Because An Zhiyuan allowed everyone to use missiles when they went out, neither the carrier-based aircraft nor Sigsby and New Jersey were stingy with their own missiles.

The reason why Anzhiyuan allows everyone to use missiles is because the resource inventory is almost full now, either for construction, or for everyone to attack. If you build it, you can’t build it without building the core, and because Anzhiyuan’s construction is 100% successful The reason, so the construction does not take too many resources.

So An Zhiyuan asked the girls to fire as they wished without worrying about ammunition supplies.

The overwhelming firepower surprised Jiang Wanqiu's captain and the captain of Bilan Academy's office. They all knew that the captain of An Zhiyuan's guard mansion was very strong, but they were so strong that they were indeed a bit unreasonable. think...

After an hour of fighting in this huge siren fleet, there were less than [-] full-skilled siren armors and more than [-] high-skilled siren armors left. All the Siren armors have been sunk, because those low-level Siren armors are too easy to sink. The bombers are basically accurate when they get close, and they often die as soon as they are bombed.

The speed of destruction should not be too fast.

However, those high-level Siren armors and full-level Siren armors will not work. They often need many rounds of bombing, and they can be sunk with the naval guns of battleships or the torpedoes of destroyers and cruisers.

Of course, if it is Purification Pro and New Jersey fires guns, basically two rounds can sink a fully trained Siren armor. This kind of full-strength siren armor is not easy, direct two rounds of core, how simple, as long as the shots are accurate enough, the opponent is like a paper boat.

And it is often very easy to get the purification pro, the shells fired by New Jersey will be dodged by those full-strength siren armor, but the shells fired by the purification pro, those full-strength siren foolishly wait for the shells to fall on them, Maybe it's because Purification is a siren...?

Because the Siren subconsciously thinks that the Siren is a superior, the Siren Armor will not make a hostile judgment on the behavior of the Siren. To put it bluntly, I didn’t think that the Purification Pro would hit it, so I didn’t want to hide at all, and then I was sunk by the Purification Pro , and in this case, it will be judged as an accidental injury by the siren armor, and it will not be hostile to the siren after waking up...

Purification and killing are crazy, and she also told these shipwives who doubted herself that the mother and child were born for your admiral, and she also sunk all the siren armor for the admiral, you should trust me, right?

In fact, the other girls were really relieved when they saw that the purification pro was working so hard to sink those siren armors, it was like a certificate of honor.

Of course, the purification pro has already submitted more than one nomination certificate, and the arbitrator counts as one, but now it can only be counted as another.

Siren units will not retreat, they will just keep fighting until all the units are sunk, so after half an hour, until the last fully trained Siren unit is sunk, after cleaning it again, After confirming that there were no submarines in the sea, Jinye declared the battle over.

In this battle, three warship girls were slightly injured, or broken, two were from the academy office, and one was from Jiang Wanqiu's headquarters. The warship lady who guarded the mansion of An Zhiyuan was not injured.

The powerful air control and firepower forced the siren soldiers to be unable to approach the large fleet, and the three small ship girls were all scratched when they were slightly close to the siren soldiers and loaded torpedoes, so it was not a big problem.

Moreover, there are many good things. First of all, Hood finally became a full-strength ship girl. As the first B-series ship girl built by An Zhiyuan, she also experienced a lot of battles and finally became a full-strength ship girl. Ship girl.

Secondly, Jiang Wanqiu's tutelary mansion has two low-skilled ship girls who have become high-skilled ship girls, and there is a low-skilled ship girl at the academy office who has become a high-skilled ship girl. Niang has also gained more or less, this time seems to be extremely difficult, but with strong firepower and mastery of the air, it can be solved with ease...

Yinye had to sigh again, the strength of An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, with just such a fleet, Yinye was extremely skeptical, if there was a conflict between An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion and Bilan Academy, who would win?

From the current point of view, the number of full-strength ship girls owned by Bilan Academy is obviously more than that of An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion. I have to top a few...

Yinye remembered what her pursuer had said to herself, she was silent for a while, and let out a long breath, waiting for An Zhiyuan to come find her.

