-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Accepted." New Jersey said with a smile: "Also, Admiral, you said everything, let her see that you are accepting, but she accepted it directly, so I am not afraid of what shell bikini you gave her ?"

An Zhiyuan looked at New Jersey after hearing the words, and said, "It means that your admiral is deeply trusted by her, right, she knows that I won't send some weird things."

"Is that so? Maybe, she actually thinks it doesn't matter if you give those things, or she just wants you to give them those things." New Jersey grinned.

"She hasn't joined the tutelary mansion yet, do you think she is the same as you who joined the tutelary mansion? She should be reserved." An Zhiyuan said with a roll of his eyes.

After all, New Jersey is the ship's wife of the tutelary mansion. Of course, she likes to improve her relationship with the admiral. However, the company has not yet joined the tutelary mansion. Just a glance, what's the hurry.

Of course, you are very keen on receiving sex gifts from yourself, but if it is the current enterprise... An Zhiyuan scratched his head, if he really wants to give some sex toys that he can't see, he will show it to others. I don't know if the company will save face for itself...

Maybe it will be thrown away...?


The two returned to the tutelary mansion and saw that everyone had come back. It was more than ten o'clock in the morning, and it seemed that they should have finished their work.

After all, I have been working for so long, and with the efficiency of the ship's mother, of course it was completed.

The construction of the airport has been completed, just wait for the girl over there to come over, and wait for Yubari to start building the air battleship.

Today is the day of completion, so of course we have to celebrate.

However, before the celebration, An Zhiyuan went to the place where the Arbitrator was imprisoned. After all, the toy switch of the Arbiter was still on... Ahem... But she is a siren, so there is no need to worry about dehydration, although There is a lot of water, but apart from being a little weak, there is no other abnormality.

The reason for the weakness is also mainly because the brain is in a state of excitement almost all the time.

Anyway, Arbitration Pro can't stand it, of course she can do it before taking the medicine, but, there is no way, she was given medicine by that despicable and shameless guy...

After An Zhiyuan turned off the little toy, the arbitrator could take a breath, but she couldn't even fall limply on the ground, because her hands and feet were tied... and arranged in a big character...

I don't even have the strength to speak...

An Zhiyuan said: "Take a good rest, Arbitrator, I will turn on the switch again in the evening..."

"Hey...wait, shouldn't the normal situation be that you first ask me something, then try to formulate words in my mouth, and then you can't formulate words, and then torture me? Why don't you ask me questions after you torture me? "The arbitrator is really a little scared. She is not afraid of pain. Although she has not felt pain for a long time, it cannot shake her thoughts and beliefs. However, this feeling... This feeling is hard to describe in words... It's like falling from the edge of a cliff, always worrying about falling to the ground and dying, but never falling to the ground... That feeling of emptiness... .The sense of powerlessness...it was the first time for the Arbitrator, who is a third-level siren, to feel what fear is...

"Didn't I ask before? You didn't cooperate." An Zhiyuan spread his hands and said.

"That's because I didn't cooperate before, but now I cooperate, so hurry up and ask questions!" The arbitration pro said quickly, if there was no dialogue, how would she gain An Zhiyuan's trust from being caught as a siren, mixed in this Inside the tutelary mansion.

"Well, I don't need it now, I'm not in a hurry." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

The Arbitrator heard the words and wanted to vomit blood, what do you mean you are not in a hurry, shouldn't you want to get information about those sirens from me...?

However, when the arbitration pro thought that the purifier might have really betrayed him, the arbitration pro calmed down again. That's right, it is very possible that An Zhiyuan already knew everything from the purification pro. In addition, there was what An Zhiyuan said Another....watcher who predated the betrayal of the Purifiers....

If they really betrayed, then perhaps, An Zhiyuan didn't need to obtain any information from him at all, he already knew the information like the back of his hand, and the observers who stayed at the Siren headquarters... what to do... How should I convey these things... I have to let them know... Otherwise, the observers will sell everyone sooner or later...

