Perhaps, except for purifying and kissing myself, everyone else doesn't know how much of this incident is true and what is false, which side is true and which side is false...

An Zhiyuan nodded after hearing the words, "Well...I just...well...worry too much."

"Don't worry about so many problems, I don't want to see you with gray hair at a young age." Frederick kissed An Zhiyuan's side cheek, and then said softly.

An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "I am an immortal, why do I have gray hair?"

"If you think about it too much, it will be in vain. Just leave these things to us. You, my good boy, you just need to enjoy your life and accompany us every day, fishing boats, building One click, that's all." Frederick said, "Isn't this our mission?"

Is that right... How did I remember that it is your mission to regain the dominance of the sea... However, it is true that for these ship girls who have joined the tutelary fort or command headquarters, the admiral's thoughts are always the most important.

An Zhiyuan turned around and hugged Frederick, and said, "Well...I see..."

Frederick smiled slightly, "How about it? Do you want me to accompany you to educate the arbitrator?"

An Zhiyuan blinked, feeling very good, "Okay...then let's future wife."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the Arbiter was taken to a certain room, her hands and feet were bound, and a black cloth was placed over her eyes... This feeling of being kidnapped was the first time for the Arbiter. Experienced it once.

Oh, no, she used to be an arbitrator, but after being caught here, she can only be an arbitrator.

No way?Wouldn't there be a siren who really thinks that they can still run after they come in, right?

run?Running is not possible. If you want to go back to the Siren headquarters, you can do it. You need to sign a letter of confession, and then use two mouths to stamp a stamp on it, so that you can go back.

In short, the feeling of being blindfolded is still very uncomfortable for the arbitrator...the feeling that I don't know what's going on at all...I can't see the outside scene, and I don't know what I'm about to encounter a feeling of...

After people lose their eyesight, other senses will be magnified, and the body will become more sensitive. They will react to the wind and grass around them to a certain extent, and make people appear more nervous.

"Click, bang!" This was the sound of the door being opened and closed, and then there was a sound of footsteps in my ears, as if two people were walking towards this side... The arbitrator was a little nervous...

She twisted her waist uneasily... But now that she has become an ordinary person, she can't break free from the rope. The struggle is futile, or in other words, it will only hurt her wrists and ankles... .

An Zhiyuan and Frederick came before the arbitrator.

Although his own strength is no longer there, the sense of oppression in the arbitration body is still there. The third-level siren really has a strong sense of oppression...

Although Frederick often attacked after he was built, but now he only has more than [-] years of training, and he can't be compared with the Arbitrator after training. He is not a person of the same level at all, and needs to be transformed by Yubari That's enough, let alone Frederick, who has not yet reached the full level of training.

There is no native ship girl whose strength can exceed the third-level siren. Whether it is a ship girl in R world or a ship girl in world B, they all need to be transformed.

However, everyone is coming soon, and the girls here will improve their training speed very quickly, so there is no need to worry about training speed now.

The arbitrator's hands and feet were tied, and now she was in the corner of the bed in the room, and it seemed that there was a slight movement in the corner of the bed, which would make her tremble all over.

An Zhiyuan made it to the bedside, and then sat down with Dadi Mama, and then he said with a smile: "Welcome to my tutelary mansion to arbitrate relatives."

The arbitrator did not speak, but kicked her legs subconsciously, as if she wanted to shrink in a little bit, but she was already leaning against the corner of the bed and the wall, and she could no longer move back.

"Don't be so afraid, I won't abuse you." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "You just need your cooperation, then, it's like you have come to our tutelary mansion as a guest, and we will treat you kindly, maybe even I will let you go back."

Frederick blinked. The one in front may be true, but the one in the back must be fake... My child will never put back the siren he got. His soon-to-be-acquired wife let go, which was unbearable for his children.

Frederick understood his possessiveness well.

"Bah!" The arbitration pro spat. Although the situation was not good for her, she actually wanted to directly express her loyalty so that she could gain An Zhiyuan's approval, but the current situation was not possible. After all, she was Of course, the attitude of those who were cheated by the purification pros could only be unbearable.

