"Too long?" Washington tidied up the documents on the table and asked with a smile.

"It's a bit...Although I see the admiral in the video call every day, but I can't see it with my own eyes, I can't hug the admiral...Although we know the whereabouts of the admiral, I always have that kind of dream , do you know? It was the dream before that, after the admiral disappeared..." Lexington raised his palm, looked at his palm, and said: "The memory before that is actually a little fuzzy, it's strange, it's obviously the ship girl , I still forget something, I always feel that the uncomfortable feeling of not being able to be with the admiral is stronger than before, probably because after I really have it, the feeling of losing is even more unacceptable than before."

"Don't talk about losing it, it's not like you won't see him anymore." At this moment, Missouri walked in with a mess of documents. Hearing this, he interrupted Lexington and said with a smile, "Instead of worrying about that , I see, Lexington, you have other things to worry about."

"Huh? You mean...?" Lexington asked.

"Of course, will someone threaten your position as the first wife?" Missouri smiled with a charming feeling, and half-faced eyes made it impossible to clearly understand her thoughts.

Lexington laughed and said nothing.

"As far as I know, there are actually quite suitable ones on the other side." Missouri said with a smile.

Missouri doesn't care about this, so they have a very lenient attitude, but my wife, Lexington, can indulge the admiral to do many things, but this one thing... will not be modest, that is the wife's position, and this is the only thing my wife wants to fight for. Yes, and I don't want to be robbed by others.

In the past, Lexington's most powerful competitor was of course Missouri, but Missouri didn't want to compete for this. For her, it's better to think about how to play with the admiral more.

But obviously, after the admiral went there, there was no Lexington and Missouri by his side. Perhaps, there might be someone who could replace Mrs. Lexington, Missouri, this is what I want to emphasize.

But how could the wife be so easily shaken?Regarding his own charm, Lexington is still confident. Even if there is a ship girl who can threaten his status, a new sister, it will not be so fast, and he will be by the admiral's side in four months. , when the time comes, even if the admiral really has the idea of ​​having another wife, he can still compare her.

Lexington, of course, has this confidence.

Washington asked a little strangely when he heard the words: "Aren't you worried, there will be people like you over there... um... I mean people who understand people's hearts..."

Washington originally wanted to say that she was flirting...but after thinking about it, it is not right to say that about her sister, even though she only flirts with her admiral.

Lexington smiled helplessly when he heard the words. Will Missouri worry about this?Washington, you are still too young.

Sure enough, Missouri giggled when she heard the words, "That's not very good, and we can discuss with her how to play the game to make the admiral more comfortable. Well, I'm really looking forward to it."

Sure enough... Lexington chuckled and shook his head.

Washington blinked, thinking he was asking an idiotic question, should have thought of it...

"Then again... You should have finished the work in hand, right?" Missouri came back to her senses, and then asked.

"Yeah." Lexington nodded, and Washington also nodded, "It's not too much."

"In that case, all the work at hand is done." Missouri said: "Well... In that case, I have something to do."

"What's the matter?" Washington asked.

"Design some nice clothes and so on. In short, it is for the admiral to make up the ticket when we meet again." Missouri smiled charmingly, "Let us just wait for so long. If we don't make up, it's okay No."

Washington blushed slightly when he heard the words, and muttered in a low voice, "It should... make up for it."

Even the wife nodded, "Yes, this must be made up!"

An Zhiyuan over there felt something vaguely, and subconsciously touched his cold waist... What's wrong...?

By the time the girls passed by, it had been over a year since An Zhiyuan had been there, and the girls had lived alone in their empty rooms for more than a year, the accumulated desires...

When the admiral is not around, they don't know how to use those toys themselves. Those toys are only used when they have fun with the admiral. Temporarily solve the problem, do it yourself, of course it is even more impossible to solve the fundamental problem.

Not only Missouri, Lexington and Washington, but now almost all the ship girls who have slept with the admiral in the tutelary mansion are like this...

It won't work if you don't stay with them for a whole month without a break, right?Therefore, Missouri entrusted Yubari to research some advanced medicines for the admiral, so that the admiral can truly become a high-ranking ancient god, so that he can fight day and night, otherwise, the admiral will be alone and accompany them. It's more difficult for the ship's wife, and if you add another ship's wife who guards the mansion, wouldn't some of the ship's girls not be able to accompany them?

That's not good, let the admiral become a level where he can casually kill hundreds of people!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Of course, An Zhiyuan didn't know the girls' plans. He stood on the port, watching the carrier-based planes of Xiao Guanghui and Xiao Jiejing flying in the sky and performing.

In the distance, the observers who came over for a daily patrol noticed the little Purifier, and several question marks popped up in their heads, why did the Purifier become smaller?

And it looks like you're very close to that guy...what's the situation?

And at a higher altitude, the enterprise's carrier-based aircraft is monitoring all this...

The Siren's army is about to arrive, so the observers naturally took a look at the situation, and then inquired about the information by the way, but they didn't expect to see such a confusing scene when they came...

What is this...?Why is there such a situation...?

This guy... has he betrayed?

That's not right... there's another kid next to him... that's Koki?Glory-class aircraft carrier?Observers have seen the brilliance from a distance before, but why is this brilliance so small...?

Why are you shrinking?Is that guy a lolicon or something?Doesn't he have a drug that can make the siren lose its ability, maybe there is a drug that can make the ship girl smaller...?

But after observing for a while, the observer felt something was wrong again... She thought for a while, and went around to the other side, and sure enough...the purifier and the brilliance are here...the purifier next to An Zhiyuan Who is the One and the Glory...

"What's the situation..." The observer touched the back of his head in confusion, and some couldn't figure out what was going on.

If this little purification and little brilliance are not hers... Could it be their daughters?

But... how is it possible, Jianniang has no record of pregnancy, right?At least what the Siren knows is that the ship's mother cannot conceive, and of course the Siren cannot conceive either, uh... Maybe... After all, there are no male Sirens, and apart from An Zhiyuan, the Sirens are not pregnant. I haven't been in contact with other men, so it's not certain whether a siren can get pregnant...

Yay... such a thing as pregnancy...? !

Wait, if the Purifier is really pregnant, it's a big problem, right? ! ! !

This... The observer is a little flustered. In this case, the little purifier has become his... er... niece?

Then... what should I do then?Are you going to take your niece away?If you don't take it away, will the purification go with you?

The problem is a bit big...not to mention, does the niece want to leave?This is still a problem, because it seems that the relationship between the niece and the guy is quite good...

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