"Please, you don't need to be scheming to catch the ship, they are sirens, no matter what you say, they are enemies." New Jersey rolled his eyes, "Besides, if you really feel that you are scheming, I heard that you Tune... well, it's even more extreme when educating those deep-sea flagships."

An Zhiyuan smiled sarcastically, ahem, the past is unbearable to look back on, at that time, it was indeed a little... um, a little bit harsher on the deep-sea flagships...

Fortunately, after the girls became wives, they didn't settle accounts with An Zhiyuan...Maybe it's just a matter of fun, right?

Well, let me think about it, how to adjust after the little toy... no, education...

Daily fishing for three days at the beginning of the month

RT, old readers should be very aware of this set of rules~................................ ...................................................

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Because I felt that Purification's performance was a bit...unexpected, so An Zhiyuan wanted to have a chat with Purification and ask her how I should treat Arbitration...

To be honest, he thought it was impossible for Purification to hurt him. At most, he was so angry that he would beat him up, and he would not want to kill him. Since that was the case, An Zhiyuan felt that it didn't matter. Although he had never been beaten by girls, But after all, I still bullied the Purification Pro, and then again, the little Purification Pro was born because of this kind of semi-forced discussion...

An Zhiyuan quickly found the Purification Pro. The Purification Pro hasn't gone to work yet, and will go in the afternoon. Then again, the airport is almost finished, and it's much easier now. Half an hour, five hours of work in the afternoon.

The work efficiency of the ship girl is not to be boasted...

Once this is done, you can almost wait for the girls who are still over there to come over.

Purification and little purification are at the port, and little purification is lying in purification's arms, the two seem to be chatting, An Zhiyuan looked at it, hesitated, and walked over with New Jersey.

Both of them are sirens, of course it was easy to hear it. Purification turned her head and saw An Zhiyuan and New Jersey. She looked at New Jersey and curled her lips...

She knows why New Jersey should always be by An Zhiyuan's side... Isn't she just worried that she will hurt An Zhiyuan... Hehe...

Although there are indeed some small emotions in my heart... But why do I want to hurt him?There's no need... It's true that I want to beat him up, and it's true that I don't know how to do it... and I won't leave. If I stay here, if I hurt him, I might die a miserable death, right?

However, this feeling of not being trusted really makes people very uncomfortable...Purification kiss pursed her lips, and let out a deep breath...After the little purification kiss saw An Zhiyuan, from the purification kiss Li stood up, then ran to An Zhiyuan with a smile, jumped onto An Zhiyuan's body, and hugged An Zhiyuan's neck.


"Oh..." An Zhiyuan put his arms around Xiao Jieqin's little butt, and looked at her with a smile, "What are you talking about with your mother?"

"Mom said Dad is a big villain, I said Dad is not a big villain, and Mom said you always bully her, but I don't believe it, because Dad is obviously very gentle, how could he bully Mom?" The little girl said: "And, Mom It doesn't look like being bullied at all."

"Really?" An Zhiyuan smiled when he heard that, "Did your mother tell me how I bullied her?"

"I asked, I asked mom and dad why they bullied her, and she blushed and didn't speak. Looking at it, she is obviously a girl in Huaichun. Why is she angry..." Xiaojie pursed her lips and said .

Huaichun girl is okay... Where did you learn this word...?

Although she was born with a certain amount of common sense because of the ship's mother, but this is a bit outrageous...

New Jersey on the side couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he heard the words, and looked like he was holding back a smile. Purification stared and looked at New Jersey who wanted to laugh, feeling a little depressed.

This daughter is really a madman who sells her mother. She helps her father to talk like this... How can she tell you how he bullied me... Isn't that teaching bad children?This guy is too cunning...

New Jersey found that Purification was staring at him, and he quickly controlled the expression on his face, thinking, as expected, he still can't have a daughter... It's fine if he is sold to the admiral, and he will probably reveal his embarrassing things... No wonder Missouri doesn't want a daughter either... Sure enough, Missouri understands best. Think about it, isn't it Funo who said that Chicheng likes monthly workers?Although it was not intentional, it was just a slip of the tongue, but everyone still knows Chicheng's hobbies, and Lexington, although her hobbies have been known by many people, but Mia let many people know. People have almost become everyone. Everyone knows that the original wife also has a hobby of secretly watching the admiral with other people...

Daughters are all crazy mothers!

An Zhiyuan put Xiao Jiejing down, and then said: "I want to talk to your mother about something, can you go to the side to play first?"

Xiao Jingjing was a little disappointed when he heard the words, but he still nodded and ran away.

An Zhiyuan looked at Xiao Jie's back, smiled slightly, then turned his head to look at Jie Jie, and said, "I have something to ask you."

"Ask, what's the matter." Xiao Jieqin left, but Qingjieqin was not so depressed anymore, she looked at An Zhiyuan and asked.

"Are you sure that Dreamweaver can indeed stop all the Siren armors in the world?" An Zhiyuan asked.

"Well, if she also agrees with your idea." Qingqin said, but she quickly shrugged and said: "Dreamweaver, it is not so easy to change her mind, she is quite...Stubborn Even though they are usually quite gentle."

"That's okay, as long as it can be done, there is a way." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Then, there is one more thing, how do you think I should treat the arbitrator?"

Purifying Qin paused, then looked at An Zhiyuan, and said, "Why are you asking me? You want to test my attitude? Isn't it your business how you want to treat Arbitrating Qin? Don't ask me, if you want to treat me like this It’s okay to treat her, anyway, I don’t have any objections, anyway, you won’t kill her, will you?”

Crazy will kill the future wife.

"Does it really matter? After all, they can be regarded as sisters in the future." An Zhiyuan said.

"That depends on your own thoughts. What do you want to do, I can't influence you." Purification pro rolled his eyes, and then said: "I'm just talking about these things, anyway, you won't listen to me , why should I say that."

"Who said I wouldn't listen to you?" An Zhiyuan said, "It's precisely because I want to hear your opinion that I came to ask you. If I don't listen to you, why should I ask you?"

Parent Purification wanted to answer how do I know what you want to do, but she opened her mouth, hesitated for a while, and finally closed her mouth, silent for a while, and said: "She is definitely not very cooperative, or she may pretend to be cooperative. If you If you want her to really stay here, you need to work hard, there is no need to be too gentle."

An Zhiyuan looked at Purify Qin and said, "You mean, I don't have to be soft-hearted?"

"To be honest, I don't think you will soften your heart... After all, if there is no way to keep the arbitrator here, wouldn't it be useless if you catch her?" Purification pro said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"That's right..." An Zhiyuan nodded, and he said, "Since you said that, then I understand."

Purification gave An Zhiyuan a glance, and then said: "I suggest not to give the Arbitration kiss prematurely, after all, the Arbitration kiss is a third-level siren, if you are negligent, it will be very dangerous."

An Zhiyuan nodded, "I understand."

Purification pursed his lips, and then said: "Hey, I'm actually a little curious. Since you have given me the antidote and helped me recover my strength, why are you still guarding me? You really have to worry about me, worrying about what I will do. If something bad happens, just don’t give me the medicine? Now that I’m recovering my strength, I still act cautiously, which makes people very uncomfortable.”

Before An Zhiyuan could open his mouth, New Jersey took the initiative to say: "It is our idea to worry about what you will do to hurt the admiral, and it is the admiral's idea to give you medicine. The admiral trusts you enough, so give the antidote to me." You are dead, but, us ship girls are not at ease, after all, if you really want to do something, the admiral is too weak in front of you."

An Zhiyuan touched the back of his head.

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