Tsk tsk, isn't it too evil?Think about it, I made an agreement with my friend who was lurking in the enemy camp from the beginning, and then lurked in after discussing the plan, but found out that it was just a trap!She was cheated and sold!Tsk tsk, it's really exciting to think about it!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It is precisely because you lurk in here as a spy, so they all think you are a spy, they have to lurk here, and there is already a reason not to come, it is because, without you, this third-level siren , His strength has plummeted, so he dare not directly confront us..." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

With only two level 2.5 sirens, it is really unclear who wins and who loses. Anzhiyuan has six modernized ship girls who are considered level [-] sirens, let alone Now there is only one observer here. The leader of the Sirens, Dream Weaver, will come with the rest of the Sirens. It will take a while. Even if he comes, he may not be able to beat him. Ren, however, in order to rescue these two sirens, it may lead to a full-scale war between the sirens and humans and the ship mother, and they may be annihilated... Will the sirens do this?

Obviously not, and the Sirens have no such intentions at all. After all, the two of them don't say that they will be killed or something. An Zhiyuan believed that as long as they didn't move around, it was fine.

An Zhiyuan believed it, and he was also affirmed by Evolution Pro, so why should he be afraid?

"You...how did you know these things?" The arbitrator finally accepted the fact that An Zhiyuan knew these things, she couldn't help asking.

In fact, there is no need for An Zhiyuan to say it, the Arbitration Pro already has doubts in his heart, that is... Purification Pro... That's right, apart from the remaining sirens, only Purification Pro knows about these things.

"Did you think it was Purification Pro?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "No, before Evolution Pro, you were performing your tasks well. That's right, it was lurking in. Purification Pro is also a spy. I am very concerned about it." It’s clear, when she decided to become a spy, I knew it, well, but now the Purification Pro has also understood and started to cooperate with us. After all, she knows that there are spies in the headquarters, so there is no way to convey the real truth to you. Information, useful information, will be intercepted."

"Ah...?!" The arbitrator's head couldn't turn around for a while, wasn't it the purification pro? !Who would that be?Purify the spies outside the pro...?

The arbitrator who was taken away by An Zhiyuan did not think about the authenticity of An Zhiyuan's words for a while, but began to think about who is the other real second-five boy and betrayer.

"Think about it...who could it be?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

New Jersey touched his chin beside him, eh...?

This is...

Only Purify is a spy. Of course New Jersey knows about it, otherwise they wouldn't be so cautious after giving Purify to take the antidote... But why does the admiral say no now...

Is he going to set up a fake spy...and sow discord?


"Think about it, who came up with this idea, and who let you lurk in." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

As soon as the arbitration pro heard this, he immediately realized, this...is this...the observer?

Let a certain new siren be caught, and then pretend to submit to become the first spy, this is the observer's first suggestion, but the arbiter himself has this idea...

"Hmph...I know that the betrayer is the Purification Pro. I brought up this matter myself, so you don't have to sow dissension!" , the Purified relative who has done everything and has a child is a spy, and he is unwilling to believe that the observer is a spy.

"Really? I asked her to say this, but it really surprised me that it was you." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, "Well, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not... Anyway, you won't have the chance to meet any other siren, um... any siren other than those on the island."

"You bastard...are you going to imprison me here forever?" The arbitrator gritted his teeth and asked.

"It depends on whether you cooperate or not. Look, the purifier is very cooperative now, so I also gave her a lot of freedom." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "If you cooperate enough, you will also have free."

"Bah! I won't cooperate with you!" The arbitrator spat, and then said disgustedly: "No matter who is the spy and how many spies there are, I will not give in!"

An Zhiyuan chuckled, "No hurry, no hurry, we have plenty of time, let's have a good chat about whether you can't cooperate with me, okay, since you're awake, why don't you continue to play with your little toys with you?"

"Hello?! Do you guys still use that kind of thing...?! That would really kill people!" the arbitrator asked hastily after hearing the words.

She really doesn't want to experience that feeling before, although it is indeed wonderful, but it gives people the feeling of standing on the edge of a cliff, as long as one step is wrong, she will fall into the abyss...

Moreover, after a long time, it has not been a second until the brain is numb and unable to think about problems... If you keep carrying that kind of thing, the arbitrator feels that it won't be long before she becomes... She doesn't even know what will become of myself...

"Before you start to cooperate with me, you have to do this." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "I didn't abuse you."

With that said, An Zhiyuan tied up the hands and feet of the arbitrator again, and then brought her his little toys.

"I..." the arbitrator said in person, but before he could say anything, he heard An Zhiyuan say: "It's useless to be soft now, see you in two days."

"Don't! Don't go!" Seeing An Zhiyuan leading New Jersey up, the arbitrator hurriedly yelled, but An Zhiyuan didn't pay attention to her, but the ship girl named New Jersey looked at her with pitiful eyes, and then followed An Zhiyuan left together.

The door was shut and locked.

After New Jersey came out with An Zhiyuan, he couldn't help laughing, "Admiral, you really looked like an evil villain just now."

Originally, the siren is the enemy of human beings, but the drama just now looks like the righteous female knight was deceived by another female knight who fell under the demon king, and then suffered bullying...

"Why am I an evil villain? I've said it all. I'm trying to educate them and make them turn around. I'm obviously a good person, but why am I a villain?" An Zhiyuan was obviously not convinced by this statement.

"Come on, would a good person use that little toy to educate others?" New Jersey smiled charmingly.

"That's just because they are too uncooperative, understand?" An Zhiyuan rolled his eyes and said.

"Who will cooperate? It's really going to be your urinal." New Jersey grinned, "Well...the Siren Harem Project, and the Blue Academy Harem Project, tsk tsk, no wonder Missouri is so keen on expanding you The harem, it turns out that it is so interesting to watch you attack other people, using strong methods and pure methods."

An Zhiyuan rubbed his chin and said, "I understand this as cuckoldism. If I find another wife, Missouri will have one more hat. I suspect that Missouri, like Lexington, has a habit of wearing hats. "

New Jersey paused when she heard the words, and she blinked, "Okay, it seems to be right... Isn't Missouri looking for a hat for myself?"

But New Jersey thought about it, and said: "No, this is not a cuckold. Besides, our tutelary mansion is special, and we don't need to follow the monogamous system of human society. Everyone is you. Wife, your new wife is also our sister."

An Zhiyuan shrugged.

"Again, are you implying observers by telling the arbitrator that there is another spy?" New Jersey asked.

"Well...Actually, it's enough to make her suspicious, and then let's communicate with the purification relative. You must know that when one person has doubts about the other in his heart, it is easy to look at the other person's perspective. Entering into the preconception of the presumption of guilt, if the arbitrator has doubts about the observer, then any behavior of the observer will be brought into this perspective, and it is easy to be misunderstood." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Well... .But in fact, I don't really know what kind of effect this will have, but, the thunder is buried here first, and what is needed is to detonate immediately."

"Ham, I thought you had some lofty plans..." New Jersey was a little disappointed when he heard the words, and said.

"...How could I come up with such a grand plan in such a short time..." An Zhiyuan was a little ashamed, he really regarded me as a god, right?You admiral me, I'm not someone who is good at playing tricks...

"But this reminds me. I will chat with Missouri and Lexington in the future to help you supplement this plan." New Jersey thought for a while, and then said with a smile: "Perhaps, this is the Siren It's the beginning of being truly 'eliminated'."

An Zhiyuan heard the words and said, "Well, it's fine...Will it appear that I'm too scheming."

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