She looked at An Zhiyuan's back and was in a daze, whether it was true or not...

She knew that she had finally gained An Zhiyuan's was hard won...

The "sacrifice" of the arbitrator is worth it...

Purification pro played with her silver hair with her fingers, then shook her head, just as she was about to turn around and leave, she heard a voice beside her, "Mom!"

Purification mother turned her head and found that it was little purification pro. There was a small wreath on her head, which was woven from various flowers. There was a small flower field on the island, which Belfast and Gascogne were taking care of. Pick the flowers.

Maybe the little wreath on Xiao Jingqin's head was woven there.

For the act of picking flowers, Belfast and Gascogne did not object, and taught them the correct way to pick flowers.

"What's the matter?" Kissing Qing squatted down halfway, and Xiao Jiejie threw herself into her arms. Xiao Jiejie raised his head, looked at Jiejie, and asked with a smile: "Mom, do you think this one on my head looks good? Little sister Guanghui made it for me!"

"Well, it's pretty, very pretty..." Purification kisses a smile, although occasionally there will be some conflicts with this naughty daughter, but most of the time the relationship between the two is still very good, after all, they are mother and daughter. In addition, What I want to say is that most of the things that cause conflicts are related to An Zhiyuan. The little guy does not allow himself to say a bad word about An Zhiyuan... For her, she is a bit naughty little sister, in front of An Zhiyuan, it is not Know how obedient...

Little Guanghui, she is very kind to her daughter, she is Guanghui's daughter, her character is similar to Guanghui's...

A very lovable little guy, although she is a ship's mother... But Purification still likes that little girl, unlike her father, who is a jerk, but little Guanghui, very obedient and sensible.

"Hee hee, I'm going to ask Dad if my little wreath looks good!" Xiao Jieqin let go of Jiejie, and then said with a smile.

Hearing her daughter talking about An Zhiyuan, Purification kissed her lips, but she didn't stop her, but said: "Go, your father just walked this way, just left, you should be able to see him after a while .”

"Okay!" After saying that, Xiao Jiejing ran away... Sure enough, in her heart, An Zhi, who is a father, is far more important than her, who is a mother...?

Purification is a little depressed, a little jealous, this is obviously the daughter of her and An Zhiyuan, why does she like her father more...

But thinking about it, it seemed that Xiao Beifa and Xiao Guanghui also liked her father more than her mother, and she felt a lot more balanced.

Maybe the daughter likes the father better... Purify kisses the back of his head... um... daughter...

I really can't leave here...

Is it true or not...

An Zhiyuan felt that maybe no one knew whether it was true or not, except Purify Kissing Himself.

She didn't know why she told An Zhiyuan these things, did she think that telling these things would completely dispel An Zhiyuan's suspicion?However, in this case, wouldn't the arbitrator suffer?


Do not understand.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Arbiter probably sneaked in, right?But most likely she will have to suffer... The observer sighed, and she didn't know whether it was right or wrong to do so... She always had a bad feeling in her heart...

The observer didn't know where this premonition came from, but she shouldn't be...No matter what the Purifier said, he would take care of the Arbiter, right?When the time comes for the Purifier to gain trust, he can definitely blow his ears to An Zhiyuan so that the Arbiter will not suffer...


Although it seems a bit wrong to use it this way...

Let the arbiter not suffer by blowing the pillow?Don't be funny, the current purification pro, but shakes out everything that can be shaken out... This is known to the observers, so why don't they reward her with the label of betrayal?

Purification pro, although he doesn't know what he thinks of doing this, but he doesn't plan to leave there anymore, leaving the tutelary mansion...

And the arbitrator can't leave... Although I have gained An Zhiyuan's trust for my behavior, the arbitrator will probably regard it as a traitor, right?In this case, I will have a lot of trouble, so the arbitrator can't leave.

What is Erwuzi?Do you see it?This is the real [-] boy!


Obviously, no one understands the inner drama of Purification Pro, including An Zhiyuan, who doesn't understand what Purification Pro thinks, but it doesn't matter...

An Zhiyuan discussed with the girls whether to give the antidote to the purification, but everyone was still somewhat resistant to it...

After all, Purification is a second-level siren. If it is a false rebellion, it may threaten the admiral's life. No ship girl dares to make fun of the admiral's life.

An Zhiyuan himself did not dare to make hasty decisions, he was afraid of death, he was really afraid of death, because if he died, all the girls would die for him, his life was never his own alone.

New Jersey lowered her head, thinking, she was thinking, what would happen if it was her sister... that is, if Missouri was here...

Everyone knows that Missouri is very important to the admiral. Therefore, the third sister must have her reasons. Therefore, New Jersey thought about what she would say if the person standing in her current position was Missouri. ..

In fact, it’s not completely clueless. When New Jersey came over, it was discussed in this way because of the deep sea. At that time, it was too dangerous to give the deep sea flagship medicine, but later, Missouri and Lexington agreed to the admiral. However, Hu Teng, the admiral's personal bodyguard, cannot leave the admiral's side at any time, because as long as the ship is deployed, the ship girl will definitely be able to protect the admiral...Of course there must be some that cannot be protected situation, but in the end, it turned out that those deep-sea flagships did nothing to...

If I support the admiral's statement and give me medicine for the purification, then if something goes wrong with the purification and hurt the admiral, then she will bear all the responsibilities, not to mention other people will blame her, even herself , and can't forgive myself...

New Jersey was silent for a while, then said, "I think it's doable."

Everyone looked at New Jersey. The first person to say that it was feasible probably won't get approval.

"In that case, if something happens to the admiral..." Hood frowned and said worriedly.

Dedechan pushed his glasses, but didn't speak.

The company looked at New Jersey, looked at everyone, and then stood up and said: "Since New Jersey said it is feasible, then let New Jersey protect the admiral. Although I also think that Purification Pro is now credible, but everything is safe." Just in case..."

Because the ship girl on R side has the experience of a deep-sea flagship, she has a higher ability to accept this matter, but the ship girl on B side is not good. Although there is a fortress princess here, as an enemy at that time After all, that is not something they have seen before, Admiral, of course it is a thousand times or ten thousand times more important than those newly joined sirens.

But Frederick heard that New Jersey and the company had said this, and after hesitating for a while, she said: "I also think it is feasible, not only to let New Jersey protect the admiral, but also to let another person monitor and stop the purification of the relatives at any time." , although I feel that Purification Pro can be trusted, but, like the company said, we must ensure that no accidents happen."

The other ship girls look at me and I look at you, but they can't make a decision, especially the newly built Dafeng and Jean Barr. For them, the siren is the enemy, which is something that can be kept in mind ...Although I often met with that siren before, at that time, that siren didn't have the ability to hurt the admiral, but now it's different, if the purification pro takes the antidote, then he has the ability to hurt the admiral, so in this case ...the admiral would be in danger... that's not okay.

But, after all, this is the admiral's own idea... Moreover, what New Jersey, the company and Frederick said is also okay... As long as the admiral's safety can be ensured, the admiral can do whatever he wants...

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