"No way... that guy is very cunning, he won't trust me easily..." Purification pro said a little depressed, she felt that the guy trusted her enough a few times, but every time she would find that it wasn't. ..

The arbitrator thought for a while and said, "Actually, I don't think this is appropriate. Your stay here is still too short. If we come to welcome you and choose to stay, will it look too fake? .. How about your relationship with An Zhiyuan? Well, I mean the superficial relationship."

"..." The purifier scratched his head and said, "If you say yes, it's okay, but if you say no, it's a bit..."

"In this case, it will indeed look a little fake." The observer said: "...Why don't you act again...?"

"Hey...Although I said that I want to lurk, but the practice is really not something I'm good at..." Hearing the words, the purification pro said helplessly: "I really need your help... "

The arbiter and the observer looked at each other... The observer asked: "That guy, how did An Zhiyuan treat you, was it too much?"

"It's too much... He even let me have a baby, you said it won't be too much." Purification said a little aggrieved, crossing his arms.

"Other than that? Did he abuse you?" the observer continued.

"Abuse me..." Purification couldn't help but think of the time when he was just caught, his face turned red, but that's not considered abuse...?perhaps.

If that doesn't count, then I haven't abused myself... Purify pro hesitated for a while, then shook his head...

"If you have a baby...does that guy really want a baby...?" the observer asked again.

"...Although he likes those children very much, he doesn't seem to particularly want children. He probably thinks that if his mother-in-law wants children, he will be fine. That's probably the case...My one belongs to Unexpected situation..." Qingqin said a little depressed, she was completely cheated by Belfast.

The observer rubbed her chin, and she had an idea in her mind... It's just that it's not perfect, and besides, the sirens also care about their own chastity... If you do this...

The arbiter Empress seems to have gone with the observer, she said: "If your idea is to go to a town guard with the purifier, I think it is also feasible... Let's play a play, and then purify the relatives." Just pretend to deceive us back. In this case, we only need to convince An Zhiyuan that we were indeed deceived after being betrayed by the Purifiers... This should be quite easy to accomplish... "

"Hey...? Isn't it?" The purifier was a little surprised when he heard this.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Even if you want to gain An Zhiyuan's trust, you don't need to do this... let's do it..." Qingqing couldn't help but said.

Now the other sirens are ordered by Arbiter Empres to stand by in the distance, and now the Purifier, the Observer and the Arbiter are here.

The observer said: "Compared to that... I think you're better off like this... After all, if a gun goes off and a fight really starts, that's not good..."

Observers have been worrying about a head-on collision with An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion. Moreover, there is not only An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion here, but also a commander named Jiang Wanqiu, and an academy office, the strength of that academy office Very powerful.

Of course, Purification Pro can't act like she really wants to come back, not to mention making An Zhiyuan trust her more, on the contrary, she might be more suspicious of her... But if they didn't fight, they might even be forced to retreat Well, even if the purification pro shows that he doesn't want to come back, it will be difficult to gain An Zhiyuan's trust... There are loopholes in this plan from the beginning... If An Zhiyuan himself trusts the purification pro, this plan will certainly work, It will dispel the possibility of An Zhiyuan's suspicion here, but Purification Pro has not yet gained An Zhiyuan's trust, so it doesn't seem to have any effect, and...if you really want to fight, it will be called trouble...

However, if there is a second plan...who will be the second spy...?

This plan makes the observers really become "betrayers", and then brings An Zhiyuan and those ship girls to deceive and capture this siren, and of course this siren will also behave very disobediently, and then scold the spy What... If there is a way to become cooperative, and then pretend to be such an existence as the purification pro, then the purification pro may gain trust, and the second siren after that, with the help of the purification pro, should also be It's a little easier to gain trust... At that time, An Zhiyuan probably won't feed them that medicine, right?

Moreover, having two spies is more reassuring than having one ship girl...

The arbiter Empress said: "Yes, I also think that it is more reliable for you to catch another Siren... Well, and it is a relatively important person of the Siren, so don't let the Siren go ok, shall I go?"

"Are you going...?" The observer was a little surprised, "Have you thought about it? Because you have to behave rather uncooperatively, maybe you will suffer...Although An Zhiyuan doesn't seem to have the habit of abusing, but he has eaten After that medicine, did you really leave everything to An Zhiyuan?"

