This... why did the Purifier give birth to this child... Although it is cute, it is more troublesome...

no, no...

In fact, I can think about it the other way around, the purifier may care about this little purifier, but that guy, An Zhiyuan, must also care about the little purifier, you can tell from his appearance, then they can bring the little purifier Come on, if this is the case, An Zhiyuan will be scruples...Probably...

Hiss...just, in this case...

Are you going to use the little purifier... that's not good...

Sirens are not pure evil. Although they stand on the opposite side of human beings, Sirens are not the kind of lawless and immoral villains. Sirens and Ship Girls may not come from the same source. Sirens are heaven. Creation, and the ship girl is a beautiful product born in human fantasy, but the two also have something in common...

For the ship's mother, after having an admiral, of course the admiral is important, but for the sirens, their mission is the most important thing for them. The importance of Ren seems to be a little less.

Sirens have their own thoughts and the ability to judge whether it is right or wrong... Observers feel that it is very bad to use the little purifier.

But if this is the case... if the little purifier cannot be used, it means that the little purifier will become a burden for them... unless the purifier doesn't care about the little purifier at all, but that's impossible, she also Siren, understand the Purifier, if this is really the daughter of the Purifier, the Purifier will never let it go...

In fact, because of the little purifier, the purifier has indeed made a decision, she will not leave here, and she cannot leave the little purifier alone, even though this little guy seems to like An Zhiyuan more...

Observers' concerns are not superfluous...

What can I do... The observer was a little anxious. She left the vicinity of the Solomon Islands and went back to meet the large army.

This time, not all the sirens have come, but many sirens have come, including first-level siren explorers, trackers, chess players, and second-level siren intruders, clearers, and builders , the third-level siren, the observer himself and the arbitrator, this is definitely a huge fighting power, without An Zhiyuan's tutelary fort, no one here can stop them.

Also, it's worth mentioning that, as well as the race tracker, it was once sunk by the joint efforts of the enterprise and the tang... quite depressing...

The observer told everyone what he had observed, and everyone had weird expressions. Arbiter Empres raised his brows, "You mean, the Purifier is acting for that commander named An Zhiyuan... Um, the admiral gave birth to a child?"

"Probably so..." The observer nodded a little depressed.

Everyone's expressions became even weirder...

"Hey... are you sure that guy really didn't betray?" The arbiter thought for a while, put away his weird expression, and asked seriously.

"Of course...Probably...Maybe...Maybe...Maybe there is no betrayal..." The observer was also a little uncertain. After all, the child was born to the other party, and I always felt that something was wrong...

The arbiter Empres thought for a while, and said: "You ask her out tonight, and we will observe carefully to see if she has really betrayed, but you must be very careful and have a careful plan, because, If the Purifier betrays, our meeting with her could become an ambush."

The observer hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded, "Okay then..."

She also knows the seriousness of the matter. If the purifiers betrayed, if they don't inquire, but cooperate with the second level to act, maybe there will be a dedication to destroy the group, because, according to the observations of the observers these days, In An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, some ship girls are super powerful, and many full-time ship girls... don't be afraid of [-], just in case, to avoid overturning.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Purification pro who received the news showed up at the agreed meeting place on time at night.

The observer was still the only one present, but in fact, other people were also around, but they just didn’t show up. After all, if the purifier really betrayed, then this meeting is likely to become a trap, so, that’s why Do.

But obviously, they were wrong. Although the current Purify relative did not intend to leave, he did not betray the Siren.

Seeing the observers coming, Purification asked, "Has everyone come?"

"Not yet..." The observer didn't tell the truth. After all, telling the truth now is risky, and you need to test the purification pro first.

"That's it... well, I feel like that guy still doesn't trust me enough..." Purification pro said a little depressed.

Purification blinked, and then said: "You... gave birth to a daughter for that guy?"

"Huh... how do you know?" The Purifier was a little surprised.

"Because I saw that guy... that Admiral An Zhiyuan was playing with a little guy who looks like you during the day, so I thought it was you who gave birth to his daughter..." The observer watched the expression of Purification Pro, and now she saw something on her face...

Talking about this matter, Purification Pro was obviously a little depressed, "Don't mention it...that guy forced me to take medicine... Then there was little Purification Pro...uh, the birth of Little Purifier..."

That guy An Zhiyuan was talking about the little Purification Kiss, and calling her a Purification Kiss or something. After staying with him for a long time, I got used to it.

"Huh... So, didn't you volunteer?" the observer asked.

"What stupid things are you talking about? How could I do it voluntarily... If I can, I would like to take the little purifier with me!" said the Purifier, rolling his eyes.

However, she obviously didn't have this chance...

But when these words stop in the observer's ears, it has another flavor, it is not a daughter born voluntarily, and if you want to take it away, the purifier must have no problem...

She breathed a sigh of relief, if the purifiers really betrayed, it would be a bit troublesome, because the purifiers knew a lot, and if they helped An Zhiyuan deal with them, that would be troublesome.

She thought for a while, and then waved her hand somewhere in the distance. The Purifier was a little strange, "What are you doing?"

Then the Purifier saw the sea in the distance, and many sirens approached...

This time, because he was worried about an ambush, he made an appointment to meet at sea. Otherwise, with so many sirens, An Zhiyuan had to think carefully about whether it would be dangerous to let them come to the island...

Fortunately, by accident, they met at sea. However, Enterprise's carrier-based aircraft was still watching them, and they themselves were in the Enterprise and Tangyu, as well as New Jersey, Sigsby, and Ethiopia. It's within the radar range of Max and CV16...

The purification pro who has changed to a different drug now has a certain degree of power and can sail on the sea, so she can leave the island.

"...? Didn't you say you haven't arrived yet?" The purifier looked at the observer a little strangely.

"Uh... that... I'm actually a little worried about your betrayal... After all, ahem... your daughter gave birth to him... right..." the observer said a little embarrassed.

Purification pro looked at the observer and rolled his eyes, "Who would betray, I still expect you to clean up this guy..."

Soon, all the sirens approached, and the leader, Arbiter Empres, brought everyone closer, "The Purifier."

"The arbitrator... um... In this case, everyone is here, and it's almost time to act out the show." Purification pro looked at all the sirens and said.

"Do you really need to gain that guy's trust?" The arbitrator asked in confusion, "He should trust you a lot..."

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