Well...Although I said I believed in Purification, but just now, the admiral was not by my side, I was still very worried...Many things, just in case...

An Zhiyuan said: "Anyway, everyone is here."

"That's what I said..." New Jersey looked around, because he found that New Jersey was not by An Zhiyuan's side, the company had already been close to here, and CV16 had been staying by Purification's side, if he wanted to do anything to hurt the admiral, Of course I can't let her do it, but if it's just a water gun, it doesn't matter... Anyway, the admiral will come back later.

Purification Pro snorted softly. Regarding the distrust of these people, Purification Pro certainly cannot be completely free of opinions and ideas...

I have achieved this level, but I still can't gain everyone's trust. It is a kind of harm to Purification, but fortunately, that guy... really believes in himself... Purification Kissing her lips together, she said: "I will only hurt him when I'm full. You don't need to be so defensive. I didn't intend to kill him from the beginning. Instead, I felt that he... Admiral, he can't die. Moreover, I... have joined the tutelary mansion now, and I have given birth to him, so why do you still not trust me?"

Purification pro explained this, and she also knew that it shouldn't be said now, after all, the party is coming soon, saying this kind of thing obviously spoils the atmosphere, but it's not good to feel misunderstood all the time. Because... no matter what I think, she did stay, and told An Zhiyuan about the Siren, at least she was honest with each other, but she didn't get the treatment she deserved... The admiral did not doubt himself, and even trusted himself, but many other ship girls felt that they would hurt him...

Why should I hurt him?What is the reason?Even if you want to vent your anger now, you won't beat him up. Splashing water on his face would be nice...

Of course, she can also understand the thoughts of these ship girls. After all, in front of her, the admiral is too weak, and she can kill him easily... But facing herself, Purify can't feel the fear of An Zhiyuan, That guy is not afraid of himself at all, it is he who is afraid of him...

New Jersey smiled and said: "Just pretend, in fact, everyone welcomes you to join the tutelary mansion, but... for us, the admiral is too important... Well, of course, I apologize for being so wary of you , after all, it is never the right thing to be full of doubts about one's own people."

An Zhiyuan said: "Okay, okay, what's the big deal, why are you talking so seriously, the next thing is the party, don't spoil our mood because of these insignificant things, right?"

Purification pro looked at An Zhiyuan, then nodded, and New Jersey naturally nodded, she had no objection, she didn't want to argue with Purification pro, after all, she was the one who supported the admiral to give Purification pro the antidote.

It's not that there are no contradictions between the ship girls, but as long as there is an admiral, these emotions will not become emotions, and everyone will regress because of An Zhiyuan's existence. Of course, if he is not there, it may be a different scene up.

After all, although every ship girl has a noble character, their thoughts are not exactly the same. There will always be conflicts, and sometimes they will become conflicts if they are not handled properly. As long as An Zhiyuan is around, these things will not happen.

It's a bit like the girls' Dinghaishenzhen. As long as he is there, everyone will always be in harmony and love each other.

However, it does improve the girls' views on purification... The reason why An Zhiyuan didn't make a direct decision at the beginning was because his life was not just his life, he couldn't make a hasty decision, but he couldn't If it goes on like this, Purify himself will treat her as one of his own, and of course they will also treat her as their own.

Four hundredth Chapter 17 eighteen centimeters without head

The sun is a bit dazzling, but those white bodies are very eye-catching. The girls are ship girls, so they will not be tanned. Well, unless they deliberately want to become that kind of tanned bronze skin, otherwise it will not appear. kind of skin.

Ship girls are idealistic. Apart from their body, they can always become what they want to be, such as longer hair, tanned skin, etc., but the body is not good, otherwise, VV would not be so entangled isn't it?

The surface of the sea is warm, but the bottom is very cool. An Zhiyuan sat on the edge of the beach, watching everyone playing, feeling a little unexpectedly peaceful...

That's great, such a scene...

He has never been a person who likes to fight. If possible, it is best not to fight... After the sirens all join the tutelary fort, there will be no disputes, right?At least not for him and them...

The scene where the ship girl, the siren and Shen Hai are having fun in a tutelary fort is so good, why do they have to fight, right?

An Zhiyuan looked into the distance, playing with the little Purification Kiss, the corner of his mouth curled into a smile, think about it, by then, not only the Purification Kiss and the Little Purification Kiss, but also the Arbitrating Kiss and the little Arbitrating Kiss , Observation pro and little observation pro, weaving dream pro and little weaving dream pro... Tsk tsk tsk, siren mother brigade, it's a bit exciting to think about it.

"Admiral, you're showing a very nasty expression." New Jersey walked up to An Zhiyuan, saw the weird smile on An Zhiyuan's mouth, and said with a smile.

Hearing New Jersey's voice, An Zhiyuan came back to his senses, looked up at New Jersey who was wearing a swimsuit, and said with a smile: "What kind of obscene expression, I'm not like that."

