However, this guy probably won't be afraid of himself even if his strength is the same as before...

The confidence in his eyes, as well as his unscrupulous behavior, made the arbiter feel that this guy is probably a lawless guy...

What's more, as a human being, with so many ship girls, and they are very powerful ship girls, he does have the capital to be arrogant. The arbitrator knows that these ship girls are obedient to him, and they are even willing to died for him.

Anyway, the other party can be regarded as a person of the same level as her, and if she is caught, even if she is caught by a despicable means (by herself) there is nothing to be ashamed of...

The Arbitration Pro doesn't feel ashamed, if it is caught by ordinary people, it must be a disgrace, but An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion should be the most powerful in the world, and it is considered by the Arbitration Pro to be at the same level .

The arbitration kiss pursed his lips, but did not speak.

An Zhiyuan said: "You should learn to give up, you know, they won't come to save you, so, isn't there a saying that says, life is like Rep, if you can't resist, then enjoy, although I think this It’s bullshit, but it’s really good advice for you now.”

The arbitration kiss pursed his lips, still did not speak, but turned his head to the side.

An Zhiyuan smiled slightly, and said, "I asked my head maid, Belfast, to bring you a computer. You can learn how to use it. For you, learning this should be very easy."

"Computer? Is it the device you humans use to use the Internet?" Hearing this, the Arbitrator actually spoke.

An Zhiyuan looked at the arbitrator, and said, "You know this?"

"I still have a little bit of understanding. I was originally urging you to advance in's not difficult to learn." The arbiter said that the technology of the Sirens is much higher than this, but it is precisely because of this that they want to use the technology used by humans. It is impossible to reach Siren HQ from the internet... totally out of date technology...

"This is a little toy prepared for you to prevent you from being bored." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, "After all, you can't keep your eyes closed and pout every day, right?"

The corner of the arbitration kiss twitched, but forget it, if you really think this is not good, as for messing with it for a whole week or so...?

However, if he would not treat him like this again, the arbitrator was relieved.

She is not afraid of An Zhiyuan hitting her, even if An Xie's wife beats her, she is not afraid of pain, but she has no resistance at all to the uncontrollable, uncontrollable subtle feeling spreading in her heart, the arbitrator will never I suspect that if this continues, my mind will be distorted and my body will become a strange state.

"Okay, now, I want to ask, are you willing to cooperate with me?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile, his tone was very gentle.

The arbitrator bit his lip when he heard the words...

The meaning of these words is undoubtedly... If I don't cooperate with him, then the previous behavior will continue, and after the so-called "good treatment" just now, this threat is too heavy, but it doesn't look like is a threat...

But, should I tell him the truth or lie...?

He must want to get some answers from his own mouth, as for whether the answers are true...

If he asked a question about sirens, did he answer truthfully or give the wrong answer?

In fact, the arbitrator has a doubt, why does An Zhiyuan want to extract information from himself? If the observer has betrayed and the purification has betrayed, he can learn too much from the two of them. Compared with the observer, she Said, I don't know much... Both of them are third-level sirens, so if the observer really betrayed, shouldn't An Zhiyuan know everything?

It is a certainty that Purification Pro has already betrayed, and inside the Siren, the Observer is likely to have betrayed as well. These two people can tell An Zhiyuan too much...

But there is another possibility, that is, An Zhiyuan already knew everything and asked himself just to see if he was lying... Then, if he didn't tell the truth... then his own end...

The arbitrator thought about it for a while, and An Zhiyuan didn't mean to disturb her. After thinking about it, she still felt that since the purification pro had already betrayed her, and she had doubts about the observer, she shouldn't take the risk, um... .Well, if An Zhiyuan asks a non-important question, then answer it truthfully, but if it is a particularly serious question, then lie and see if An Zhiyuan doesn't know these things, if so If so, I can be sure that the observer has not betrayed...

Thinking about it this way, the arbitrator nodded and said, "I...will cooperate, what do you want to ask me...?"

An Zhiyuan heard the words and asked, "About those of your sirens, the ones who are still sleeping."

Sirens still sleeping?Sure enough, this guy knows a lot... But the news has been confirmed that the betrayal Purification also knows... I can't say anything important..

There are indeed still sirens sleeping, not just the current sirens, but the sirens can only wake up naturally, and cannot be forced to wake up, otherwise it will cause great damage to the hull.

"What do you want to know...?" the Arbiter asked.

"Above Dreamweaver, the true leader of the Sirens." An Zhiyuan asked, "You should know, right?"

The arbiter paused for a moment, this purifier shouldn't know...

Because that existence has never been awakened, the Purifier should only know the dream weaver...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This matter is classified as a secret, and it is not considered a secret, but it should only be known to them, third-level sirens...

From the mouth of the purifier, An Zhiyuan had no way of knowing that name...

"You should have known it from other people, right? Why are you asking me..." the arbiter said.

"I want to make sure you are worthy of cooperation." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

His calm and composed appearance makes it impossible to tell whether he is telling the truth or lying...

The arbitrator pursed his lips. Should he tell the truth or lie? It's just a name. If the observer really told An Zhiyuan about this name, then if he tells a lie, he will of course be punished. , but if the observer did not betray, and An Zhiyuan didn't hear what he said was a fake, wouldn't that prove that the observer did not betray at all?

One is to be punished, and the other is to find out whether the observer has betrayed... The arbiter bit his lip, a little hard to make up his mind.

Compared with the importance, of course it is more important to determine whether the observer has betrayed, but in this case, she has to endure An Zhiyuan's punishment for not knowing how long it will take her... She really feels that way now She was a little scared, she really felt that if she went on like this for too long, she would lose her mind...

As I said before, if it is other punishments, she will feel pain and be alone, which is nothing to her, but this feeling is really uncontrollable... Her instincts will be distorted...

The arbitrator bit his lip, and finally gave up on finding out whether the observer really betrayed, because if the observer really betrayed, then he would be punished for lying, and now it seems that the observer The probability of betrayal is higher than other situations, so instead of lying and taking risks, it is better to cooperate honestly, because it is just a name, even if it is fake, the observer did not betray, and was deceived by An Zhiyuan from himself. It doesn't matter.

Even if he knew the name, An Zhiyuan couldn't do anything.

"Judge, Anticus," said the arbiter.

Although it's not an important time, but the purification relatives should not know that the second-level siren and the first-level siren's cognition of themselves should be created to supervise the existence of human progress...

As for the Creator, they don't know who it is, Judge Anticus, is their Creator...

An Zhiyuan smiled when he heard the words, stretched out his hand and rubbed the arbiter's head, the arbiter was a little nervous, is this guy sure?Sure enough, he knew the existence of the Judge, right?Fortunately, I chose to tell the truth...

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