An Zhiyuan thought about when he came with the company before, the chaser talked about finding a ship girl to inherit the things here...

An Zhiyuan rubbed his chin, and then suddenly realized, so it turned out that the chaser didn't want this dessert shop that she had been running for a long time to close because of her departure, right?Now that she has joined the tutelary mansion, she will follow the tutelary mansion in the future, she will be a member of the tutelary mansion. Although An Zhiyuan will not object, the chaser will not open a separate shop outside like now, so Well, the chaser wanted to hand over this store to someone she could trust, so she told An Zhiyuan that she was not ready yet, and at the same time reassured An Zhiyuan...

Now that the pursuer had already made this decision, An Zhiyuan was naturally relieved.

The addition of the pursuer to the guardian mansion has no significant effect on the improvement of strength. Originally, An Zhiyuan wanted to win the pursuer, not because of the combat ability of the pursuer, but because he was simply greedy for the pursuer.

Coming out of the pursuer's dessert shop, An Zhiyuan's mood improved a lot. Although there are still many uncertainties on the enterprise side, the chaser's side should be stable. He wants to "eliminate the siren", And the idea of ​​capturing all the boats I want to fish here before the girls come to travel around the world has gone a step further.

But it's still a bit difficult... It's not long since the girls came here. During the next period, he needs to get the company and the chaser. If possible, it's best to get Richelieu and Shangri-La as well. There is also North Carolina, which hasn't had much intersection yet, and the siren side has to "eliminate" all the sirens, which means that I have to find a way to get the arbitrator to really join Your own camp, cooperate with the purification pro to drag the whole siren into the water... There are still a lot of things in it... Well, I will go back today and have fun with the arbitration pro. After all, the arbitration pro will be real sooner. In a sense, joining the camp here is good news for An Zhiyuan...

Ah, I don't know if the arbitrator who has enjoyed it for so long has become more obedient. Although the arbitrator has been subdued before, it is a fake. An Zhiyuan can tell at a glance that he is not so easy to deceive , So, continue to let the arbitrator enjoy alone for a long time, and I should go and see how the arbitrator is doing now. If you haven’t given up, then continue. If you have really given up, then you should start the next step. planned...

The name of this plan is called Siren Paradise Project, which is carried out simultaneously with the Bilan Academy Paradise Project (.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After An Zhiyuan returned to the tutelary mansion, he came to the room where the arbitrator was.

Purification pro is a girl's figure, and she is a relatively flat girl, but Judgment pro is that kind of Yujie's body with a good figure.

If he hadn't been caught by himself, and then given medicine by himself, he would have been a more mad siren, right?

But it's a pity that she has been caught now, so the mad side can no longer be seen through normal methods.

After An Zhiyuan walked into the room, he found that the aroma in the room became more and more intense... The smell of the arbitrator's sweat and that liquid filled the whole room, because there were no windows and no ventilation in the room, so the smell couldn't dissipate.

After An Zhiyuan arrived in the room, the arbitrator didn't seem to respond to the sound of the door opening, maybe he passed out?

He walked up to the arbitrator, took off her blindfold, then the mouth ball, and finally the little toy.

Now that the Arbitrator is in a coma, let's tidy up here a little...

An Zhiyuan helped the arbitrator clean up her room, and changed her wet sheets and quilt after getting wet.

Because no one else came back here except An Zhiyuan, so I had to do it myself.

If the girls knew about it, they would be blamed, right?It will definitely be explained that they still do things by themselves. It's like you have a girlfriend who is willing to relieve your pressure at will, and then you still have to masturbate... Ahem, it's still different.. .

An Zhiyuan was not a lazy person before, although he could not be said to be very diligent, but at least he was able to take care of himself. After all, he was a person who had passed through the society, but after the girls came, An Zhiyuan gradually did nothing. Or nothing can be done.

An Zhiyuan has a strong desire to possess girls, and the girls also have a strong desire to control him. However, this desire to control is expressed in a very different way...

They only control those things that should make An Zhiyuan feel tired...Of course, what can be done and what cannot be done, the girls are still very subjective, it is determined by They decide for themselves.

After tidying up, An Zhiyuan mopped the floor again. Although the smell was very fragrant, there were still a little marks on the floor after it dried. If one stepped on it, it would be sticky.

So, it's better to clean it first.

But maybe the room will be full of footprints later.

