An Zhiyuan thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I'll tell you later."

The enterprise blinked when he heard the words, what, he was so secretive, but then again, An Zhiyuan was always secretive, and he didn't tell himself many things, saying that he would only do it after he joined the town guard mansion. Tell yourself, for example, how did these powerful ship girls come from... For example, who is he... I have thought about it before, and the more I know him, the more mysterious I feel.

New Jersey laughed and said, "I know..."

An Zhiyuan raised his head and glanced at her. New Jersey had only spoken half of what he had said. Seeing this, he blinked and could only obediently shut his mouth.

Enterprise looked at New Jersey, and then at An Zhiyuan. What kind of riddle are these two playing...Can they still make eye contact?

Without talking between the two of them, the enterprise began to observe the shells picked up by An Zhiyuan, hoping to see something, and then she found that the shells picked up by An Zhiyuan were relatively regular, small in size, round and mostly in color. They are all brighter, but it is precisely because of this that An Zhiyuan couldn't find much after picking them up for a while.

The company said: "Why do you have to have such regular small shells? Do you use them for collection?"

An Zhiyuan looked at the company. Is this any fundamentally different from the question just now?

"I told you, you'll know later, so don't worry." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Enterprise curled his lips and didn't continue to ask, anyway, he wouldn't say anything if he asked again.

So the company went to chat with New Jersey, but the topic of the conversation between the two still revolved around An Zhiyuan. This was because New Jersey could guide it, and there was also a reason why the company was really curious about it.

Although it is not too early for New Jersey to join the tutelary mansion, because she is Missouri's second sister, she knows a lot of embarrassing things about An Zhiyuan, and she is willing to share it with the company.

An Zhiyuan rolled his eyes while picking up shells, really, can't we talk about something else interesting?For example, his advantages and so on, he has quite a lot of advantages, such as... um... such as...

There are quite a lot of seashells by the sea, An Zhiyuan finally encountered enough shells, and carefully put them away.

As for the use of these shells, An Zhiyuan still did not disclose to the company.

However, it's not hard to guess. An Zhiyuan wants to use these shells to help the company make a shell bracelet. Although he doesn't know if the company will accept it, but if the company accepts it, the relationship between the two will obviously go further. ..

Well, thinking about the improvement of the relationship between the two, wouldn't it be too utilitarian to use it as a motivation once?

An Zhiyuan thought for a while, blinked, then shook his head.


After returning to the tutelary mansion, An Zhiyuan began to make shell bracelets. In fact, this kind of gift made by himself is very thoughtful. An Zhiyuan sent many such small gadgets made by himself to the girls. Of course, the workmanship is not considered Exquisite, but the girls love it, well, let's make some for the girls over here later.

Although I have done it many times, An Zhiyuan's craftsmanship is still not very flattering. You must be very careful to ensure that you can barely get by. After all, compared with those craftsmen who make a living by this, An Zhiyuan is indeed inferior .

However, if you think carefully, you can still make a barely passable bracelet.

If you want to polish the sharp edges of the shells to make them round, although it won't hurt the ship's mother, of course this kind of thing won't hurt the ship's mother, but it's still a bit harsh.

Gifts for others, of course, can't be such shoddy things, even if they can't be perfect, but try to be the best, you can't be perfunctory.

Hopefully, businesses will like it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Admiral... what are you doing?" After getting off work, Dafeng quickly found An Zhiyuan.

Dafeng is the kind of girl who likes to be bored with An Zhiyuan, she likes to be bored with herself more than the three little guys...more like a daughter than a daughter, of course, the relationship between the two is not like a father and daughter, how can there be such a thing? A father-daughter relationship... ahem.

Now An Zhiyuan is polishing shells, An Zhiyuan said: "I'm making a small gift."

"A small gift? Who is it for?" Dafeng narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this, and a smile spread from the corner of his mouth.

With this expression, An Zhiyuan couldn't tell whether Dafeng was showing a "kind smile" because he thought it was a gift for others, or a real smile because he thought it was a gift for himself.

But An Zhiyuan still didn't hide it, because he also thought about making one for her, so everyone can't be left behind, "This is for the company, um, it's not the company of our tutelary mansion, but the company dean of Bilan College." .”

"Alas..." Dafeng blinked. According to her own personality, she should have told the admiral that it could only be for herself... But the admiral's marriage is a bit too much... Dafeng I don't know if I can still get pampered if I behave a bit more capriciously...

If the admiral only has his own marriage, or there are only a few other marriages besides himself, then it doesn’t matter, it’s okay to compete for favor, but the admiral’s marriage... Listen to them, it starts with a three-digit number ...

In that case...isn't it too difficult...?Even if there are only a hundred of them, if you accompany one a day, it will be three and a half times a year... If it falls out of favor, maybe you won't be able to be with the admiral once a year... So Dafeng is a little worried about gains and losses, she is afraid Because of my self-willedness, I was thrown into limbo by the admiral... I don't want that kind of life...

Of course... An Zhiyuan certainly wouldn't do that, it's just that Dafeng didn't understand...

As the two live together longer and longer, Dafeng will understand that An Zhiyuan will never say such things as throwing anyone into the cold palace. Mistakes gave An Zhiyuan a reason to be angry, or, to An Zhiyuan, even if the girls made some mistakes, so what?The girls' tolerance for him is almost limitless. Of course, he will not be stingy. Of course, there is no way to compromise on the aspect of possessiveness. However, the girls have reached a consensus with An Zhiyuan on this point. They don't want to Letting himself be taken advantage of by anyone other than the admiral, An Zhiyuan certainly didn't want them to be taken advantage of.

But then again, there are no really self-willed girls. Even my sister-in-law Saratoga, although her sister always says she is a bit self-willed, knows that there is a limit to everything.

"However." An Zhiyuan paused, and said: "Think about it, there are quite a few girls in the town guard's mansion, and no one gives a handmade gift. If the pursuit is not repeated, it is actually quite difficult, right?"

One each...meaning she has one too?

Dafeng blinked, the slight discomfort in her heart disappeared, and a charming smile hung on the corner of her mouth, "Admiral~ Can I choose my own gift?"

"Well, okay, it should be better to say this way, after all, if there is direction, I can also know whether you like the gift I gave you, what do you want?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

Dafeng leaned close to An Zhiyuan's ear and said, "Shell."

An Zhiyuan blinked his eyes when he heard the words, he thought it was something, wasn't it just a shell?

"Okay, but, do you simply want shells, or do you want to polish them into some kind of decoration?" An Zhiyuan asked.

"I want, admiral to help me make a shell bikini, the kind that can only block a little." Dafeng said with a smile.

An Zhiyuan paused, and looked at Dafeng, why didn't I think it would be better than changing my shell bracelet into a shell bikini, and giving it to the company, the company would definitely... call him a hooligan, right?

An Zhiyuan's expression was a bit strange, he nodded, "Okay, I'll pick up three shells for you and make you a shell bikini."

Dafeng heard that the corners of her eyes were rosy and her face was pink. She said, "Thank you are so kind to me..."

Is it good for you to give you sex toys?Alas, shipgirls, girls, it's just too easy to be satisfied...

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