An Zhiyuan smiled and said: "Well, let's talk about it later, now, take a good rest, otherwise, if you really pass out, it will be bad."

"You bastard..." The arbitrator came back to her senses, she glared at An Zhiyuan, and wanted to scold him, but she was afraid of being punished, so she didn't dare to scold him... When will the lawless arbitrator not even have a human being? Dare to scold...?

An Zhiyuan chuckled, then turned around and left the room, closing the door. Today, we have to prepare everyone's celebration banquet. Before the arbitrator's relatives plan to join the town guard's mansion, the arbitrator's weight is of course not as good as other girls.

After An Zhiyuan left the room, he came to the hall of the tutelary mansion. Everyone was preparing the things needed for the celebration banquet, food, drinks, drinks, barbecue grills, surfboards, etc...

Because I live by the sea, the celebration banquet can be regarded as a beach party with a different name, but the meaning is different...

This is the plan. During the day, we will play at the beach. In the evening, we will take the tram to the hot spring hotel together, and then run to the end at night, and hold a party that children cannot visit.

"Master, let me change your swimming trunks for you." Belfast, who had already changed into a maid's swimsuit, came over with An Zhiyuan's swimming trunks and said with a smile.

An Zhiyuan looked around, there are so many people...the most important thing is that there are children, how could he take off his pants in public, An Zhiyuan coughed twice, and dragged Belfast to the corner to change his swimming trunks went.

Of course, I can also change it myself. I have hands and feet. However, if I ask the head maid to help me change it, the head maid can also solve the obvious problem of that thing being strangled by swimming trunks. After all, it has been soft for a long time. There won't be that particularly obvious strip mark, will it?

Chapter 16 Chapter [-] Myself

It's already eleven o'clock in the morning, and the sea water is no longer cool, it's a little hot... If you don't wear shoes, it's very hot to walk on the beach.

An Zhiyuan walked to the beach in his flip flops, looked at Xiao Jingqin, Xiao Guanghui, and Mrs. Xiaozhai Su who were playing at the beach, and smiled lightly. However, he touched his chin, feeling... a bit strange ...

Little Purification, Little Guanghui, Xiao Beifa and Xiao Zhai, they seem to be about the same age...even a little older than Master Su... After such a long time, will Xiao Zhai and Su Adults, they also treat them as daughters...

No, what you need to worry about is not this, but, if there are no accidents, Xiao Jieqin, Xiao Guanghui and Xiao Beifa will all grow up slowly with age... At that time, these three daughters will be It's not a little loli anymore...Thinking about it, my former playmate, the daughter of the admiral, has become a big sister, and they are still little loli...I always feel a little sad.

Suddenly, An Zhiyuan's face was splashed with water, and he didn't even realize it. He wiped his face with his hands, and then found not far away that Purification was holding a water gun, with a smug look on his face.

An Zhiyuan said: "You spray me with a water gun now, and I will spray you with a water gun at night."

Purification is no longer the pure siren that she was back then, after all, she has had several experiences with An Zhiyuan, she blushed when she heard this, "You rascal...be careful I'll cut you off!"

"Pinch it if you're willing." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, he didn't believe that the purification pro would really pinch it off...just like he didn't believe that the purification pro would attack him.

Next to Purification Pro is CV16. CV16 has been monitoring Purification Pro recently to prevent her from attacking the admiral, so basically stays with Purification Pro.

It's like New Jersey following An Zhiyuan, but speaking of it, New Jersey asked herself to wait for a while when she talked about changing her swimsuit, but she didn't wait for her...but is she coming soon?

An Zhiyuan looked back and found that New Jersey was rushing over...

"Admiral... Hey, isn't it right, Sir, didn't you agree to wait for me?" Although New Jersey is an Iowa class, the swimsuit is not particularly revealing, just a more traditional bikini, although the Iowa class They were all very open, but they were only open to An Zhiyuan, and they were relatively conservative in front of other people, including other women.

Of course, it would be different if the admiral was around.

Don't wait for me to be a small matter, but if I am attacked by the purification pro, it will be a big deal... But fortunately, nothing went wrong...

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