his father's love, so An Zhiyuan hoped that Xiao Beifa would exchange for a reward.

"Hmm..." Xiao Beifa put her index finger against her mouth, blinked, thought about it seriously, and then said: "Then...um...Dad, Mom and I are together, the three of us sleep together How about it?"

Generally speaking, if An Zhiyuan sleeps with Belfast, he must not wear Xiao Beifa. With Xiao Beifa, there is definitely no way to do fun things, so although Xiao Beifa and Belfast live in They were together, but if it was Belfast who served the bed, either the little Belfast would be put in another room, or Belfast would go directly to An Zhiyuan's room, which was probably the case.

However, Xiao Beifa said so, of course An Zhiyuan would not say no, he pinched Xiao Beifa's face with a smile, "Okay, let's talk to your mother later."

"Yeah!" Little Beifa was obviously very happy. She slept with her father, but she either only slept with her mother or only with her father, but no family ever slept together.

An Zhiyuan and Xiao Beifa played for a while on the second floor, and found that Richelieu had left the living room and walked to the street outside.

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