Empres said: "What's the matter? Didn't the Purifier come over? If An Zhiyuan didn't abuse him, there would be no problem."

Purification blinked, thinking that An Zhiyuan really didn't abuse you, but he would do nasty things to you...

Empres had her own worries. She was worried that if they could not help Purify Qin to gain An Zhiyuan's trust, Purify Qin might be killed by An Zhiyuan...

Although An Zhiyuan would never do this, Empres doesn't know An Zhiyuan well, so he needs to consider such things...Compared to being wronged by himself, and then gaining An Zhiyuan's trust, it is helpful to them and can help them. Protecting and purifying my relatives, the grievances I suffered are nothing at all. Although the purifier can be taken away now, since the daughter of the purifier and An Zhiyuan is still on the island, it is impossible for the purifier to completely ignore her. In addition, the purifier has taken medicine now, but his strength has not recovered yet...

It is worth mentioning that this drug has been changed now, because Yubari is worried that the duration of the drug is too short, and some unexpected situations will occur, so Yubari has changed it to a drug effect binding, which is basically equal to permanent, no If you take the antidote, you will never be able to solve it. That medicine was made before Shen Hai joined the tutelary mansion. After Shen Hai joined the tutelary mansion, Yubari got Shen Hai's technology, and the level of technology took off a bit on the Internet.

Therefore, such an advanced drug can be developed. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the drug that Missouri asked Yubari to make the admiral into a real ancient god can only be developed after obtaining deep sea technology.

Therefore, if they take the purifier directly, it means that they will not be able to obtain the antidote for the purifier, so the purifier will be like this for the rest of his life, becoming an ordinary person, and that's all over.

To be honest, I think it's not very good... But, I don't know how to say it, because, indeed, if the third-level siren arbiter Empres is caught in her name, An Zhiyuan will probably respond My confidence soared...

The arbitrator looked at the observer, then at the Purification Pro, and said: "Okay, this matter is decided, let's make preparations for a day or two. After making a detailed plan, let's talk about it and implement it. ..”

Although the girls could observe these sirens, there was nothing they could do about what they were talking about, so An Zhiyuan didn't know what they said, but the current Purification relative would definitely not leave, without an antidote, how could she leave?She has been weakened a lot, and she is not even as good as an ordinary full-strength Siren armor, let alone a small purification pro.

If An Zhiyuan knew about the siren's plan, he couldn't laugh out loud, and it would be fine if he offered to send it to his door...

All the Siren's plans were based on the premise that An Zhiyuan didn't know that the Purification Kiss was a false betrayal... But An Zhiyuan knew their deeds from the very beginning, so how could he completely believe in the Purification Kiss?It is true only if you purify your loved ones and completely degenerate...

After the purification pro came back, another day or two passed.

An Zhiyuan didn't ask her about her situation these two days, although she was a little concerned about what she talked about with those sirens that day...

However, on the third night, Purification Pro went out secretly again. After returning, Purification Pro came to An Zhiyuan's office. Before she came back, she would quietly go back to her room, but today, she doesn't know Why is there no taboo, when it comes to going out, there is no taboo, going out at night swaggeringly...

Today's purification pro is a bit strange...

After the purification pro found An Zhiyuan, his expression was a little strange, because An Zhiyuan was playing with Essex and CV16, and the taste is not as good as dumplings...

"That... Admiral, I have something to ask you..." Qing Qing said with a blushing face.

"Tell me." An Zhiyuan said without stopping.

"It's actually like this..." Purification pro blinked.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I've been in touch with the Siren all the time." Purification pro said: "I also kept in touch before, but I didn't actually reveal anything..."

When An Zhiyuan heard this, his movements stopped. Although the dumplings were delicious, it was obviously not the time to eat dumplings. An Zhiyuan didn't know why Purification Pro suddenly wanted to talk to him about this...to reveal that he was actually a spy. ..Although An Zhiyuan knew about her a long time ago when she was a spy, it is still very different for him to know that it is different from purging and telling it out on his own initiative.

After tidying up hastily, An Zhiyuan put on his clothes, then looked at Qingqing with a serious face, and said, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

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