This is the transfer of Bilan College. Bilan College will not let the company be here just because the company is talking about feelings with An Zhiyuan, right?Although it is weaker than An Zhiyuan's modernized warships, the enterprise is still very strong in the Bilan Academy. It is the number one in the absolute sense. Of course, it is the safest situation to send the enterprise to solve the local affairs as soon as possible. , the most important thing is to return to the Solomon Islands. After all, there is still a threat from the Sirens here.

Although An Zhiyuan told the company about those things, Bean Blue Academy did not relax. After all, they didn't know much about sirens, and what An Zhiyuan said was not detailed enough. When the company relayed this matter, it also blurred some of the content It's been dealt with, such as arbitrating relatives, so, for Bilan College, they don't have very sure evidence that the sirens will not attack the coast.

Then... go back, and look for the pursuer when you go back.

An Zhiyuan thought for a while, and then took a step to leave the academy office, just in time to meet Richelieu who came back from outside.

"Huh? It's Commander An... Admiral An?" Richelieu greeted An Zhiyuan with a smile.

An Zhiyuan nodded to Richelieu, "Captain Richelieu, good afternoon."

It's almost noon now, so there's nothing wrong with saying good noon.

"Good afternoon." Richelieu nodded with a smile, "Are you here to find a company?"

An Zhiyuan nodded.

"The company and North Carolina have gone to Australia, didn't she tell you?" Richelieu said.

It turns out that North Carolina also went there. I really didn't say this, but An Zhiyuan should have known about the company's going in the morning. He told his sloppy things. Richelieu laughed when he heard the words, "I estimate that it will take about a week to come back. Counting the time by boat, it will take about ten days."

An Zhiyuan smiled helplessly, "Well, I see, thank you for telling me."

"You don't have to thank me for this kind of thing. We all support the company to make the decision we want, so if she feels that she is willing to associate with you, we will be more or less busy." Richelieu said, suddenly After a pause, she asked, "Recently...Jean Bart...and Gascogne, how are you doing...?"

Hearing this sentence, An Zhiyuan said: "It's the same as usual, there is no difference."

"That's it..." Richelieu looked sideways, then turned his head, and said with a smile: "I know that even if I don't say anything, Admiral Anti will take good care of the two of them, so, I Stop talking nonsense and disgusting things."

Did Richelieu mean that what she said to make him feel better about the two of them would make him unhappy?

An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Actually, they take care of me more than I take care of them, right? There are very limited things I can do."

Hearing the words, Richelieu looked at An Zhiyuan and pursed his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but he stopped talking.

Seeing this, An Zhiyuan said, "If, Captain Richelieu, if you want to meet Jean Bart and Gascony, you can come to my tutelary mansion to meet them, it doesn't matter, or, in fact, I prefer you to come. .”

Richelieu was slightly taken aback when he heard the words. Before, An Zhiyuan was very restrained and did not show his thoughts and opinions towards her, but now, he said it directly.

"Are you want to scoop me up too?" Richelieu asked softly, brushing his hair.

"Why not?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile, "Although, I hope it's more pure... Heh... It's too early to say these things..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

What a rather... strange person...

Richelieu didn't know whether An Zhiyuan had the idea of ​​fishing for the boat after she and Jean Barr met before, or if she planned to fish herself back from the very beginning...

If it's the latter, why didn't Gascony come out in the first place?The two younger sisters are in his tutelary mansion, as long as he misses these two younger sisters and visits them, he will definitely go there often, and the relationship between her and An Zhiyuan will gradually improve, as long as An Zhiyuan doesn't act so Disgusting, right?

So did you think about yourself halfway?

I hope it's pure...meaning... If you want to make money for yourself, don't you want to mix your feelings with Jean Bart and Gascogne?

Richelieu was silent for a while, then said: "I will think about it, Admiral An."

An Zhiyuan nodded, and then said: "Then I'll go first, and say hello to Shangri-la for me, I didn't see her just now."

Richelieu smiled and nodded, "I will."

Saying that, An Zhiyuan left Bilan Academy.

Don't mix too many things... I feel like he said that, and it would be easier to find Jean Bart and Gascogne by himself... If he really doesn't want the relationship between the two to be mixed Let Barr and Gascogne's feelings...

Well... As for the idea of ​​joining the tutelary fort, no...

There is no love at first sight for a naturally awakened ship girl, not a built ship girl. Only those ship girls built by their own admirals will fall in love with their admirals at first sight.

After An Zhiyuan left the academy office, he came to the dessert shop. There was not much business at noon. The peak traffic of the dessert shop was from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm and from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm. There was basically nothing at noon In business, it is rare to eat desserts as a meal. If you eat desserts for a meal, if you are an ordinary human being, you will gain weight very easily, right?

Therefore, when An Zhiyuan came to the store, the pursuer was sitting in his seat boredly, staring at the sea view outside the door in a daze, but An Zhiyuan came in from the main entrance, blocking the pursuer's sight, so he quickly disappeared. I came back to my senses.

"An Zhiyuan." The chaser looked at him with a smile, "Why are you here alone today? Neither New Jersey nor the company are by your side?"

"It's good to show up alone once in a while." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Really? Is that so? You really didn't invite the company on a date, didn't the company agree to you?" The chaser joked with a smile.

"How could you not agree? I have never missed a shot before." An Zhiyuan said.

"Hehe~" The chaser just chuckled and didn't say much, but judging by her expression, she obviously didn't believe it.

Damn, it's too much to doubt my charm.

An Zhiyuan said: "Because the company has gone to Australia, of course we can't make an appointment."

"Oh, I get it, so you came to me just because you couldn't make an appointment with the company, right?" The chaser propped his chin with his hand, still looked at An Zhiyuan with a smile, and said.

Look at you, what are you talking about.

An Zhiyuan said, "Of course not."

Don't say that you are like a spare tire, okay...I never use anyone as a spare tire. Everyone is my wing. I want them all. There is no spare tire. Everyone is my normal tire. Think about it Look, I still have some more tires...

Seeing An Zhiyuan's decisive words, the pursuer raised his eyebrows, "Okay, I'll just trust you."

"Ah? Don't say it so reluctantly." An Zhiyuan rolled his eyes and said, "Give me the whole old set meal."

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