Think about it, the strength of the third-level siren is stronger than the others... If you just rely on them, I am afraid it will take a very long time until most of the ship girls in this world have full training. It is possible to defeat the Siren, and it will pay a heavy price...

Now, they have other methods... No need to be injured, no need to go through war, which is a good thing for them.

No one wants to see sacrifices. There is no such extreme existence among the ship girls as in humans. There are those who like war. Although the enterprise is more warlike, her purpose is to bring peace, not like fighting itself.

"However, this also means that there will be no fighting here, right?" the company said: "Since so many things have already happened."

"Well, more or less." An Zhiyuan nodded, and then said: "With the arbitrators and purifiers in the town guard mansion, they won't do anything. Besides, even if they do, they will lose a third Level [-] Siren, and a Level [-] Siren, for them, the loss is still quite heavy, but they may not be able to beat us."

The first-level siren is an existence that is almost the same as the full-strength ship girl, the second-level siren is more than the full-level ship girl but not as good as the ship girl after modernization, and the third-level siren is more than the modernized ship girl. With the existence of the modified ship girls, it can be said that the second-level siren and the third-level siren are their main force, and the first-level siren can fight with other fully trained ship girls.

The second-level sirens and the modernized ship girls are definitely at a disadvantage. If they can't beat them, the only third-level sirens who can win against the girls of An Zhiyuan's family who have undergone modernization, after losing the arbiter, are also invincible. There is only one observer and one dream weaver left.

An Zhiyuan has six ship girls like New Jersey, six against two, which can offset the strength advantage of the third-level siren. As for the second-level siren and the first-level siren, they still have a lot of full training What about the ship girl...

Of course, it is not only their own strength that is troublesome to deal with these sirens, but also the existence of a large number of siren armors. Sleeping, waking it up, etc... But, there are a few possible scenarios to consider.

But this is a date, and the business doesn't think much of it.

After all, dating is dating, and those things are not dating.

The two went to Chaser's dessert shop, which was considered a good place.

But then again, An Zhiyuan also expressed like the pursuer that he wanted to get her, so An Zhiyuan is equivalent to taking his wife, and then meeting another girl he is pursuing in the store of the girl he wants to pursue Dating...

It's a bit convoluted...

cough cough...

However, as an admiral and a commander, he must have the idea of ​​accepting the ship as soon as it is ready, so this kind of rather embarrassing situation will definitely be encountered, and An Zhiyuan does not shy away from it. It's different, it won't be because you say you have many wives, so you won't be with you, as long as you can impress her, she will still be willing to follow, of course, as long as you can impress her... this is not an easy task thing.

"Here...your desserts." The chaser personally brought An Zhiyuan and the others their desserts.

The enterprise asked: "I think the business here is pretty good, haven't you thought about calling a waiter?"

The company refers to the side that specializes in business for ship girls and commanders. In terms of commanders, in fact, An Zhiyuan and Jiang Wanqiu came back here. Most of them are ship girls, and many of them are ship girls who like to travel. Most of the girls from the academy office would come to have a cup of tea and some desserts in the morning and afternoon, and the girls from Jiang Wanqiu's headquarters would also come here frequently, so the business was pretty good.

"Well, I thought about it, I'm looking for someone, but I haven't found the right one yet." The chaser said with a smile.

The company is a little strange to hear the words, isn't it just a waiter?The basic ship girls are suitable, right?Well...Although there are people with that kind of personality that are not suitable for this kind of person, but it is a lot like the ship girl who is a waiter.

It is certainly not difficult to find a waiter for the ship girl, but the difficulty is that the chaser is not only looking for a suitable waiter, but...a suitable ship girl who can make her feel at ease and hand over the dessert shop to her. ..

These days, An Zhiyuan is not only looking for a date with the company, but on the side of the chaser, he has not let go of the process, and often comes to chat with her. Compared with the company, the chaser is actually much easier to talk to, because the character of the chaser is also I can let go a little bit, so I can occasionally say a dirty joke or two...

In this regard, the chaser is not annoying, in fact, it can already explain some situations.

Of course, having this idea doesn't mean that you will definitely do it. This can be regarded as preparation.

By getting closer, you can understand better, but before making the best decision, the pursuer doesn't intend to have any cross-line behavior with An Zhiyuan, such as some chats or actions that are obviously too intimate.

Of course, An Zhiyuan was never in a hurry.

New Jersey sat next to her, resting her chin on her hand, looked at her pursuer, thinking that this is also the admiral's love debt?

Well, because she is a ship girl, there is no need to doubt her good looks, her figure is also very good, she can make desserts, will she be countered by her prestige, and they will overlap with Belfast?

Speaking of which, the Chaser is also a British ship. Although it is a ship from an American shipyard, it is actually serving in the United Kingdom.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Don't you really think it's weird to be stared at?" Enterprise glanced at New Jersey, and asked An Zhiyuan in a low voice.

"No." An Zhiyuan said, "Do you think it's a little strange? Actually, New Jersey hasn't been staring at us all the time."

The enterprise shrugged and said, "What's the plan for today?"

"Do you want to try to catch the sea?" An Zhiyuan asked with a smile.

"The sun will be quite strong later, right? I don't mind, are you okay?" the enterprise said, the ship girl is of course more resistant to high temperatures. Of course, if the temperature is too high, she will still sweat, but she will not suffer from heat stroke.

An Zhiyuan is human after all, so he is relatively fragile.

An Zhiyuan shook his head, "It's okay, the temperature today is actually pretty good."

"That's fine." Hearing what An Zhiyuan said, the company didn't refuse. It would be nice to go for a walk on the beach to chat and see if there are any marine life on the beach.

Jian Niang has a natural fondness for the sea, and is also very interested in those marine life. Bilan College even has an interest group that specializes in marine life.

New Jersey on the side turned her head when she heard the words, a little entangled. In fact, she doesn't want to be a light bulb too much. After all, the admiral is now pursuing the enterprise. If the two have developed to a certain extent, it is no problem for her to blend in. They are both sisters of the town guard, but obviously, the current enterprise and the admiral have no relationship. At that level, of course she couldn't meddle in it.

However, compared with the views of the company, the safety of the admiral is of course more important. Although there is a certain distance between Yala Town and the tutelary fort, the Purification Pro is a battle siren after all. Blast out a football field, such a large area, of course she can't leave.

Although the chances of purging the pro-admiral to attack the admiral are very low, and she can't completely relax, what she prevents is the kind of "what if" situation. It seems that this big light bulb that flashes when the headlight is turned on, she has been waiting.. .

New Jersey didn't feel embarrassed, but felt that if he continued to stay here, it would affect the date of the two of them...


After coming out of the dessert shop, the three of them came to the beach, and the company finally took the initiative to chat with New Jersey. Maybe she also felt that it seemed a bit uncomfortable to ignore New Jersey at all.

On the edge of Anzhiyuan Beach, they were looking for these small shells.

"What are you looking for? Picking up shells?" Seeing this, the company asked curiously.

An Zhiyuan nodded, "That's right, beside these small stones, there are quite a lot of these small shells."

"Pick it up and keep it as a collection?" the company continued to ask.

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