"Of course I know... I can explain my behavior..." Purification kiss nodded, and said: "Oh, there is no need to explain, that, I came to you not only for Let me tell you about this, and what I want to say is that some sirens have come to the nearby waters, and I have met them since yesterday..."

Because he didn't hear those conversations at sea, An Zhiyuan was a little confused about the purpose of purifying his relatives, and revealed that he was actually a spy...huh?

"And then?" An Zhiyuan asked.

Both Essex and CV16 are by An Zhiyuan's side. Although the purification pro is still in a state of taking medicine, after all, this is a drug that weakens rather than deprives the ability of the original. If we are serious, such a purification pro , if you take it unprepared, it will also threaten the safety of the admiral.

"Then, today I also went to meet with them, and I found a reason to make an appointment with the third-level siren, the arbitrator..." Qingqing looked at An Zhiyuan with a strange expression, and then said : "You should understand what I mean... Let's arrest the arbitrator to the tutelary mansion..."

An Zhiyuan patted the back of his head, to be honest, An Zhiyuan could understand this sentence, but together, why couldn't he understand it?

The purification pro first said that he was actually a spy, and then said that he wanted to help catch the arbiter?Isn't this really a trap...?

"In addition, I tried to trick these sirens over by saying 'I am here and I need your trust, so I need their help in a play'. Hey...I am really You betrayed the sirens..." Purification pro pouted and said.

An Zhiyuan blinked and said, "But... isn't the arbitrator a third-level siren? It will be difficult for us to catch her, right?"

"Leave this to me. Give me your previous medicine and feed it to her. Isn't that all right?" Purification kissed her chest and said, "She still trusts me quite a bit, just...to get them trust, I have said a lot of bad things about you..."

Purification pro was a little rosy, and said: "I hope...you don't mind..."

.... An Zhiyuan rubbed his chin, he was a little confused now, did the purification pro betrayed, or didn't...?

No, it should be said to purify the relatives, is it really biased towards them, or is this some kind of new conspiracy...?

An Zhiyuan couldn't understand it, because the Purification Pro, who seemed to be full of flaws before, can't see any flaws at all now, as if... what she said is true... as if she really thinks so It's the same... No, the previous purification pro didn't have this attitude...

And...to be honest, the arbitrator is a third-level siren after all, and has a very strong strength. According to the estimation of the purification pro, it is said that they are not the opponent of the third-level siren. The strength of the third-level siren is definitely Very strong, besides, no matter what An Zhiyuan thinks, how does he feel that this is a trap...

Although, Purification Pro's acting skills were suddenly so good that he couldn't see that she was acting at all...but...

"Are you sure you can get the arbiter to take the medicine?" An Zhiyuan asked after thinking about it.

"Of course." Purification pro nodded, and then said: "It's a very simple thing."

An Zhiyuan thought about it seriously, and then said: "Is it tomorrow?"

"Hmm." Purification pro nodded.

In the end, An Zhiyuan still felt that he should arrest the arbitrator.

But before that, the Enterprise's carrier-based aircraft must cruise nearby to ensure that there will be no ambush...

Either, Purification Qin is lying, but her acting skills are so good that An Zhiyuan can't see clearly that Purification Qin is acting, or Purification Qin is really not lying, and she has really betrayed the siren now...

If it's the former, the reason why she did this... is probably because there was an ambush there, and the latter... it can only show that the current Purification Pro has indeed adapted to the life here, and can't go back to the past ...but why did An Zhiyuan feel that this was impossible? The time was too short... During the previous period, although Purification Pro was cooperative on the surface, she was still a little dissatisfied in her heart. Even if the Purification Pro really betrayed the Siren and would really join the tutelary fort, that's not now...

Anyway, An Zhiyuan didn't expect the sirens' plan...they didn't intend to ambush, although in An Zhiyuan's eyes, the sirens are very powerful, indeed, the sirens are indeed very powerful, but the sirens don't want to make peace with humans There was such a large-scale conflict between the ship girls. At the beginning, when the first-level sirens attacked those ship girls, they didn't use enough firepower. On the opposite side of the ship girl and human beings, they are immortal, but now, they only exist as enemies, and they will not be immortal. They only need to exist as their pressure.

If he and the ship's mother are really not dead, even the Siren will be defeated sooner or later.

In order to avoid this situation, there is only one thing the Siren can do, and that is to destroy all the ship girls, and destroying all the ship girls is not in line with their mission, so the Siren does not want to do this.

However, although there are reasons for the sirens to make this decision, it still seems a little... How should I put it, it's a little subtle...

Of course, the current An Zhiyuan didn't know about these situations. He was commissioning a company to detect the enemy's situation.

However, the next day after knowing it, the company didn't see anything, but noticed that the arbitrator came to the place agreed with the Purification Pro by himself...and no one else...

Ah, this...can't it really be what the purification pro said, the arbitrator was actually deceived by the purification pro, right?

An Zhiyuan thought about it, and finally let the company and Sigsby, who was already in New Jersey, go to the place where the purification pro and the arbitrator agreed to meet together.

However, Enterprise and Sigsby and New Jersey, of course, can't come forward directly, but monitor the two from a distance on the sea. Once Enterprise's carrier-based aircraft finds anything abnormal, it can quickly approach or slip away.

Taking the medicine that An Zhiyuan gave her, Purification Pro slowly approached the arbitrator.

The distance was too far, and they couldn't hear what the two were saying.

And the purification pro who came to the arbitrator said: "This is medicine, take it."

"Is this the medicine that will make me incapacitated if I take it?" The arbitrator looked at the medicine in the purifier's palm and asked.

"Yeah, that's right. I ate this at the beginning, so I lost my ability." Purification pro nodded.

The arbitrator took the capsule, looked at it in his hand, and asked, "Are you sure it will work for a third-level siren like me?"

"Who knows, it works for me anyway," Purify pro said.

"Or, let me pretend to eat it, so that when we find out some favorable information and get your antidote, I can take you and the little purifier away." The arbiter thought for a while and said.

Purification kissed for a moment when he heard the words, and then asked: "Did you have this plan from the beginning?"

"Indeed... After all, if I have the strength, I can still pretend I don't have it. I promise that I won't resist him or hurt An Zhiyuan. We should be able to retreat, but if I don't have the strength... it's still a bit uncomfortable." Don't worry," said the arbiter.

She likes to fight, although she has no chance to fight now...

Purification pro hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "In this case, once we are discovered, wouldn't our efforts be in vain? Besides, I will give you the medicine now, and after that, other people will feed you the medicine." Now, it’s impossible for you not to eat it, you can only expose it, so it’s better to eat it, don’t worry, An Zhiyuan won’t do anything excessive.”

Except for that kind of thing...

The arbitrator looked down at the medicine in his hand... After a long silence, he finally sighed, "Well, I've made up my mind before, if I can't keep my strength, I still need to take medicine, so..."

The arbitrator finally put the medicine in his hand into his mouth and swallowed it...

It didn't take long... The arbiter began to feel numb and weak, and then he could stand on the sea, but suddenly lost his buoyancy and began to sink, but the purification pro quickly supported the arbiter, and the purification pro The expression on his face was a little strange, the arbiter couldn't tell what it was like, it just felt a little strange...

it's like...

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