"Such lips are not for spitting." An Zhiyuan pinched her chin lightly, then brushed her lips lightly with the other hand, and said with a smile: "It's just for spitting." Do something else."

Sirens only have a very preliminary understanding of that kind of thing, that is, something simply enters something, and they don’t know that something can actually enter other places, such as lips, such as the back door, but, although The arbitrator was a little puzzled, but it didn't mean that the arbitrator had any good attitude towards An Zhiyuan.

"You bastard! What kind of ecstasy did you give the Purifier! You actually let her betray the siren! Unforgivable!" the arbitrator said through gritted teeth, she seemed to be biting An Zhiyuan's finger, but unfortunately, After An Zhiyuan found out about her behavior, he directly blocked her mouth, preventing her from biting down. Now she only has the strength of an ordinary woman, and of course she is not An Zhiyuan's opponent.

"I didn't give her some ecstasy." An Zhiyuan said with a smile. Although he didn't know the idea of ​​purifying the relative, it was always a good thing for her to cooperate. It will become the appearance of purifying the relatives, yes, it is the appearance that the arbitrating relatives hate the most.

"Ah woo woo!" The arbitrator wanted to speak, but because his mouth was stuck, he could only make a few unintelligible sounds. An Zhiyuan let her go, and then said with a smile: "Don't resist, Although I said that I will not abuse you, but if you do not cooperate, I will give some punishment."

"Damn! Do you think I'll be afraid?" The referee spit on An Zhiyuan's face. The referee is a siren, and the saliva is about the same as light sugar water. However, tasting it when kissing is one thing. The face is another matter. Frederick quickly wiped the drool on An Zhiyuan's face with a tissue, then looked at the arbitrator, and slapped her directly. With a little force, he slapped the arbitrator directly She slapped her on the bed with a slap, but the bed was very soft, of course the arbiter would not be able to touch it. Although she lost her strength, the arbitrator's physique was still there. Although Frederick's slap made her feel a little painful, it was not serious. hinder...

"Think clearly about your own situation, and don't do things beyond your own situation." Frederick looked at the arbitrator, his tone was a little cold, for her children, she would dare to fight the arbitrator in the heyday, let alone It is the arbiter who has lost all his strength now.

Their own children, their own admirals, they were in too much pain, and this arbitrator dared to spit in his face?

An Zhiyuan put his hand on Frederick's, smiled at her, and motioned her not to be so angry. He said that he was not that angry, but the arbitrator who was quite uncooperative would of course have to be punished , otherwise, if it goes on like this, it won't be as high as a jumping house?

Frederick's frown was relieved. It's just that she can bully her now, but if the arbitrator regains his strength, how can he protect his children? Although there are enterprises, Tangyu, New Jersey and Sigsby, Essex, and cv16 exist, but I don't have this strength...

I have to become stronger myself, to become able to protect my child under all circumstances...

An Zhiyuan commissioned Frederick to bring over the little toys that he had conquered the martial arts deep-sea flagship and the siren. Although he wanted to punish the arbiter, he didn't want to beat her up. How could his future wife beat her up?That's domestic violence!Domestic violence is not allowed!

So, the punishment, of course, is this kind of colored thing!

It's a pity that the arbitrator still doesn't know what method An Zhiyuan will use to deal with her, so it's not like he's scolding An Zhiyuan, calling him a devil or something...

The arbitrator was slapped, and she was quite angry, but besides cursing, she didn't know how to vent her anger... After all, she has no strength now.

An Zhiyuan touched his chin, thinking, am I a devil?So what are you...?

Although it was swearing, the arbitrator didn't say any insulting words, probably because he didn't know those dirty words... However, the insulting action was done, that is, the spitting just now.

It's okay, An Zhiyuan doesn't mind, anyway, if you spit on my face now, you will have to spit on another thing of mine in the future.

Both mouths are about to spit.

After waiting for a while, Da Di Mama finally brought An Zhiyuan's educational props. Frederick was no stranger to these things, because in addition to educating the deep-sea flagships and sirens, his own children would occasionally use them It's still very good to play with things for a little fun.

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