"Yes, yes, my admiral is not a nasty person." New Jersey came to An Zhiyuan's side with a smile, hugged his knees, looked at the sea and said, "Admiral, do you like the sea?"

An Zhiyuan tilted his head when he heard the words, looked at her, and said, "Why do you ask such a question?"

"I'm curious~" New Jersey said with a smile.

Although I already know my admiral very well, after all, New Jersey can't read minds, and there are some things that must be asked out, and I won't know until the admiral answers in person.

"I don't hate it, on the contrary, I like it a little bit. I was born in a seaside city when I was young, but I didn't remember anything at that time. Later, my parents brought me back to my hometown. My hometown is inland, a mountain city. After I grew up, I didn't know anything about it. Before I met you, I had never seen the sea. Perhaps for people who live by the sea, seeing the sea is just a common thing, but for me, it has always been a dream to come to the sea to see and walk. "An Zhiyuan said: "I used to want to listen to the sound of the waves, play on the beach, and even dive into the sea to explore. It's a bit like a childhood dream?"

"What about after the dream came true? Do you feel that the ocean is actually not as...so good as you thought?" New Jersey blinked and asked.

"It's better than I imagined, that's the right way to say it." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "But when I first went to the beach, I already met you... At that time, I went to the beach with everyone , so I am in a very happy mood. It is my dream to be with you and go to the beach to see the sea. The two kinds of happiness together make me even happier.”

New Jersey blinked, how could there be a sense of déjà vu...

New Jersey turned his head to look at the sea, and said: "Our ship girls also like the sea... Although as the predecessors of battleships, many of the ship girls' predecessors have been buried in sea water, but they were born for sailing. , Finally sinking to the bottom of the sea is also a kind of fate, so I don’t hate the sea for this reason..."

Of course, the ship's mother likes the sea, just like fish like water, that is the place where they used to live, where their predecessors fought and where they were silent, it is both a battlefield and a hometown.

"However, the sea is still no match for the admiral." New Jersey was in a daze for a while, then came back to his senses, turned his head and said to An Zhiyuan with a smile.

An Zhiyuan touched his chin and said, "Let's make a compromise. Think about it, you like the sea and I like the sea, and then you like me more than the sea, and I like you more than the sea. Then we can do something in the sea, this way, it not only satisfies the feeling of the two of us who like the sea, but also satisfies the feeling that you like me more and I like you more."

Seeing the admiral's beaming expression, New Jersey tilted his head helplessly. Although it is an Iowa class, but... still can't keep up with the speed of the admiral's topic jumping...

Obviously it was a serious discussion about the sea, but without knowing it, I drove the car, well, my admiral, of course New Jersey still understands, and I won’t hate my admiral because of this, of course I won’t hate it because of this kind of thing , although a bit lecherous, but if the admiral is not lecherous, they are the ship girls who will feel uncomfortable. If the admiral is a dedicated person, then I don’t know how many ship girls will be sad.

If the sex point is good, the lust will be foolish, and the foolishness will not make them unable to respond to their feelings.

Moreover, even if they are well-intentioned, they are not indiscriminate. However, if you really want to say, isn't the condition of the ship girl much better than that of a human woman?Each of the ship girls looks like a fairy, how many human girls can look like this?Ship girls, but all ship girls are very beautiful.

New Jersey thought for a while and said with a smile: "In this case, the admiral's waist may not be able to bear it. After all, there is a lot of resistance every time~"

An Zhiyuan frowned, and said, "Are you looking down on me? Pay attention to your manner of speaking, I am the admiral of the ancient gods, I don't want to hear what I just said a second time, otherwise, I will make you unable to get out of bed!"

New Jersey smiled and said, "Because you were forced to collapse on the bed, and then couldn't get out of bed because of taking care of you?"

An Zhiyuan glared at New Jersey, hmph, you can be ashamed, when Yubari's new drug is developed, I will let you know what cruelty is... Keeping you out of bed for a month, hmph.

Seeing An Zhiyuan's expression, New Jersey was not only not afraid, but even put her legs on An Zhiyuan's body. On her smooth and jade-like legs, there was only a solitary leg ring slightly sunk into the flesh, which looked very astringent.

An Zhiyuan suddenly became "furious", thinking that my [-]cm without head is so underestimated, let me let you understand, what is meant by...

An Zhiyuan looked around, saw many people watching, and finally gave up, after all, Xiao Guanghui, Xiao Beifa, Xiao Jiejing and Xiao Zhai Su were all there, and he couldn't show sexual enlightenment in front of them Bar?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

New Jersey was obviously sure that An Zhiyuan would not do anything in front of so many people, so seeing An Zhiyuan's deflated expression, she covered her mouth and snickered, but soon, she was pulled behind the rock by An Zhiyuan up.

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