"Do you really want to eat dessert at noon? You will gain weight." The chaser said with a smile.

An Zhiyuan's figure is relatively well maintained, especially his stomach. It is impossible to gain weight on his stomach. With so many waist exercises every day, how can there be flesh on his stomach? His waist exercises are much more intense than ordinary people's, and the frequency is more I don't know how much it is.

"I don't believe that I gain weight after eating two meals a day." An Zhiyuan said.

"Speaking, it's not good to eat dessert at noon, don't tell me if you can't eat enough... Oh, forget it, anyway, you are the one who spends money, and the customer is God." The chaser was about to talk, but halfway through, He stopped suddenly again, and then said with a smile.

Soon, An Zhiyuan's familiar set meal came, and the taste was still so good. It was a little better than Belfast's craftsmanship. After all, it was professional, but the head maid was only a little bit short, after all, the head maid wanted There are too many masters, so I can't be so strict with the head maid.

There were no customers, after finishing An Zhiyuan's set meal, the chaser brought it over and sat down beside him.

"Have you had lunch?" An Zhiyuan asked.

"You don't really take this for lunch, do you? Don't you have a mother who is very good at cooking? Desserts are more of a temporary bloating. If you are not hungry, you will go back to rest later , it’s better to eat something to fill your stomach.” The chaser said.

"I see. Then, what about you? Have you had lunch?" An Zhiyuan continued to ask.

"Not yet... isn't it twelve o'clock yet?" said the chaser.

"Then come together? Treat it as my treat." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Huh...? In my shop, you spend money on treats, pay me and treat me to dessert?" The chaser blinked.

"What are you talking about, please, just say you disagree." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Well... Now that you've said that, I definitely agree. It's not for nothing." The chaser propped his chin with his hand and said with a smile.

She actually knows that this is of course not for nothing. This kind of behavior itself has already revealed a message. However, unlike a company, she has thought about her future since she came here.

Speaking of which, the chaser squeezed a piece of matcha cake with his hands, and there are people like me who want it... I have no combat power at all, and my training level is 0. Apart from making desserts, I don't seem to have any other specialties... There are very few people who want to catch the chasers. Most of the commanders want those ship girls who are good in figure and strength and are popular in both aspects. Those who want to chase them with zero training can dissuade many people.

"Hey...I have a question, An Zhiyuan." The chaser put down the cake and asked.

"Huh? You ask." An Zhiyuan said.

"Why do you want to catch me? What do you like about me?" asked the chaser.

An Zhiyuan heard the words and said: "Is there anything else you need? I just want to bring you back to my tutelary mansion to be my wife... Cough cough, I'm sorry, I went too far..."

To be a wife...?You are really straightforward... so straightforward that people can't hate it... Of course, it's probably because I made a good decision at the beginning that I can't hate it...

I'm too lazy to think so much... The chaser picked up the matcha cake just now, and fed it into his mouth with a smile, um... Although he made it himself, it was bought by An Zhiyuan

one more day

As in the title, I don’t take full attendance this month, so I will touch it occasionally. Next month, this book will take full attendance, so I won’t touch it~


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I found out that the treats made by other people are indeed much more delicious than the ones bought by myself." The chaser said with a smile after eating a piece of dessert.

"Didn't you make this? You can taste different if you make it yourself?" An Zhiyuan was speechless after hearing this.

"You're a treat, I'm a free prostitute, it's more delicious~" The chaser said with a smile: "I guess if you go to your tutelary mansion to eat Fusang dishes, it will be more delicious?"

"Then come, welcome anytime." An Zhiyuan said casually.

The chaser propped his chin with his hands, looked at An Zhiyuan, did not speak, his face was quite serious, and looked at An Zhiyuan for nearly ten seconds, just when An Zhiyuan couldn't help but wanted to speak, the chaser said :"I'm not ready yet..."

get ready?It's just a meal, what can I do to prepare?

Could it be that... you want to join the tutelary mansion?

That really needs to be prepared...

However, what kind of preparation was she talking about...?

After the chaser finished speaking, he looked down at the desserts on the table, and then said with a smile, "Don't worry, if we are destined, we will naturally come together."

An Zhiyuan blinked when he heard the words, and asked, "Do you also believe in fate?"

"Why don't you believe it?" said the pursuer.

"Well... I've always liked to fight for it by myself, without paying attention to fate." An Zhiyuan said: "If you only pay attention to fate, then you'll break up when you break up. I don't want that."

The chaser smiled and said: "Actually, sometimes I believe in fate, and sometimes I don't believe it. If the development of the story suits my mind, then it is fate. I don’t believe in fate, but I also believe in the idea of ​​fighting for myself.”

An Zhiyuan blinked when he heard the words, "Pragmatism? Believe it if it's easy to use, or believe it if it's not easy to use?"

"That's right, why believe if it doesn't work." The chaser said with a smile: "It's like belief. If belief can't get you what you should get, then why continue to believe?"

Well, a British ship said so... But think about it, the ship's mother really does not believe in God, maybe those who have not yet joined the tutelary mansion or the headquarters do believe in gods, but if they join the tutelary mansion or the command headquarters Yes, the ship's wife believes in her own admiral and commander, what kind of god do she still believe in... The Duke of York and Resentment are typical of this, and so is Sister Li.

"That's right..." An Zhiyuan blinked, but this is not a devout believer, even if faith is really useful, will such an unrepentant believer really be protected?

Well, of course An Zhiyuan doesn't believe in gods, if he insists on saying he is a god, then wouldn't Jian Niang also become a god?Isn't the admiral more like a god in Jian Niang's heart?Both myself and the girls can be gods, so why do I still believe in so-called gods?

But think about it, the girls are actually very devout in their beliefs, but they believe in him. They are so devout that before there were other beliefs, they were just simple beliefs. The belief in him is the belief in dedicating everything...Of course Well, he, the ancient god, would occasionally play the role of an evil demon king or an impious believer, and then these devout believers, saintesses, and paladins would come to purify and so on.

The two talked and laughed, and An Zhiyuan probably had a bottom line on his inner thoughts about the pursuer.

The idea of ​​the chaser joining the tutelary mansion is much stronger than that of the enterprise. This can be clearly felt. Before the enterprise, there was a feeling of hesitation. I don’t know if she took it after I gave her the shell bracelet. better...

The chaser is already willing to join, and she doesn't want the company to hesitate so much, the chaser has already made a decision...

However, since the decision has been made, why do the pursuers still say that they are not ready?

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