Everyone is a little confused...

Finally, Guanghui stood up, "I also support giving her the antidote...Purification has been here for a long time in our tutelary mansion. After spending so long with her, I think she has adapted to life here. Trust her, she won't do anything to hurt the admiral, but protection is still necessary."

My sister said so, Shengli and Kewei finally thought about it and expressed their support...

After more and more people think about it, they choose to support it. In fact, they are not opposed to An Zhiyuan's idea, nor are they opposed to letting the sirens join the tutelary mansion. The purification relatives have lived here for so long, and their children have all been born. It's not against this, what they want to ensure is that the admiral's safety is the only thing that can't be regressed.

In the end, the girls agreed to the proposal, An Zhiyuan heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "It's good if you can agree..."

Although An Zhiyuan has the right to do things without consent, he doesn't want this. He still hopes that the girls will agree, so that he can do this kind of thing.

After the girls agreed to come down, An Zhiyuan, accompanied by New Jersey, took the antidote and found the purification relative.

Although it would be better if New Jersey wasn't there, New Jersey obviously didn't feel at ease letting An Zhiyuan stand alone with the purified pro who had regained his strength.

And it's not really a problem.

An Zhiyuan stopped Purify, "Purify, wait."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Purification pro turned his head a little strangely and asked.

An Zhiyuan raised his right hand and spread it out. There was a capsule in his palm, "Have you eaten it?"

"Huh? What kind of new medicine is this?" Purification pro picked up the capsule and asked strangely.

"This is the antidote. It can release the restrictive medicine on your body. After taking it, your strength will be restored." An Zhiyuan said.

Purification paused when he heard the words, then looked at the medicine in his hand, then raised his head to look at An Zhiyuan, and finally looked at New Jersey next to him, "You...you give me this medicine...? "

"Haven't I already been in your hands?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile, "Eat, it's fine."

Purification pro was silent for a while, and then asked: "You are not afraid, after I take the medicine, will you not be able to control me?"

"Now you don't need to control, at least, I think so." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"You've been here for so long, after such a long time, I really should give this to you." An Zhiyuan thought for a while, and then said: "So, eat."

"You're not afraid, I'm pretending to betray the siren? Tell you those things just to gain your trust, and then beat you up after the restriction is lifted?" Purification pro couldn't help but asked again.

An Zhiyuan said: "The medicine is here, and it can already represent my thoughts. Before I took out this medicine, I had already prepared it. You don't need to test me anymore. Just take it and it will be fine."

Hearing the words, Purify gritted his teeth, then put the medicine in An Zhiyuan's palm, snorted, and turned his head away, "Don't take it, you bastard, there must be something in this medicine, otherwise, why do you keep agitating to let him I take medicine?"

An Zhiyuan and New Jersey were a little dumbfounded, An Zhiyuan and New Jersey looked at each other, and then shook their heads.

An Zhiyuan handed the medicine to Purify, and then said: "If it is any other medicine, I don't need to hide it from you. If you take it, it means that you have officially joined my tutelary mansion and become a member of this tutelary mansion." , I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

Hearing the words of Purification, he looked at An Zhiyuan, and then at the medicine in his hand. He didn't know how he felt...

In fact, she didn't think it was some kind of messy medicine. When An Zhiyuan said that it was the antidote, Purification Pro didn't doubt it at all. She knew that it was the antidote, and there was nothing wrong with it.

just... always feel...

It's useless to take antidote... Is it possible to take the little purification and the arbitrator away now?Don't look at the joke, you can't live without it, even if you regain your strength.

The New Jersey next to An Zhiyuan, although not as good as the third-level siren, is stronger than her, the second-level siren, how to go?An Zhiyuan still has five such ship girls.

Moreover, she...doesn't really want to leave...No matter what she thinks in her heart, not only did she not get any information about swimming, but she revealed the information about the Sirens to An Zhiyuan. She...has already ...Can not go back...

She looked at An Zhiyuan again, then threw the antidote into her mouth and swallowed it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The effect of the medicine took effect very quickly, and Purification felt warm all over her body, and the long-lost power returned to her body. This belonged to her, and belonged to the power that a second-level siren should have.

It's been too long, so that it's a little strange, this kind of strange and familiar power...

Do you really need this power?

Since there is no need to escape, what is the use of this power?Could it be used to clean up An Zhiyuan?

Purification pro lowered his head, looked at his hands, and after a long silence, he put them down.

"How is it? The feeling of strength returning to your body?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

"I don't feel anything..." The purifier looked at An Zhiyuan, and then said: "If there's nothing else, I'm going to kiss Xiao Jie..."

An Zhiyuan nodded when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Go."

Just now, the little girl met An Zhiyuan, and asked An Zhiyuan if the beautiful wreath on her head, who did not know who wove it, looked good. After getting An Zhiyuan's affirmation, the little girl ran back happily.

Seeing that Purification turned to leave, An Zhiyuan sighed softly.

"What's the matter? Why are you sighing?" New Jersey tilted her head and asked with a smile.

"It's nothing... I just feel that it's a little difficult... Well, maybe compared to other people, it's still very easy for me..." An Zhiyuan laughed again, "Well, then , the next step is to arbitrate the kiss."

"There are still so many sirens, how can we not trick them all into the tutelary mansion?" New Jersey said with a smile behind his hands behind his back.

"What is cheating? It's persuading them to wash their hands and be good. I'm like a mentor in life. I'm a kind person who gives them meaning in life again!" An Zhiyuan quickly retorted.

"Yes, yes, my admiral, my husband, my husband is a very kind person." New Jersey did not deny it, and said with a smile.

"Your attitude is not honest." An Zhiyuan rolled his eyes and said.

New Jersey shrugged his shoulders, and then said: "What kind of 'good' is our tutelary mansion, isn't our tutelary mansion just a brothel with only you, the only client?"

"You don't understand this. You said that if there are many clients in a brothel, it is a place of customs. But in a brothel, there is only one client, and every girl guards herself like a jade for the only client. Isn't this a harem? What kind of brothel Ah, all of you are empresses." An Zhiyuan snorted twice and said.

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