After cleaning it up, the arbitrator still hasn't woken up... An Zhiyuan touched his chin and notified Belfast to come over.

The head maid came here soon, "Master, what do you need from me?"

An Zhiyuan didn't say why when he called her here, but Belfast didn't ask, anyway, the master has something to do with her, it doesn't matter if the matter is serious or not, the important master is looking for her.

"Well, if that's the case, well, you will move a computer later, and then ask them to bring a network cable over and put it in this room." An Zhiyuan said.

"Um...computers? So wouldn't Arbiter contact the other sirens?" Belfast said. "After all, although the sirens don't use the human Internet, there might be some way to contact the sirens." What about Ren?"

An Zhiyuan smiled and said, "It's nothing if I contact you."

After all, there is also a Dark Thunder Observer that I bought myself. If the Arbitrator really contacted the Siren, he would definitely have doubts about the Observer. Moreover, to be honest, in terms of strength alone, the Guardian Mansion is no longer afraid of it. Siren, after all, Siren lost a second-level siren and a third-level siren, and after that, two ship girls who have undergone modernization will come over there immediately, and the gap in strength has been widened .

What's more, there is no way for the arbitration relative to contact the siren. The siren seems to have a communication method, but because the technology is completely different, and now the arbitration relative seems to have no way to contact the other party because of taking medicine, and wants to contact through the human Internet. Siren, it's unlikely, there are no submarine optical cables in the depths of the sea, and those sirens will not go ashore to go to Internet cafes... If you find someone on the Internet to notify the sirens instead of her, will they go instead of her?Looking for sirens?Isn't that courting death?

Think about the scene, "Hello, I am the third-level Siren arbitrator of the Siren camp, and I am now under house arrest by a despicable human admiral, Purify is a traitor, I have been found out, if you can pass this news Pass it to the other sirens, I will thank you after I escape, and I will let you be the siren's agent on land..."

An Zhiyuan laughed after thinking about it, would anyone really believe such a thing?Even if you believe it, you will help the siren, how many can there be?Not to mention that even if they really want to help the Sirens, human beings are going to the deep sea to inform the Sirens, but on the way they are destroyed by a ship attacked by Siren soldiers.

An Zhiyuan was mainly worried that the arbitrator would be too boring. It would be good to use human gadgets to arbitrate the arbiter. For example, let her learn the way of human inheritance, and then teach her by holding hands and sticking to others.

After Belfast heard the words, there was no objection, and they quickly started to do this. There are many unused computer accessories in the tutelary mansion, which are distributed free of charge by the Bilan Academy. Not everyone uses a computer, and many people's rooms do not have it installed.

Of course, there are a lot of redundant computer accessories, very normal computer accessories.

However, speaking of it, basically every time after these major hardware updates, Bilan Academy will send ah, it is really rich, and in the case that the ship mother can help mankind, the human side is really willing to pay for it...

Before Belfast came back, the arbitrator woke up first, because An Zhiyuan was sitting by the bed with his back facing her, so after the arbitrator woke up, he saw An Zhiyuan's back at first sight. After a pause, she gradually came to her senses. She got up quietly, and then grabbed An Zhiyuan's neck, but soon she seemed to be worried that An Zhiyuan would be strangled to death, and then changed her arms to lock An Zhiyuan neck, trying to control him.

"Yo? Are you awake?" An Zhiyuan felt the smooth skin of the Arbitrator, and easily pulled away the Arbiter's arm with his hands, and said.

That's it?After taking the medicine, the Arbitrator only has the strength of an ordinary girl. For An Zhiyuan, who has long surpassed ordinary humans, it is too difficult to control him with this strength.

The arbitrator suddenly became nervous, it's over, it's over, and An Zhiyuan will definitely punish himself again...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Look at you, the first reaction after waking up was to be rough on me." An Zhiyuan looked at the arbitrator with a smile, then stood up, turned around, faced the arbitrator, and said: "You say you, It's been so long and I haven't been honest..."

An Zhiyuan knelt on the bed, leaned in front of the arbitrator, raised her chin with his hand, and looked at her with a smile.

Seeing his calm and arrogant appearance, the arbitrator really wanted to slap him...According to her strength, wanting to crush him to death is really no different from crushing an ant to death, but now, It can't be done now... Or, it can't be done at all...

Although it was easy for her previous self to crush An Zhiyuan to death, now she, after taking the medicine, is no different from an ordinary human woman.

However, such a guy, how could he underestimate himself...

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