After sinking so many full-strength Siren armors, Bilan Academy will of course provide rewards. Jiang Wanqiu's headquarters who participated in the battle have received a lot of rewards. Her command has sunk a total of 4 full-strength Sirens Renbing equipment, 16 high-level Siren equipment, and low-level Siren equipment above 40+, such a record is usually difficult to obtain, although Jiang Wanqiu's headquarters already has two full-time soldiers. The ship is trained, but there are basically no full-level sirens in the offshore, and there are few high-level sirens. It's not that they can't beat them, but they have no enemies.

The harvest this time can be said to be very rich, and the college office sank 8 full-level Siren armors, 12 high-level Siren armors, and 60+ low-level Siren armors.

Then the remaining 20 or so full-strength Siren armors were sunk by An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, and Purification alone sank [-] full-experienced Siren armors, which can be described as super hard work. ..

Due to the abundance of rewards, even the inventory of the college office is not enough, and some things have to be shipped from other places and the headquarters to get enough rewards...

The battle was resolved in the morning. In the afternoon, An Zhiyuan went out to make an appointment with the company. Time was running out. He had to speed up the process. He had to hurry up and take the company home. It wasn't just Yinye who went home, there were others too.

And enterprises... are actually waiting for An Zhiyuan's arrival.

After chatting with the pursuer that day, the company went back to her room and pondered for a long time, but did not make a decision, because, unlike the previous situation, this time, she really had to make up her mind, so she She wanted to chat with An Zhiyuan, she was making a decision, and this time, making a decision would be for the rest of her life.

An Zhiyuan didn't know about it yet, he had already come outside the academy office...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The weather in the Solomon Islands is basically the sun all year round, unless there are many thick clouds in the sky that cover the sun and it is a little bit cooler, but this is not very useful, it is still very hot...

Today is the same as yesterday, slightly cooler, but only slightly...

Speaking of which, An Zhiyuan's skin was a little darker due to frequent exposure to the sun... However, because his skin was fairer than those girls' skin before, it would be better to get a little tan...

Because I used to be too nerdy, I seldom exposed to the sun. If the skin is too fair, and An Zhiyuan's face is not particularly masculine, the whole person has a feminine smell. It can't be considered a tan, it's much lighter than the wheat color, and it's just a little melanin accumulated, but it's also much better than the previous feminine look.

Of course the academy office was open, but there were no security guards standing outside the door. How could someone be stupid enough to force their way into such a place? It would be courting death.

As soon as An Zhiyuan walked in, he saw the enterprise leaning against the stone pillar at the entrance of the college office. She seemed to be in a daze. An Zhiyuan blinked and walked up, "The director of the enterprise?"

Enterprise, who was in a daze, came back to his senses, stood up straight, and found that it was An Zhiyuan, with a delicate expression on his face, "It's you, um, just in time, I have something I want to talk to you about."

"Hmm...?" An Zhiyuan was a little strange when he heard the words, "What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Hmmm... let's find a place, how about going to Chaser's Desserts?" Enterprise said.

It's a little abnormal for the company to take the initiative to decide the place, An Zhiyuan felt a sudden in his heart, but he still nodded, and went to the pursuer's dessert shop together with the company.

In the afternoon, it was the peak season for the dessert shop. There were many girls sitting in the shop. Jiang Wanqiu was also there, and she was chatting happily with her girls. Obviously, the harvest in the morning made her very happy .

There are also some people from the college office, there are not many seats in the store, An Zhiyuan and the company find a seat to sit down.

The two ordered some desserts that they usually like to eat.

Then, An Zhiyuan saw the company take a deep if mustering courage...

Now that the company has not explained, An Zhiyuan can only guess what the company thinks...

She is so solemn, what is she planning to say?

"That... An Zhiyuan..." Enterprise finally mustered up the courage and spoke.

"Well, I'm listening, you tell me." An Zhiyuan responded, and said, to be honest, I'm a little nervous...

An Zhiyuan has seen a lot of things, and his mentality is very good, but at this moment, he is still a little worried about hearing the company say something he doesn't want to hear, because if the company chooses to terminate this relationship, then, It means that he has lost forever the possibility of bringing the business home.

Ship girls will never have a second choice. If they are not successfully taken away for the first time, then basically these ship girls will not consider joining the headquarters or the tutelary fort, no matter what he knows about B's side The situation is still the same as what the girls heard from R. They only try once, and if they succeed, they join the tutelary fort or the headquarters. If they fail, isn’t it good to be alone?

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