Enterprise looks at the gift box, then looks up and says, "...Thank you."

"You're welcome, this is a way to impress you." An Zhiyuan chuckled.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

What kind of gift is this...

After An Zhiyuan and New Jersey left, the company looked at the small and exquisite gift box in its hand, and the company couldn't guess what An Zhiyuan sent...

Having said that, since An Zhiyuan had said it at the time, he could open it and have a look before deciding whether to accept it or not, so he just accepted it... What should I do with this thing, rings, necklaces, etc... .?

The company took a deep breath, but probably not... because he knew that if it was those things, the current self would not accept them.

"Enterprise, what are you doing?" At this time, Shangri-La came to Enterprise's side, she found that Enterprise was in a daze, and asked curiously.

"Hmm...? No... nothing..." The enterprise came back to his senses, let out a sigh, and shook his head.

Shangri-la quickly noticed the gift box in Enterprise's hand, she blinked, "Is this from An Zhiyuan?"

"How do you know?" Enterprise looked at Shangri-La strangely and asked.

Shangri-la rolled her eyes, "It's easy to guess this kind of thing, right? Although there are quite a few shipwives in the office who admire you, they may also give you gifts, but you won't show such an expression on their gifts. .”

"Expression? Did I show any strange expression?" Enterprise blinked and asked.

"It's not very strange, it's just... How should I put it, it's a bit like a feeling of restlessness... Well, it seems a bit inaccurate to say that..." Shangri-La thought for a while, and said: "Anyway, it's the same as usual. Not the same..."

The company heard the words and thought, didn't they say nothing?Different from usual?What's different...?

"Again, what's in it?" Shangri-La asked, looking at the small and exquisite packing box in the enterprise's hand.

"I'm not too sure, I'm planning to open it and have a look." The company said.

"Then open it and have a look. To be honest, I'm quite curious what An Zhiyuan will give you." Shangri-la asked with a smile.

"What are you curious about?" Enterprise looked at Shangri-La and asked.

"Yeah, I'm just curious, curious, what An Zhiyuan will give you." Shangri-la shrugged and said.

"...Open it and have a look." The enterprise thought for a while and said.

She carefully unwrapped the package, and then gently opened the gift box.

Inside lay a string of delicate shell bracelets.

"Oh...is it a handicraft? Did you buy it at the beach?" Shangri-La asked curiously after seeing it.

Enterprise thought of An Zhiyuan picking up shells at the beach that day, she pursed her lips, "No...he did it himself..."

"Huh? Really? You did a great job." Shangri-La said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Hmm..." The company picked up the shell bracelet and pursed its lips... If it hadn't been for seeing An Zhiyuan picking up shells that day, maybe he would have regarded it as a purchase. After all, for An Zhiyuan's The impression is one... um, soft rice king?

I really didn't expect that he would do such a thing...

"Let me ask for An Zhiyuan, do you like it? Think yourself?" Shangri-la asked with a smile.

"Well, I like it..." Enterprise came back to her senses, and then gently put the bracelet on her wrist... She shook her wrist and looked at it, with a smile on her lips, but after thinking about it, she put it on again. He took off the bracelet and held it in his hand with a troubled expression on his face.

"What's the matter? Put it on, isn't it pretty?" Shangri-La said.

"Oh...I...I don't know if I should wear it...Although this gift is really nice, it's just...I am now, can I wear it..." The enterprise said:" I think, maybe, I should wait a little longer."

"Please, Enterprise, what are you waiting for?" Shangri-La rolled her eyes, "I found that you have a lot of thoughts in your heart, just be together if you like it, it's like some kind of bitter drama, it's unnecessary, everyone I support the two of you being together, if you really want to leave the academy, everyone has no objection, after all, we were formed voluntarily at the beginning, and now it is your freedom to leave if you want to."

"I'm not worried about this..." Enterprise looked at the shell bracelet in his hand, and then sighed, "However, it's time for me to make a decision..."

Wearing a gift or a bracelet from a man on your own hand... This kind of behavior may be nothing to a human woman, but the company is a ship girl, which is already equivalent to a very intimate behavior.. .

Can you accept this gift?Do you want to wear it or not?

The question of whether to accept it or not is actually meaningless, because she has already accepted it, the important thing is whether to wear it or not...

Perhaps, wearing this bracelet means that the relationship between the two of them has reached a new stage...

The company thought about the situation these days... In fact, if it is not a simple relationship, she has many reasons, she can join An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, make herself stronger and defeat the siren... However, An Zhiyuan Neither did she want to, she joined the tutelary mansion because of these reasons, she seemed too utilitarian...

It's best for the ship girl to join the tutelary mansion, of course, because the relationship between the two is very good... In this way, it's best...

These days, I have been with An Zhiyuan for a long time, and I know him well...Actually, An Zhiyuan is really a pretty good person...except sometimes, he is quite funny...

The company asked itself, if they lost those things like the strength of An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, would they still be willing to join An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion?

In fact, I can get along well with him... I can also get along well with New Jersey... Aren't there York City and the Hornet in his tutelary mansion?It might be better to join a big family...

Enterprise pursed his lips, and finally put on the shell bracelet again.

Shangri-la watched from the side, saw this, smiled slightly, and said, "It's settled?"

"I want to...try..." the company said: "To be honest, I don't even understand what I think...but... well... since it's all like this, let's go on Bar..."

"No regrets?" Shangri-La asked with a smile.

"What do you regret...? No regrets." The company said, "We need to get to know him better in the days to come."

"Hehe... Sigh, another silly girl fell into the headquarters guard mansion. In fact, sometimes, I would also wonder whether we deans will one day join the command headquarters guard mansion or something like that. ..." Shangri-La said, she thought about An Zhiyuan, then tilted her head, and smiled.

PS: Just one chapter today.

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