But, then again, these are all external and have no internal use. Well, I can understand the terrible possessiveness of my own children. Of course, other things will not be allowed to enter, um... such possessiveness Desire, I really like it...

As for them, of course they don't want anyone other than the admiral to enter.

Hearing that Frederick had returned, the arbitrator was a little flustered. She didn't know how An Zhiyuan would punish herself... Now that she has become an ordinary person, can she really withstand An Zhiyuan's torture?

The arbiter's mind is full of whips, dripping wax... Cough cough cough, no, it's the electric chair, water torture and the like... As a siren, it's too embarrassing to drown to death in the end, right?

An Zhiyuan didn't know what the arbitrator was thinking, otherwise he would have severely criticized her, how could he have done such an excessive thing to his future wife?His punishment is only to bring happiness to his future wife!

Then, the arbitrator felt a chill on her body, as if nothing was tied, which made her feel a little chilly. Soon, the arbitrator knew that something was missing, and she suddenly struggled violently, "Hello?! You The guy actually took off my clothes! Give me back my clothes?! You stinky rascal! You pervert!"

Of course, An Zhiyuan would not give it back to him so easily. For this kind of disobedient prisoner, of course, she must be punished to let her understand what will happen if she resists, and what kind of treatment she will get if she cooperates.

Therefore, the arbitrator not only did not get back his clothes, but was even given a small toy...

The arbiter trembled all over, not daring to move anymore...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Huh... what is this... ah... this is... hiss...


Why, why, feel like this...

The blindfolded arbitrator could not know what it was, but because of being blindfolded, her other senses became more sensitive, so...

An Zhiyuan didn't have time here to watch the arbitrator twist and turn. Instead, he left this secret room with Frederick, let her hang out for a while, otherwise, if she didn't cooperate, he wouldn't be able to chat with her .

Hearing footsteps and closing the door, the Arbitrator writhed on the bed...

Purify, purify that guy, didn’t you say that An Zhiyuan...An Zhiyuan would not, would not abuse people...Then now...now this...ha...ha...what is it... What's the situation...

Sirens are all innocent girls, and they don't know what that little toy is...

Of course, when you enter An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, you will gradually understand these things. After all, An Zhiyuan is an old man, and if he gets close to the old man and becomes the old man's wife, there is no possibility that he will still be that kind Girls who don't understand.

Those who are close to vermilion are red, those who are close to ink are black, those who are close to old and astringent critics...cough cough...

Let the arbitrator hang out for a while, An Zhiyuan has other things to do now, he found the purifier, and then chatted with her.

"Um...um...that's it..." After hearing An Zhiyuan's words, Purification kissed for a while and nodded, "Actually, you don't have to worry...do you know what we said before?"

"Huh?" An Zhiyuan was puzzled and asked, "What did you say?"

"Do you know why I was able to trick the arbitrator?" Purification pro said with a smile: "Actually, this is just my way of doing things. At the beginning, I didn't have this plan. Before, the observer found me and said they If they don't come to rescue me, will it appear that they don't care too much about my existence? This will make me look very suspicious. So, before they planned to play a play together to clear my suspicion, but, After they arrived, they changed their minds again. They thought it would be too risky to do so, and they were worried that they would fight with us. So, they finally changed their mind, that is, let the arbitrators also sneak into our tutelary mansion as spies. As for the third level How can she be caught without triggering the battle in the Siren, of course I will be on the stage, so they entrust me to be the traitor of the Siren, to bring the arbiter back, this will not only make you trust me, but also It is reasonable for the Arbiter to be caught, and then I made it up, so they will only think that the Arbiter has sneaked into our tutelary fort, and of course they will not come to rescue the Arbiter."

An Zhiyuan blinked his eyes when he heard the words, wait a minute...let me sort it out, what's going on...

First of all, the observer asked Purification to tell her about acting. An Zhiyuan knew about it, and the company and the others overheard it.

And the Siren and the others came here for this reason, but An Zhiyuan couldn't verify what happened after Purification pro said that they changed their minds.

Let the arbitrator also infiltrate the tutelary mansion as a spy...?Phew... Isn't this delivered to your door?What a stupid way...Of course, if I really trusted Purification, I might have succeeded in doing so, but I didn't fully trust Purification in the first place.

It's just...why did Purify pro tell this matter...

Although what Purification Pro said seems a little unreasonable to An Zhiyuan, such as why the Siren made such a hasty decision, but it can also explain the current situation...

As for the reason why the Siren made such a hasty decision... Although sneaking into the tutelary mansion is the idea of ​​the observers and arbitrators, but Purification pro said, sneaking is no problem, An Zhiyuan will not abuse them and so on... .

Of course, the main reason is not to purify the pro.

It's just...if what Purification says is true...she...hey...wait...

If what the purification pro said was false, why did she say that the arbiter was a spy?Saying that the arbiter is a spy doesn't make the arbiter's treatment any better?It could even be worse...

Therefore, An Zhiyuan really has the conditions to believe that what Purification pro said is true...

ah this...

After talking about things like Purification Pro, An Zhiyuan really had to think about it, Purification Pro really favored him...

"So... there's really nothing to worry about?"

"Of course." Purification pro smiled slightly, "Of course they won't come to the door for the arbiter, compared to not coming to rescue me, or even no movement at all, compared to losing the arbiter, after this super combat power, they will naturally have After making unwavering preparations, and knowing from the arbitrator that they don’t want to fight us, then not only is my suspicion cleared, but the arbitrator who sneaked into the tutelary mansion is really living as a spy Come down, but, she is just pretending to betray."

An Zhiyuan touched his chin, and then said: "Do you think this is really okay?"

"Huh? Is there any problem with what you are referring to?" Purification pro asked a little strangely.

"Of course it refers to this matter... the fact that the arbitrator was arrested here." An Zhiyuan said.

"What's the problem?" Purification pro said: "...Perhaps, changing your mind and letting you bring the progress of this world is also a way...I...want to try."

Hearing this, An Zhiyuan took a deep look at Purification Qin. During this period of time, Purification Qin's expression was perfect. Although she could still easily see what was going on in her heart, the thoughts in her heart were all biased toward her. ..So...that is to say, did Purification Pro really join the tutelary fort?Body and mind joined?

If not, it means that Purification's acting skills have been greatly improved in a short period of time, so that An Zhiyuan can only see what she wants him to see...An Zhiyuan sees people and guesses people's hearts The thinking is very accurate, and when it is not accurate, most of them are pretending to be stupid.

Either, Purification Kiss really betrayed Siren and joined the tutelary fort, or An Zhiyuan couldn't see through Purification Kiss...

If you want to talk about the possibility, An Zhiyuan still feels that it is more reliable that Purification Pro really betrayed the Sirens.

If that's the case, I really should give Purification the antidote... After all, her body and mind already belong to me, so of course I don't have to worry about her situation...

After An Zhiyuan left, Purification stood there and did not leave.

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