After seeing it from the second floor, An Zhiyuan shouted, "Captain Richelieu? Are you leaving?"

Richelieu seemed to be in a daze when he heard someone calling him, he came back to his senses, turned his head and saw that it was An Zhiyuan, Richelieu smiled at An Zhiyuan, "Well, yes, I'm bothering you."

"What are you talking about, I asked Captain Richelieu to come over. It should be said that I took up your time." An Zhiyuan said.

"No... I should thank you, Commander An Zhiyuan. If it weren't for you, I don't know how long I would have waited to see Jean Bart." Richelieu shook his head, then smiled and said, "Thank you , Commander An Zhiyuan."

An Zhiyuan blinked, "You don't need to thank me, if you want to thank me... How about a promise from your body?"

Of course, such words are impossible to say.

"In that case, I'll see you off." An Zhiyuan put Xiao Beifa down and said.

"No need." Richelieu shook his head, then said with a smile: "You are really a good man, Commander An Zhiyuan."

Ugh?Why did you suddenly use the honorific title?Moreover, I don't want good person cards or anything.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Richelieu left An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, she seemed very happy, maybe she had a good chat with Jean Bart?

An Zhiyuan and Xiao Beifa came down from upstairs, and saw that Jean Barr was still sitting on the chair in the reception room in a daze, An Zhiyuan led Xiao Beifa and walked over, "What's the matter? Richelieu has left and is still here daze?"

"...Admiral..." Barr turned his head and shouted after seeing An Zhiyuan.

An Zhiyuan asked Xiao Beifa to do her own thing, and then went to Jean Bart's side, and asked: "How is it, I see Richelieu's expression, you should have a good chat, right?"

"Hmm...probably..." Let Barr ponder for a while when he heard the words, and said an ambiguous word.

"Probably...? What does it mean?" An Zhiyuan was a little confused.

"Well... the admiral doesn't need to care about it..." Jean Bart shook his head, "Speaking of which, admiral, are you interested in Richelieu? It's beautiful, isn't it? Even if you ignore my request, the admiral is right She should be interested too, right?"

An Zhiyuan laughed when he heard the words, "Actually, I was interested in her before I built you, but I haven't pursued her yet."

"Really...? The admiral is really a dirty person." Jean Bart said.

Although I don't object to you calling me obscene, but it's wrong to think I'm obscene for this reason. It should be just flirty. I haven't done any obscene things yet... Uh... I seem to have done it on the tram before Yes, but it’s not about you, I didn’t do nasty things to you, if you want to call me nasty, that’s not okay, then I have to do nasty things to you.

An Zhiyuan coughed twice and said, "As an admiral, what's the difference between not fishing a boat and salting fish?"

Let Baer look at An Zhiyuan, the corners of his mouth slightly raised. If you say it's a smile, it's not really a smile, but if you say it's not a smile, you can feel that Baer is very happy...

Got it, so that's how facial paralysis is when you smile?

But, in fact, Jean Barr and Richelieu looked alike, and Richelieu had a pretty smile, and Jean Barr was definitely not facial paralyzed.

"Then...then bring Richelieu." Jean Bart said, "Anyway, the admiral also has thoughts about her, doesn't he? I heard from others that the admiral is very good at fishing boats, isn't he?"

An Zhiyuan shrugged when he heard the words, "It doesn't mean that you can bring it back if you bring it back? Of course, you still have to get it if you get it."

Richelieu, why do you have to get it? How dare you not listen to the future wife who asks you to get the future wife?

"There is a bonus, because I am here." Jean Bart said: "Although I know that the admiral probably doesn't want to take advantage of this feeling, but it is a fact that I am here, so it will definitely affect Richelieu. of."

An Zhiyuan had thought of this before, Jean Barr would definitely not leave his tutelary mansion, so if the sisters wanted to reunite, Richelieu could only join the tutelary mansion, but just like what Jean Barr said, An Zhiyuan didn't want Richelieu to join because of letting Barr. She may have had the idea of ​​joining the tutelary fort because of this reason, but the reason for her joining the tutelary mansion must not be purely for letting Barr.

In this case, if you join the tutelary mansion with such a strong purpose, although time will smooth everything out, is not a good thing for him or her.

"Let's talk about it at that time." An Zhiyuan thought for a while, and said, "Speaking of which, you haven't answered my question just now?"

"Huh? Are you referring to the question you asked me about what Richelieu and I talked about?" Jean Bart asked.

"En." An Zhiyuan nodded.

"Actually, it's nothing, just talking about some ordinary things." Jean Bart said, "However, Richelieu seems very happy."

"Aren't you happy that you can talk to Richelieu?" An Zhiyuan asked.

"It's not that I'm not happy... It's just that I always feel that something is missing. I figured it out after thinking about it." Jean Barr said.

"Huh? What's wrong?" An Zhiyuan asked.

"Because Richelieu and I are not real sisters...Although we have different ideas, we can only become real sisters if we join the same tutelary fort. We can truly understand each other." Jean Bart said: " Besides, Richelieu and I are still different, she may care more about me, I don’t know if it’s the one she cares about the most, but for me... Sure enough, she is still the admiral..."

Jean Barr's face was a little rosy, and she tilted her head to the side, "The admiral is more important..."

Surprisingly frank...

An Zhiyuan paused for a moment when he heard this, and said with a smile, "That's great... Let Barr... let's get to know each other better?"

"Oh...Are you planning to do to me what you did to Dafeng...?" Jean Barr looked at An Zhiyuan and asked.

As he spoke, Barr's face turned rosy, "However, if you really want to do something like that to me, you will do so at your own risk."

Huh?What An Zhiyuan was most afraid of was the threat from his own wife. He stretched out his hand and squeezed it, making Barr's eyes look cold when he looked at An Zhiyuan, "Don't regret it."

"Why do you regret it?" An Zhiyuan withdrew his hand and said with a smile, "I won't regret it. After all, you are my wife. If you really want to do something to me, I won't resist."

Maybe he was saying that if he punished him, he wouldn't resist?But I don’t know why these words, there is always a strange feeling when listening to them, Baer pursed his lips, and the blush appeared on his cold face again, "You are really a bastard. ..”

Tut tut, makes Baal so cute?An Zhiyuan remembered such a "famous saying".

People can have no money, but they can't live without Jean Bart. Speaking of which, the abbreviation of Jean Bart can be written as J...

Thinking about it this way, did I say to the company before, "My Jean Bart wants to meet Richelieu"?

If it turns into the abbreviation of Jean Bart, isn't it mine... want to meet Richelieu...?

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